
Omeprazole side effects chest pain

Common Questions and Answers about Omeprazole side effects chest pain


1649224 tn?1304200175 Side Effects of Omeprazole - for the Consumer Omeprazole/Sodium Bicarbonate Diarrhea; gas; headache; nausea; stomach pain; vomiting.
568812 tn?1379165794 Hi i am on 40mg of Omeprazole for acid reflux. Has anyone here had side effects from it like loose stools? For the past two weeks or so my bowel movements have been rather odd...loose in the morning but ok towards the end of the blood, but causing soreness around my anus afterwards....
Avatar f tn Iv been on omz for a year I only take it when flare up I experience bloating ab discomfort over right hip no aputite some times feel like my throat is swelling burbs girgli right side tummy burning feeling in upper and lower tum under breast bone constipation lower bk pain feel ful up groin and righ leg pain sweat day and nte feel tired and groggy cough sore throut head aces weeping chest I had h Ipo years ago I was put on antibiotics had full blood scans discomfort around bladder area right sho
Avatar n tn Does anyone know if permanent loose stools a common side effect of the regular intake of Omeprazole? I have no other side effects whatsoever.
Avatar f tn I've been on 40mg omeprazole once daily for a little over a week now. I had a gastroscopy a couple of weeks ago and my GI doctor says I have gastritis. The only symptom I have (for upper GI stuff anyway) is mild chest pain usually after eating. The last few days I have been noticing the chest pain more often, especially when I burp. It's on the left side side of my sternum (just next to my left breast).
Avatar f tn s where all the pain is. It also effects my shoulder too. It also feels like I have indigestion and I have been having stomach problems for almost a whole week now. I am hoping that it's just a flu but the way it's going I think it's something else.
Avatar m tn While GERD could cause a few symptoms you describe it's unlikely it's causing the shaky, anxious, sweaty feelings. A reaction to meds can however including an allergic response that mimics panic attacks or heart problems. When you say that Prilosec didn't work out but you are on omeprazole? It's the same medicine--omeprazole is the generic. If Aciphex works and doesn't cause side effects, that might be a solution unless something else is going on.
Avatar f tn In some patients, however, the pain may be sharp or pressure-like, rather than burning. Such pain can mimic heart pain (angina). In other patients, the pain may extend to the back. Since acid reflux is more common after meals, heartburn is more common after meals. Heartburn is also more common when individuals lie down because without the effects of gravity, reflux occurs more easily, and acid is returned to the stomach more slowly. Many patients with GERD are awakened from sleep by heartburn.
1709162 tn?1314084832 U should have stepped off the omeprazole, and u can suffer what is called rebound effects....the med stops the stop acids from being produced, and when u stop taking the meds, u begin to make too much of the acid...and y it is better to slowly step down off these I understand how u feel, but for testing I also understand y u had to stop is just an uncomfortable couple of days..... I would ask for a ph test....and see if u have a hiatal hernia...
Avatar m tn Hi. I am taking omeprazole for laryngopharyngeal reflux for the past 2 days. I am supposed to take two pills daily, one before breakfast and one before dinner. Today, i started having this feeling that food is stuck in my chest and back of my throat but I don't have any problems swallowing. It is an uncomfortable feeling in my chest. I did not have this symptom prior to starting the drug. Is this a side effect of the drug?
Avatar n tn Hi. I'm on my 12th week. I've been diagnosed before with GERD. Now due to the pregnancy, it seemed to worsen as I experience painful heartburns. My doctor recommends I take omeprazole along with antacids. I've been taking antacids because I know they don't bare side effects on pregnancy. I am not sure though with omeprazole. I'm scared. I am afraid it might harm the baby. Anyone here experienced the same?
Avatar n tn Here it is January 2014 and I am pretty sure I have one of the possible side affects of taking omeprazole, severe itchy skin. Twice in the last month I stopped taking it for a few days and believe I even had a withdrawal side affect. This was when I was just falling to sleep it felt like I could not breath. The first time I went to the ER and had various test performed which all came back negative. The second time occurred about 4 days ago when I stopped taking omeprazole again.
851041 tn?1240695424 For example, if i am feeling sick or have a severe headache i relate it too perhaps a brain haemorrhage or stroke, and i find that it plays with my heart too, giving me chest pains and palpitationsHeart palpitations. I have these symptoms on and off all the time but they are always increased with a hangover. Just wondered if anyone had the same thing?
Avatar m tn My 4 year old son has been prescribed 20mg omeprazole for unknown stomach pain. I heard that PPIs such as this can increase the risk of pneumonia and he has a horrible chest cold. cough right now, should I discontinue taking this medication until this passes? Are the chances of it turning into pneumonia greater if he is on omeprazole? Or is this risk factor only for prolong use?
Avatar n tn s time to see a doctor. Never ignore chest pain and now pain in your back and shoulders. Please get in and see someone today.
4250330 tn?1388621179 I just felt my heart beat on the back side of my back I felt it 3 times I have chest pains all across my chest and back pain all over its kinda near my spine and if I press on my spine it hurts bad. The chest pains are bad and just recently i get pains after I eat.. In my chest and back I have constant headaches idk what this is !!
1210142 tn?1266077031 When you stopped the plavix, did your chest pain decrease? My husband is in the SAME BOAT as you. Severe chest and stomach pains ever since his initial cardiac event in March 2012 -- this resulted in placement of one stent in artery 90% blocked and no stent in another artery that was too small and 'kinked' to get a stent in. He was put on several meds and sent home, and has never felt well since.
Avatar f tn Last night I had a terrible night. The pain was also in the right side of chest. It is back again tonight. seems like it is worse at night. Now it is like an intense burning across my chest. I cannot sleep and am starting to get anxiety from this. Blood pressure was 129/87. I guess I will be calling the dr in the am to see what can be done. The pain is very instense. It seems that if I press where the pain is it is sore in that area.
709686 tn?1277432159 knees, I developed seasonal allergy symptoms, tingling sensation in both hands and feet and back pain. I read on a few websites that the joing pain and tingling sensation could be a symptom of low B12. Anyone else have these experiences? It ***** getting old.