
Moxifloxacin in pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Moxifloxacin in pregnancy


Avatar m tn doxycycline, azithromycin and moxifloxacin. The first two failed to clear my infection and now I have two days that I finished the moxifloxacin 400 mg( 10 days treatment) clearing my symptoms. My question is, Is it possible for the bacteria to reoccur after the moxifloxacin treatment? And if yes what other option are there?
Avatar n tn A recent study was done to show that Myco was only erradicated by 85% of those on the Azithro regiment described, however Avelox ( Moxifloxacin) killed Myco in all cases. Routine is to try described Azithro regimen first and if symtoms still exist Moxifloxacin. Why? I guess so that Myco doesn't become Moxifloxacin resistant. Save the bugs, kill the patient kind of thing. I say take the 400mg a day X 10 day regiment of Moxifloxacin and help yourself.
Avatar f tn Cure rates with moxifloxacin are 100% According to some info I’ve found, and is used after Doxy and az. So id press to get moxifloxacin. moxifloxacin 400 mg daily for 7 to 14 days is the preferred antibiotic regimen.
Avatar n tn now only left moxifloxacin hasnt try, seems to be last resort. this bacteria already bothered me for 6 months, really want to get rid of it.
Avatar m tn 7 months back I was treated for Chlamydia, it took multiple rounds of antibiotics to treat as I still had discharge, eventually it went away (Doxy & Zithro extended courses). 3 months ago I got Chlamydia again, I was treated w/ same extended round & STD tests came back clean. I still have pain currently & it's best to describe as radiating from inside the groin area, extends to my immediate inner thighs, center lower back, through my testis & urethra.
Avatar m tn t offer at the time and this test confirmed i have mycoplasma gen. He also took a swab to develop in the lab and he said moxifloxacin 400mg was fast effective to the bacteria but there was a part of the bacteria that was resistant. He still gave me a 20 day course and its been a week since i've finished it and yes the infection is still there. My symptoms is not as bad as some other sufferers, slight discharge in the mornings and tingles around the tip but not as much as before.
177275 tn?1511755244 Blindness Risk From Compounded Vancomycin Eye Injections October 03, 2017 The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is issuing a compounding risk warning against intraocular injections of vancomycin either alone or in combination with other drugs, in light of a new case of hemorrhagic occlusive retinal vasculitis (HORV), a rare event that can cause blindness.
Avatar f tn I would assume my symptoms should be cleared up right after the treatment, right? Anyone have success getting any other medications in the USA? Or going to Europe and getting any? I’m just not sure the next step since American doctors don’t want to try anything new. They go by CDC recommendations. I need someone to think outside the box here. Any advice?
Avatar m tn There are a couple other antibiotics that can be prescribed if NGU is persistent, Erythromycine or Moxifloxacin. However, I would only use Moxifloxacin as a last resort, as it can have some very harsh and lasting side effects. In addition, if it's fungal related (Trich) they can also treat you with an alternative regimen of metronizadole. Return to your doctor and discuss persistent NGU with him and CDC guidelines for testing and treating: http://www.cdc.
Avatar f tn I had similar issues as you back in September. After countless amounts of antibiotics, 2 weeks of Moxifloxacin finally did the trick for me. Best of luck.
Avatar m tn Levo can cause treatment failure and end up in flouroquinlone resistance — making Moxifloxacin useless and resulting in an untreatable infection.
Avatar f tn He sent urine test and I got tested in routine control in my obgyn visit, test from swab test I guess (not english native). Is it possible that it just appears in females and then I gave it to him?
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with pneumonia 6 weeks ago. I was on oral antibiotics for 2 days, then admitted with an IV drip for 3 days (levifloxacin, as I'm allergic to penicillin-based drugs) then given a 5 day course of oral clarithromyacin. I rested for 2 more weeks after finishing the antibiotics but was still coughing yellow mucus and feeling tired with moderate/mild activity.
Avatar n tn I too am in the same boat. Test Neg for everything. I tested in July and tests came back Neg. I have a swollen Epididymis. No pain at all, just a tingling sensation after I urinate. Lasts for about 2-3 minutes then goes away. I tested again in Late November, (I thought they might have missed something) Tests came back negative again. I was prescribed Cipro and sulfameth trimethoprim. Both of them did nothing. All this came about from one unprotected sexual experience.
Avatar m tn Because the cipro gave mild relief he put me on a 7 day course of Moxifloxacin. It seems to erradicate the stuff in most studies where doxy failed. I just started the mox today about 3 hours ago. Not sure what else could cause persistent urethritis for over a month. Any other ideas if this doesn't work?
Avatar m tn About 3 years back in China, I came into contact with unprotected oral sex. Worried, I tested for STDs which all came back negative except for mycoplasma genitalium. The Chinese doctor at the time said there was no need for treatment. Over time, I had more symptoms and they seemed to move from location to location in my body. Currently I suffer from: - pain near testicles, near epididymis.
Avatar m tn Welcome back. These are a new set of questions so I will address them here using the same numbers that you have used above. 1. The passage of 17 days since your last antibiotics and your most recent testing is more than enough to make your testing reliable. If you were infected, the tests should have detected an infection. Negative tests should also be believed. 2.
Avatar f tn I am a 27 year old female and I have been in a 1 year exclusive relationship with my boyfriend. A couple of months ago he started complaining of pain while urinating so we both were tested for chlamydia and gonorrhea and the tests came back negative. A week later I went to my gynecologist who ordered some more tests and came back positive for ureaplasma urealyticum.
Avatar m tn As well as some stinging in my urethra. I still have slight stinging and slight swelling in the auxiliary lymph nodes, an occasional shooting of arthritic pain in my wrist, but not constant or often, slight urethral stinging a clear discharge but it has a creamy mucus to it when smeared on a microscope slide that coagulates in hydrogen peroxide, but does not oxidise. Origionally, before any treatment it was a thickish white discharge surrounded with a clear/greyish fluid.
Avatar m tn It has to be a fluroquinonone class antibiotic other than Cipro unless it is a recent infection and has not spread to the prostate which in that case moxifloxacin due to the prostate penetration is much more reliable. Also there is no reliable test for men many times couple's will frequent test positive when the other is negative and vice versa... Which is scary when you think about it....