
Nitroglycerin and preload

Common Questions and Answers about Nitroglycerin and preload


572651 tn?1530999357 Hi Lulu I recommend you join the thisisms forum and chek the latested discoveries and studies, related to MS as being a vascular problem and in particular the jugular veins being blocked, so no wonder why nitroglycerin is helping you.
1560697 tn?1295599961 For instance there can be stenosis (narrow opening) of mitral valve and that condition it seems will not change the ratio time but the volume (preload) of blood into the left ventricle can change...both A and E would be equally affected by the stenosis of the valve or left ventricle size and rigid wall abnormality.
Avatar f tn severe edema in feet/ankles/calves (sudden onset three weeks ago), constant (and loud!), breathlessness from even mild exertion, ear ringing, blurry vision, dizziness, wheezing (high-pitched, whistling sounds) and headache. I've also been told I am pre-diabetic The edema becomes so bad it's hard to walk. Should I worry about the possibility of CHF?
Avatar n tn Hello, After 10 years of trying to get an answer, I finally got a diagnosis of cardiac preload failure, low VOxmax, and decreased AT. I have shortness of breath, palpitations/heart racing, chest pains, fatigue, lightheaded. Many many echos--three with bubbles. A PFO showed up on one. Normal cardiac cath--they couldn't see the PFO during the cath. Normal EKGs. Halters normal except for mild sinus tachycardia. Many pulmonary tests--all normal. I have MVP with trace regurgitation.
Avatar m tn After that till this time ther is no problem and i have never visited a Cardiologist also. I had little BP which is well undercontrol with medicines. I am told that Doctors in USA prescribe Sorbitrate to the Ischaemic patients and also for senior citizens.Is it true. If so will you suggest me to keep sorbitrate, if so what is the minima dosage i have to kept. Please excuse me for having taken your valuable time.
Avatar m tn What would happen if you rubbed pure nitroglycerin on your skin? I'd like to know the symptoms on and below the skin. I know that nitroglycerin is used for anginas, but I also know that it's generally mixed with something else, so I'm curious about how well pure nitroglycerin would work and what it would do. And if you had a vial of pure nitroglycerin, what could you mix it with to be able to use it as ointment?
615773 tn?1322880972 My cardiologist did want to do anothe ECHO to measure Aortic root and ejection fraction = (4.4cm and 55-60%). Because of increased Aortic root dilation, a CTA is scheduled for Sept 17. Question: If my CTA confirms ECHO Aortic root dialation, may this related to PVCs and PACs in any way? Does the Aorta dilation irritate the heart causing arrhythmia? Does the PVCs cause a stress on the Aorta from the extra pressure pulse after pre-load (assoc. compensatory pause)?
Avatar f tn If you miss a dose of Nitroglycerin Patch, use it as soon as possible. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular dosing schedule. Do not use 2 doses at once. When used for long periods of time without a break, some people develop a physical need to continue taking Nitroglycerin Patch. This is known as physical DEPENDENCE. Do not suddenly stop taking Nitroglycerin Patch without your doctor's approval.
Avatar m tn ) you prob had low preload and therefore bp. So your heart compensated. The only way to keep co up is via increased sv or hr. So basically co( cardiac out put)= stroke volume ( amount of blood for each pump) x heart rate. I think in your case totally benign.
Avatar m tn My husband is 76 years old. He had a heart catherization recently and was found to have several blocked arteries. He had 2 stents put in 2011. Are the risks too great for my husband at his age with insulin dependent diabetes for 19 years to have open heart surgery? His cardiologist so far has put him a medication regimen to try to help with his blocked arteries. The only sympton he has had with the placing of the stents was Chest Pressure, no other symptoms.
Avatar m tn I have had several fingers freeze up and not want to come out of the attacks for hours and that causes the nail splentors and i even had a bad infection in one finger. I was sent to a rhumotologist to be dianosed with CREST. Sorry about the spelling! I started the nitro glycerin patches about 3 weeks ago at 0.1 dose and stayed on that for 3 weeks and now i'm on the next step up 0.
Avatar n tn I still had stable angina every time I did some for of cardio activity or is I ate something with sodium. I started using Nitroglycerin patches and even have the pills just in case my angina episode occurs. I had a date and I read online that you can't take viagra and any nitrates cause it can drop your blood pressure really low. So I stopped using my nitroglycerin for about 48 hours so I can take the Viagra.
1098952 tn?1270309713 If a person with HCM were to take nitroglycerin, the symptoms would worsen and the nitroglycerin could even cause a catastrophic deterioration in the person's condition".
Avatar n tn This is known as physical DEPENDENCE. If you use Nitroglycerin Patch without a break and then suddenly stop using it, you may get WITHDRAWAL symptoms. No high bp but may include chest pain, heart attack, or possibly sudden death. Be sure to have a "nitrate-free" period of time each day; this may help prevent dependence and withdrawal problems". Read more:
Avatar m tn The pain lasts anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. I have been prescribed nitroglycerin to take as needed for chest pain and this medicine surely helps. I've had several EKGs and cardiac enzymes done which were all normal. I also had a threadmill/stress test done which was normal. My cardiologist thinks the the probability of me having an occluded/blocked coronary artery is very low.
Avatar m tn I have had angioplasty done 5 months ago and now I am on heart related medicines Nitroglycerin, Clopidogrel+Ecosporin and Atorvastatin. I wear artificial denture. Last month I had surgery for cataract in my eye. My evacuation system is working fine, although sometimes I miss a day or two. I do not take any medication for this and the bowl movement becomes regular on its own. I want to know the reason for white coating on my tongue and the crack in it.
Avatar n tn The doctor said the left heart was okay but found a narrowing in the right heart which caused coronary spasms during the test. IV nitroglycerin during the test stopped the spasms and dilated the vessel. He did not mention any other problems and recommended sublingual nitroglycerin to treat the spasms as they occur.
Avatar n tn I am scheduled for a thallium stress test, and would like to know how the use of viagra or nitro prior to the test would influance the results.
Avatar n tn Cardiomyopathy has been ruled out. Everything has been ruled out. It is definitely preload failure. Preload failure is rare and almost always responds to fluid increase and/or an exercise regimen. I tried all of that a few times. It's amazing to see what doctors will do to get you out of their office when they don't know what to do with you.
Avatar f tn Myocardial infarction pain is characteristically crushing retrosternal chest pain which may move to arms, shoulder, neck, teeth, jaw, belly area or back. This can be squeezing, lasting for 20 minutes. Rest and nitroglycerin may help relieve the pain to some extent. Other symptoms are anxiety, cough, dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath etc. your doctor would like to check the cardiac enzymes like troponin and CPK, CPK MB.
Avatar n tn i have blood pressure 116 over 72 angiogram shows no problem with cholesterol 2.5 on test. i have been given norvasc and lipitol ?
Avatar n tn He also put me on the daily capsule that I take in the morning and at night, every day...and that has helped some also. I am also Type A personality and worry a lot as well.
Avatar m tn Tolerance occurs when a medicine loses its effectiveness and may not seem to work as well. A doctor may prescribe a daily schedule of using nitroglycerin 12 to 18 hours on and 6 to 12 hours off to prevent the development of tolerance.
Avatar n tn Side Effects of Penegra? Like all medications, Penegra (sildenafil) can cause some side effects. These are usually mild & tolerable and don't last longer than a few hours. Some of these side effects are more likely to occur with higher doses of Penegra.