
Mircette iud

Common Questions and Answers about Mircette iud


Avatar m tn ve been told that its 1mg of norethindrone is still pretty androgenic especially for those who already have an imbalance. Would Mircette be an option with desogestrel being less angrogenic? Also, any experience with prescribed HALF tab of OC? (ie. instead of Loestrin 1/20.. use 0.5/10 for hormonal imbalance?) Just concerned about initial breakout. Just some background... I have not used OC previously.
Avatar m tn For the past 10 days I have had light brown discharge non-stop, bloating, and bad stomach cramps. I was on Azurette birth control for about a year and then I switched to Mircette(this is my first pack); so I was wondering if the switch could have anything to do with it even though they are basically the same birth control. I am due for my period on Tuesday the 29th. I am very confused as to why this is happening so I'm wondering if you have any ideas or explanations!
525501 tn?1212432217 By the way, I've been taking mircette but I'm probably going to start something else because it is very expensive.
Avatar f tn ve been on Mircette (a.k.a Kariva). Before I started Mircette I stopped my pills about 3 days before I was supposed to right before I was to start my cycle. Anyway, long story short, with this pill all I've had are bad gas and gas pains, some cramping but other than that I don't feel like I'm on bcp. Well yesterday I was supposed to have my period but when I thought it was here, I had mucus like cm and then some pinkish brownish discharge with it.
Avatar f tn I have just gone through a similar situation. I stopped taking Mircette on 6/4. Since then I've had all kinds of stomach cramps, pinches, nausea, REALLY SORE BOOBS, and all other stuff you would expect from PMS or possible pregnancy. AF showed exactly 4 weeks after I took my last pill. My body was getting back to pre-bcp body. Your body is going through that same thing in my opinion.
Avatar f tn I decided to get off BCPs and since, have been feeling awful. I am back on the pill (continuous Mircette), but still do not feel well. I would love to find an endo specialist/surgeon in the Washington DC/Maryland/Virginia area to get the endo excised. I am tired of feeling so awful. I would love to travel to a specialty center, but I have 3 young children and a part-time job. Thank you so much!!
Avatar f tn Also taking birth control (Mircette) continuously for period suppression (ie, only 4 periods a year -- 3 months of active pills followed by a one week break.) I am having trouble interpreting my latest labs with my thyroid and sex hormones... Sex Hormone Binding Globulin - 306 (high) Testosterone, Free - 1 (low) Testosterone, Free Percent - .3 (low) Testosterone, Total - 41 T3 - 229 (high) Thyroxine, Free - 1.5 TSH - 1.22 How is it that my T3 is elevated and the other be fine?
Avatar f tn Hi, are you on birth control? I was on Mircette to regulate my cycle and because it wasn't "strong enough" I spotted mid cycle. I also spotted on the Depo shot so it could be birth control. You are not pregnant from giving a hand job.. unless you took the semen and inserted it into your vagina which I doubt you did. If you did have sex and just don't want to say.. then you could be pregnant and the spotting could be implantation bleeding.
Avatar f tn I work in the medical field yet I have been blind to my own symptoms. I am 47 and on Mircette for birth control and as a prophylactic for migraines - so I do not have a period. For the past three months or so I have been waking at 3am (despite 100 mg Trazadone that had been working fairly for several years) soaked in sweat. Sorry for the run-on sentence. Anyway, I attributed this to stress and a worsening of my Anxiety NOS.
Avatar f tn i have a coworker who had the paragard IUD and is now pregnant...they had to do an emergency IUD removal. So, it can happen, but it is very rare. She was told it was because her uterus is shaped like a heart.
Avatar n tn I know someone who delivered with an IUD in place, but also know someone who lost a pregnancy due to an IUD in place that couldn't be removed. For this issue, you need good medical guidance. You might get a second opinion as to whether the IUD can be removed. I would also talk to a high-risk pregnancy specialist. Good luck!
Avatar f tn I have a 10 year copper IUD and here lately I have been having alot of cramping in the general area the IUD is. I have had the IUD since October of 09. However, I hurt when I sit I hurt when I walk....only time I dont hurt bad is when I am laying down. Any ideas?
453888 tn?1273806954 The doc says there is no waiting period to ttc when the IUD is taken out. If you get the IUD with hormones, then it would be advised to wait a couple of cycles....due to the makes you have no periods..... I on the other hand my periods because it gives me a break from ..Talk to your doc about it ... I trully recomment it... Especially if you are wanting more children....
Avatar f tn hi everyone. So I plan on breast feeding if I am able to. I know I can't have a hormonal birth control so my doctor recommended either the depo shot or the copper IUD. I'm going with the IUD because I know a lot girls who have gotten preggo on the shot. I know the IUD is 100% either but I've heard good results. Anyone have or had the copper IUD? How did you like or dislike it?
Avatar f tn i have this miltiload 375(copper t) inserted on 5/7/2008, this iud had validity of 5 yrs. But this is the first time after iud insertion i have not got my periods which was due on 14/3/11 mine is 35-40 day cycle. Iam getting symptomps of early pregnency like nausea, acidity,abdominal bloating,fatigue,tiredness.AM I PREGNENT, i have a son of 5yrs old. I have no pain in my abdomain.
Avatar f tn Hey I also just had my IUD removed after a year and a half. At first for the first 6months I enjoyed having my IUD In however, shortly after I started discharging and it was very smelly. Once going to the doctor I was told it could possibly be my IUD WHICH was when I scheduled for the immediate removal. Now seeing all of your post I now know I wasnt alone.
Avatar f tn Hello, Migrations of the IUD to outside the Uterus, expulsion of IUD are few of the complications which may be seen in some women. It can travel to the anus in few cases.In lost IUD rectal examination should be always kept in mind. Investigations like X-ray abdomen and ultrasound scan can help locate the position of the IUD. The IUD should be removed and you may be advised to take contraceptive pills as an alternative method of contraception.
Avatar f tn ve come across quite a few videos of the copper IUD being removed prior to its 10-12 years of expiration and the footage of the IUD during both a hysteroscopy and upon removal revealed the IUD to be corroded. For instance, one particular woman's testimonial showed an image of her Copper IUD after it was removed from her after only 7 years. The copper clearly appeared to be corroded and particles of it were very easily coming off.
Avatar n tn They may want to do an early ultrasound to determine the placement of the IUD and the placement of the baby. You can still have a healthy pregnancy even with the IUD in place.
949602 tn?1245991015 Pregnancy with an IUD is not very common at all. Many women get scared that they may be pregnant witht he Mirena IUD because those hormones in that IUD make your periods very light or non existant. If you were to become pregnant with an IUD the chances are that it will be an ectopic pregnancy. If you do become pregnant with an IUD whether its ectopic or not, it has to be removed immediately because it may cause harm to the developing fetus, but removal can also cause a miscarriage.
Avatar f tn and i know they say it is really rare to get pregnant with an IUD , but i know 3 people who have gotten pregnant while using the IUD , Now that i am in my last year of my IUD , I am wondering if it is a higher chance of me getting pregnant with it since it is my last year with it . How rare is it really to get pregnant with an IUD ? I am also very prone to BV , and Yeast infections since i have had the IUD put in , is this normal as well ?
Avatar f tn 1, IUD insertion requires dilation of the cervix, and if the HSV 2 virus transmit from the insertion procedure to the uterus / womb? 2, If the HSV 2 virus transmits to the uterus through IUD insertion or IUD use, later when you remove the IUD and pregnant, does that mean the HSV2 virus that was previously transmitted to your uterus will infect the fetus? Causing Congenital Herpes to the newborn later?
Avatar f tn My midwife said estrogen gets into breast milk so if I wanted to go back on the pill it would have to be a progesterone only pill which are less effective. The other option she gave me is an iud so I think that'll be what I do. Seems easiest and most effective.
Avatar f tn yes,my hubby hits the far as how soon i dunno..
Avatar f tn Ok so i have an IUD and ive had it for years. Its due for a replacement in 2013. Well as said already i have questions about whether i am pregnant or not with the IUD. I have been having signs but they have been off and on. The one thing that im worried about is an Ectopic Pregnancy because of how the IUD is placed. If anyone could please help me out or give me any info that would be amazing.
Avatar f tn Hello, Having pregnancy with an IUD can increase the chances of miscarriage but pregnancy after IUD if progresses to a miscarriage then IUD cannot be held responsible. You should try for conception again and get a detailed evaluation done from a gynecologist to rule out any other causes of threatened miscarriage. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided.