
Olopatadine oral

Common Questions and Answers about Olopatadine oral


Avatar n tn My doctor told me not to mix and match. NOW AARP Rx is sending me a generic Olopatadine HCL by Rising Labs and I am paying the same price as the Brand Patanol which works great for me. I live in NE NJ..
4319578 tn?1352739861 I have very high eye allergy. Wish to avoid steroid. So using Olopatadine 0.1% eye drop (4times/day) with Fexofenadine 120mg oral tablet (1time/day). But not getting the best result. What could be the best for allergic solution or should I take any NSAID for permanent solution?
Avatar n tn I went through virtuwell and they said it was allergic conjunctivitis prescribing Olopatadine drops. Its been about 6 days now and no real relief. I've tried Zyrtec, Flonase, Benedryl and now Claratin with very limited relief. Anyone have a magic combination that works?
Avatar f tn I have been having red itchy eyes sometimes they burn I went to the doc he said it was an allergic reaction he prescribed olopatadine drops they are too expensive is there any over the counter Med I could try, im also pregnant so I need something safe for pregnancy
Avatar n tn 5% drops and olopatadine, both for 4 weeks, this eye issue is part of my other symptoms, what could it possibly causing it, as i am planning to go private soon to get investigation of my problem. i have a history of, ibs,chronic diahorrea,also suffering form a deodenum ulcer many digestive symptoms, which i am getting checked out properly soon, i was tested positive for h.pyroli today, also suffering from, fatty inflamed liver.
Avatar m tn The only thing that has stuck out was visiting an allergist and finding out I am severely allergic to dust mites (which prompted my doctor giving me ivermectin), oak, and mold. Using olopatadine has mixed results. When my eyes were red before surgery, I would take Pazeo and my eyes would turn 100% white. Other times I would take it, it would have no effect or cause increased redness. I am at a loss here.
Avatar n tn I had an ocular exam last Friday- eyes were dilated with tropicamide and proparacaine. Prior to this I have not had any vision problems, never worn glasses or contacts. This visit I was concerned with some minor blurriness at night and the optometrist said I needed glasses just for driving/distance vision (OD-0.25, )S-0.5).
Avatar m tn I was prescribed some Olopatadine drops for the allergy and some additional lubricant tear drops. It is interesting because ever since I moved to Kentucky in the last 2 years I developed dry eyes, and I never had it before in my I am curious to what may have caused it.
Avatar f tn You are asking the same question, even after being answered earlier that oral sex is not a risk. It seems that you either have anxiety issues or guilt issues. Either way, this forum will not help you with that. You need to seek out professional help for those issues.
Avatar m tn What are the chances of getting HIV from either cunnilingus (eating a girl out) or receiving oral sex from a woman without a condom? I have done both recently and am concerned. Thank you.
Avatar f tn Hi, I need some advice. I've had a sore throat for a long time, it started after I gave unprotected oral sex to a man(I'm a woman). We had protected sex. I did a home oral swab for gonorrhoea and chlamydia,which came back negative. I then had one done at the hospital again for gonorrhoea and chlamydia,which came back negative but at the same time a test at the doc came back positive for oral thrush. I had treatment for that. I still have a sore throat and now I have one gland up.
Avatar m tn what kind of risk was that? first time I ever had any contact w/out a condom for oral.
Avatar m tn A week ago I had oral sex w another man . I recd to completion and performed for less than a minute wo any known ejaculation.While I have been reassured that this is not a risk as expected I have a hard time being convinced of it . I have experienced nausea , chills , weakness . A couple of knew red spots on my abdomen and a dull headache. It is comforting to read that others have experienced symptoms whille being negative.
Avatar f tn Hey have you guys ever tried oral sex with a fruit roll up ?
7868606 tn?1410358984 So i was in the hosp twice for preterm contractions. Dr gave oral meds to stop them put me on bed rest and no sex order and sent me on my way.... What about oral sex? I have heard that it's not the Same kind of contraction? ?? And technically it's the semen ripening the cervix she is worried about right? Help a mama out.
Avatar n tn There is virtually no risk in him giving you oral, regardless of the details. Nobody has ever been infected this way.
Avatar m tn Yes, it's a slim chance.
Avatar n tn I have another question. A little over 4 months ago, I had brief oral sex with a guy that I really do not know to well. He did not ejaculate, but there is the chance of pre-*** and I had a cut in my mouth. I was tested at 3 and 4 months and he said that he was tested before our nite, I take full responsiblity for my actions, but I don't trust anyone. I'm getting tested at 6 months, but I'm freaking out. Can I get some feedback.
Avatar n tn Doc, my question is; if a girl gave me oral, should I go to the emergency room for the HIV pill? I met her in the bar?
Avatar m tn Welcome to our Forum. I'll be happy to weigh in, as well as to ask a few clarifying questions. First my assessment- I would put the odds at 90/10 that this is a longstanding infection in your spouse which has only recently been detected. The events you describe, the "inefficiency" of oral to genital transmission, and the rather low prevalence of high risk oral HPV all lead me to this conclusion. Now to my clarifying questions which might change my thoughts.
Avatar f tn m a 31 year old male and about 5 months ago I noticed 2 bump on the side at the very back of my tongue which can only been seen if I stick it out really far, I went to the doctors because I also had a whiteish or yellow patch on the top of my tongue which they thought was due to gerd (acid reflux) they also mentioned mild thrush and put my on Medican for both (the nystatin did nothing for oral thrush) so they concluded it was acid reflux.
Avatar f tn Hello doctors! I'm a male who recently tested negative using the oraquick home test. It's been months since I gave oral sex but I have been given oral on multiple occasions. Most recently I got oral from two guys at once. Is there a risk if precum was in the mouth of one of them? They blew each other and then me. I just want to be safe. Is this any honest risk at all? Should I be tested? Is PNP necessary? Thank you for all of your help.