
Moxifloxacin and std

Common Questions and Answers about Moxifloxacin and std


Avatar m tn If you meant to say that you took Moxifloxacin, and you still have symptoms, it just means that you have multi drug resistance MG. Yes, there are STD’s in this country that are not known about AND MG is the culprit behind many undiagnosable urethritis/prostatitis issues. This is way more common than the doctors even know about. I’m not saying this to scare you, I’m saying this. because it’s the truth.
Avatar m tn When I came it felt so ******* great I thought my prostatitis went away no it got vicious more than ever to i once again sought medical treatment found out my CBP all these years was mg and now everything is cleared up I am still on the moxifloxacin and rifampin as a precaution since I had it for 16 years and the fact I had a really high bacterial load.
Avatar m tn Be that as it may, with repeated treatments with both doxycycline and azithromycin, you may wish to talk to your doctor about a course of moxifloxacin. Your situation is a difficult one and moxifloxacin has proven to be effective against chlamydia, mycoplasma genitalium and gets into the prostate well. Hope this helps.
Avatar m tn Did you get a diagnosis or did your symptoms ever go away after moxifloxacin? I first visited a Chinese STD hospital and tested positive for two forms of mycoplasma. I first took Doxycycline and then Moxifloxacin, neither one cleared up my symptoms. I will likely go to visit a urologist soon. I hope your problem was cleared up.
Avatar m tn If you had gotten gonorrhea or NGU you would have most likely developed symptoms of urethritis (penile infection) such as a penile discharge or burning on urination. Even if your partner had an STD (any STD and it is likely she did not), most exposures do not lead to infection. On the other hand, application of hand sanitizer is not a good idea. It is alcohol bases and tends to irritate and dry the skin. I suspect that is what your symptoms were due to.
Avatar f tn I’ve taken zithro, doxy, Bactrim, over the summer. And lots of it. And recently I’ve taken cipro and a shot of rocephin. It was also recently that my test results from a swab culture came positive for mycoplasma when in the past urine tests always said i was negative for all STDs. When my test results kept coming back negative the doctor told me it was fine to have sex with my partner.
Avatar f tn He had pain with urination and came up positive for mycoplasma genitallium. I have done doxy and azithromycin and still came up positive for mycoplasma genitallium and ureaplasma. my partner and I are finishing up 14 days on Moxi and I am still having cramping. My partner is still having testicular pain. So I’m guessing this didn’t work either. I would assume my symptoms should be cleared up right after the treatment, right? Anyone have success getting any other medications in the USA?
Avatar m tn if the problem persists or recurs, give the alternate drug plus metronidazole (Flagyl) or tinidazole (Tindamax) to cover trichomonas; and for still more recurrences, moxifloxacin, apparently the best drug for M. genitalium. If your treatments have been different than this, discuss it with your doctor. Some cases at this stage may be due to prostatitis. Infection due to unusual bacteria may need to be checked out.
Avatar m tn This has caused a lot of stress for both of us and our relationship as I accused her of infidelity and she strongly denied it and we had a big fight. Now I am wondering if there is another explanation.I would really appreciate hearing from you soon as this is obviously very stressful and I am confused. Thank you.
Avatar m tn A couple weeks later, my urethritis and drip gets even worse and I start to have full on discharges.I get tested yet again, and I bring girl #1 with me. She's had absolutely no symptoms. She was even examined and the doctor said she looked fine.We both get Doxycycline and I feel better.Tests were negative.I then continued to have unprotected sex with girl #1 and everything is normal.A couple months later I start having sex with girl #2 again.
Avatar m tn doxycycline, azithromycin and moxifloxacin. The first two failed to clear my infection and now I have two days that I finished the moxifloxacin 400 mg( 10 days treatment) clearing my symptoms. My question is, Is it possible for the bacteria to reoccur after the moxifloxacin treatment? And if yes what other option are there?
Avatar m tn After returning to the US, I had tests done again which all came negative, including standard broad spectrum STD testing and even mycoplasma (blood test, not swab) yet symptoms still exist. I have gone through two courses of levofloxacin (30 days) and one course of moxifloxacin (10 days) yet it still persists. The moxifloxacin seemed to have more effectiveness. I've seen several similar posts in this community and hope someone can help or share their experience. Many thanks!
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Avatar n tn Now My current girlfriend recently had an yeast infection and went to her gyno around March 1.They did a full STD panel on her and all came back negative. Mind you, we stop using protection almost 3 months prior to her getting tested. So my question is I did my test and all my results came in 4 days ago minus the HIV test. I tested negative for everything else. It has been 10 days now. and I'm starting to get worried since i have not heard from my DR or the lab where i took my blood.
Avatar n tn A recent study was done to show that Myco was only erradicated by 85% of those on the Azithro regiment described, however Avelox ( Moxifloxacin) killed Myco in all cases. Routine is to try described Azithro regimen first and if symtoms still exist Moxifloxacin. Why? I guess so that Myco doesn't become Moxifloxacin resistant. Save the bugs, kill the patient kind of thing. I say take the 400mg a day X 10 day regiment of Moxifloxacin and help yourself.
Avatar m tn About 6 months ago, I noticed that I had discharge and dysuria and came to the conclusion that I had urethritis. Thinking that it was caused by an std,I want to the doctor who gave me a ceftriaxone injection and put me on ciprofloxacin pills for 3 days. The symptoms went down drastically but they never completely went away.
Avatar f tn Cure rates with moxifloxacin are 100% According to some info I’ve found, and is used after Doxy and az. So id press to get moxifloxacin. moxifloxacin 400 mg daily for 7 to 14 days is the preferred antibiotic regimen.
788075 tn?1366513312 No it does not sound like a STD, but I would have some basic testing like gonorrhea and chlamydia. I would also use condoms!!
Avatar m tn nothing chronic about it other than the length it went without effective antibiotics. I myself cleared it with Moxifloxacin and Rifampicin My test was repeated negative until I joined a research study for unable to be identified bacterial prostatitis.
Avatar m tn Clinicians are testing out of protocol out of sheer ignorance and then sending off people with no answers, or worse yet, putting people on 30-60 days of cirpofloxacin and levofloxacin which has no effective cure against MG and only makes Moxifloxacin useless because MG gains resistance from cipro/Levo. Moxifloxacin is still a hope for 70% of the cases. For many due to prior treatment of a flouroquinolone its useless. You options are test full ejaculate and FVU together.
Avatar m tn 12 days after infection (04/17) I completed blood tests and urethra swab samples in a STD hospital and three days later the doctor told me I was infected with Mycoplasma. He did not explain more, just gave me Doxycycline x 40 pills (one in the morning and one at night) I am unsure what the dosage was. My symptoms went away instantly but about two weeks later (05/06) the symptoms returned mildly. I finished the Doxycycline and returned to the doctor on 05/21 and ran the exact same tests.
Avatar m tn I told this doctor because I build a relationship with him over the past couple of years and I saw the article and shared the rest with him. Anyway after 2 weeks on Moxifloxacin and I found how I felt when I ejaculated as I did prior to ever contracting MG. Also, I tested negative for MG but here's the punch, my girlfriend tested positive after specifically asking for it. Yet me positive. Anyway, long story short everything is fine now. Good as new.
Avatar m tn I have gone to the clinic 2 times. They are not too helpful. They typically have a few "standard" tests and nothing more. Also typically nurse practitioners but no Doctors. Here in the US, it isn't nearly as advanced as I've read about the UK and Europe. I've told the clinic my situation and they just want to re-prescribe doxycycline and see what happens. I've already taken it 14 days with no improvement. What are common stds missed??
Avatar m tn Hello doctor, Just wanted to let you know that I sent my sputum for analysis and the culture came back positive for Staphylococcus Aureus. It is resistant to erythromycin so I suppose that's the reason why the azythromycin did nothing. Yesterday my doctor gave me Avelox (moxifloxacin) so hopefully this will help me recover. It's been a month already and I'm still sick.
Avatar m tn November 22 (103 days after contact, 3 after the end of the treatment with Moxifloxacin and 54 after the one with Bassado) - test: Treponema Ab (Chemiluminescence) less than 0.1 and Vdrl less than 1:2 - NEGATIVE; December 15th - test (126 days after contact and 23 days after the end of treatment with Moxifloxacin): pharyngeal PCR / Hcv Ab both NEGATIVE; Around January 14th I noticed a pink patch in the groin area (to which a very small one was added nearby), itchy and also flaking.
Avatar m tn genitalium, and seeing if the doctor will prescribe moxifloxacin, as it appears to be resistant to Zithromax and doxy, and rocphin. The differences I notice with this is a slight irritation in my throat, and I did not kiss or perform orally on this woman. And I have had a slightly runny nose since getting this, and she had been complaining about her nose running for like three weeks when we would have sex, so it seems like this could have something to do with what I caught.
Avatar n tn did you take moxifloxacin?
Avatar m tn Hi, most std,s from oral sex happen when the penis gets to the back of her throat by the tonsile and mucus membranes like a "deep throat" oral. If she did not do this, the risk for contracting std,s is really quite low risk. Cronic issues like yours could be related to epidimitus which is a bit trickly to clear up.
Avatar m tn The discharge never really went away so I returned and was treated with moxifloxacin for seven days. The routine went on and I have since been treated with 2g metronidazole and 500 mg ciprofloxacin twice a day for ten days. Nothing has really changed. I might feel a slight burn when urinating, but obviously not enough to be sure that I'm not just imagining it. Every now and again, I'll have cloudy urine, but it usually disappears after a few hours.