
Marinol medical marijuana

Common Questions and Answers about Marinol medical marijuana


Avatar m tn Me not living in a Medical marijuana state i have to break the law in order to feel better. Since im breaking the law by medicaling myself i recently have a run in with the law now am on probation. I get drug tested 2 times a week. I have not use marijuana in about 2 months and everyday its the same thing anxity, horrible back pain, and atleast 3-6 times a week i have bad nausea. Im wondering how to get marinol?
Avatar n tn Marinol is legal in all 50 states from what I know, but is only available by prescription and is used almost exclusively for cancer patients. Medical marijuana is legal in 20 states and D.C. but not in Mississippi.
Avatar n tn marinol is medical marijuana, pill form, you can only get it if you go to dr where med mj is legalized, alaska, arizona, california, colorado, hawaii, maine, nevada, oregon or washington it is so ******* ridiculous it is not medically legal EVERYWHERE and that the medical legalization does not supercede the federal government laws ... you can still get busted for possession even if you have a script from a dr.. maybe obama will help us out, i hope so...
Avatar f tn So, he perscribed marinol (he wanted to give me options) and told me vaporizing marijuana was ok too. This was actually after my cardiologist thought this would be a good plan for me. So I tried it. The Marinol works fantastic, the marijuana works almost as well too. There's little to no pain when I use it before I usually get an attack, and during an attack, it stops the pain in its tracks. It's really amazing.
Avatar f tn Marinol is THC or "Medical" Marijuana. People with ADHD who use it are self medicating and (possibly) avoiding the issue of treating the real problem. I am sure that it makes them feel better. And there are probably "shops" out there that will "prescribe" it for you. As far as I know, no legit psychologist or psychiatrist would do so.
Avatar f tn Are you smoking medical marijuana or were you obtaining it illegally off the street? The reason I ask is because there are some doctors out there that will support both medications as long as medical marijuana is legal in your state. They are hard to find but typically the doctor you would visit to get your MMJ license renewed would prescribe the opioids or refer you to another doctor that is MMJ Friendly. Another option is for you to ask the doctor for a prescription for Marinol...
Avatar n tn t get a doctor to prescribe me xanax, but they will prescribe alprolozam? Also, how do I get a doctor to prescribe Marinol? I am in constant pain -again due to Fibromyalgia. Marijuana is the only thing that helps me. I've had hundreds of different prescriptions and treatments over the last 17 years and nothing but a massage, hot tub, and Marijuana help ease my non-stop pain.
Avatar m tn My dad takes oxycodone 15mg/ oxycontin 20mg/ marinol 2.5mg/ and ibuprofen 220mg Marinol is synthetic marijuana and it is doing wonders for his back pain. But if this is the case then shouldn't he theoretically be able to go off of the oxy's? I am so confused. Doctors don't tell me about liver or kidney protection and that is one of my first concerns.
Avatar f tn Marinol is a drug that attempts to deliver the benefits of marijuana, without the problems associated with inhalation. However, I wouldn't recommend it as an alternative. They haven't shown that THC can prevent lesion formation or relapses. The only thing it's been shown to help with is paresthesia and spasticity, although the effects may be psychological. I know it seems to help me!
Avatar m tn Medicare coverage depends on doctor's DIAGNOSIS which must be "cachexia related to cancer" along with dose not exceeding FDA label maximum for the diagnosis. I do not know the FDA rules. The "alternative" is just dronabinol, the generic name of marinol. Marinol is synthetic THC, an oil/liquid at room temp, but provided as gel tabs which must be kept refrigerated. Marinol is NOT the CBD discussed on TV for kids.
Avatar m tn They will not screen for thc. They are already paying a fortune for all of the other bloodwork and won't add to their costs. Are you in a state that has medical marijuana, ask the trial team about using it for nausea control. If not, use your best judgement. Try the ginger; that's medically proven to reduce nausea.
Avatar n tn m not really sure if your post is actually advocating the use of medical marijuana or street marijuana which is probably what you used as a teenager, which pot do you mean? Street grade marijuana is not the same as medical grade, street pot typically thought to be 'natural' and not as bad as other street drugs but when you buy pot off the street, it's often laced with metamphetamines to give it a stronger high, additional addictive properties etc.
917763 tn?1311628896 Have you ever considered medical marijuana? I used it through my treatments with the doctor prescribing it for me. Yes, yes, I know there's a lot of negative - positive discussions, writings, affidavits, mia culpa, your culpa, as to the argument of progression of Fibrosis and so on, but in moderation, it may help you sleep.
Avatar n tn I know medical marijuana can have many benefits, including getting rid of migraine headaches, severe pain with anxiety, helps stomach issues and increases appetite when nausea etc. etc. If you can't smoke it, you can get it in other forms like candy, popcorn, chocolate etc at a Medical Marijuana dispensary if you have one near you depending on what state you live in.
Avatar m tn One is marijuana diminished the effects of interferon,the other article is marijuana helps with svr chances.I want to know what everyone thinks on here.anyway let me know.
Avatar m tn Medical benefit While investigating, I realized something else quite important. Medical marijuana is not new, and the medical community has been writing about it for a long time. There were in fact hundreds of journal articles, mostly documenting the benefits. Most of those papers, however, were written between the years 1840 and 1930. The papers described the use of medical marijuana to treat "neuralgia, convulsive disorders, emaciation," among other things.
Avatar f tn I have also been on narcotics for the last 17 years and find very little relief from them, I have now been reading and hearing alot about medical marijuana. I asked my Dr. at the pain clinic if I could perhaps try it and he told me that they do not use this practice in the clinic and that even if they did, he would not feel comfortable prescribing it. I want to get off the narcotics and muscle relaxants because they do little for the pain and they make me sleep all the time.
1253246 tn?1332073310 I walked out of her office with a script for medical marijuana!!!!I know it-shocked me to death!!!!I didnt think that they used medical marijuana her in Ga.You dont smoke it-it comes in a pill called marinol!!!!!I have a friend who is fighting breast cancer and she smokes it-she said it helps with her syptoms!!!!I took 2 tokes of of hers one day and boy oh boy!!!!!Not for me!!I dont see what I ever saw in that stuff years ago!!!!! Anyway my scans are looking good so far.