
Marinol and gastroparesis

Common Questions and Answers about Marinol and gastroparesis


Avatar n tn I'm suffering from some of the same problems. I can't take Reglan, due to a bad intolerance to it. And Phenergan and Compazine just don't work. I see that there are other meds and patches out there, but they are all for chemotherapy patients. What do gastroparesis patients supposed to do? I honestly don't know what we're supposed to do. Can anybody give a suggestion?
Avatar m tn For wasting, any well-liked food (ice cream, steak, potatoes, cake!) will work better than the marinol; marinol dehydrates the body and induces a drive to eat salty foods like chips which then induce a drive to drink fluids; marinol will not, therfore, lead to any effective eating; fatten up first.
Avatar m tn I am thinking of treatment but no way I can tolerate the sx with this crap going on. I live on Zofran and Marinol. I eat as well as I can. (Am 30lbs below normal weight). I have tried anti drepressants almost hoping I was just depressed. I didn't think so but grasping at anything that may bring relief. No relief. I am stressed Hell Yes!
Avatar n tn That's a very good question. The problem isn't only medications, it's an understanding of these disorders. In 2002, for example, only about $2 million was spent for motility research, and very few, if any, research dollars were spent by the NIH on research for effective treatment options.
Avatar m tn t very psychoactive but helps significantly reduce inflammation, relaxes muscles, and relieves pain. Marinol is typically prescribed to cancer patients to help with the pain, nausea, and to increase appetite. Many cancer patients have said that it is not nearly as effective as real medical marijuana and a smaller subset said it helped. A few chronic pain patients have been prescribed Marinol for pain and attest that it is very effective for pain.
Avatar m tn My dad takes oxycodone 15mg/ oxycontin 20mg/ marinol 2.5mg/ and ibuprofen 220mg Marinol is synthetic marijuana and it is doing wonders for his back pain. But if this is the case then shouldn't he theoretically be able to go off of the oxy's? I am so confused. Doctors don't tell me about liver or kidney protection and that is one of my first concerns.
Avatar m tn It would be great if i didnt have to use marijuana and break the law, and could legaly use marinol and feel normal.
Avatar m tn I have liver cirrhosis and when I became ill, my doctor prescribed Marinol for weight gain. I had lost 85 lbs and gained 30 pounds with this treatment. My doctor discontinued the Marinol and my weight decreased. I am 6'2" tall and am considering smoking marijuana to achieve the weight gain I am comfortable with. Will this method injure my liver further or have no real effects to it?
Avatar m tn I have smoked with them but I do not want to smoke anymore or to become certified for the smell around the house with kids and on my clothing. It works and do relieve my pain. I am still trying to do sports and those knees of mine just pain along with the shoulder. I looking for a doctor in Las Vegas to write me a precription just to make a comparison. I am not a young person who wants to be just high. Medical marijuana is growing in population and I just read about a new lotion.
Avatar m tn Marinol is just pharmaceutical MJ, and docs cannot prescribe it for w/ds. I agree with the others, ride it out. Anything you're feeling won't harm you....just just have to get through it. Wanting to turn to another drug to ease the w/ds from the first drug is how people stay stuck on the merry-go-round.
Avatar m tn I took 1 2.5 mg Marinol cap about 2 weeks ago. I don't do drugs. The pill was taken by mistake. Am I positive for THC?
Avatar f tn A pill known as Marinol has been legal and approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use with a prescription anywhere in America since 1985. ... But Marinol is not the same thing as traditional, smokable marijuana.Aug 3, 2009.
163305 tn?1333668571 Makes me wonder why they went all-out, and went the actual marijuana route, instead of trying MARINOL first. It's available in pills/capsules, so I'm sure it could be crushed up and put in a spoon of peanut butter or something the kid would be happy to ingest.
Avatar f tn Hi there, I have IBS, I also have cardiomyopathy and pulmonary hypertension. I get severe pain in my abdomen. It is beyond any other pain besides the worst migraine I've ever had. The pain is so bad I usually end up pouring sweat and putting as much pressure on my gut as possible until it passes. I use guided meditation sometimes and that helps a lot. My Dr. has run through all of the standard medications, and many are not available to me because of the cardiac problems.
Avatar f tn Is it of your opinion that Marinol can be an alternative drug to treat Multiple Sclerosis? I cannot handle shots, and I know there are many side effects from the shots.
Avatar m tn Recently I was given a gastric emptying test and diagnosed with gastroparesis and given a low fiber diet. Can you have IBS and gastroparesis? What diet would help both?
Avatar f tn I am also 24 and a female and was just diagnosed with gastroparesis and am getting ready to start Reglan. I have never heard of abdominal migranes or epilepsy. This is very interesting because all my labs and tests came back normal but I have been throwing up for 8 months and had my gallbladder removed already. I have extreme pain in my upper right quadrant and extreme nausea and vomitting. I am not diabetic so the doctors don't really know why this is happening. Any ideas?
Avatar m tn I have been treated for Chronic pain post Cancers and therapies, and I am very tolerant to any Opiates. I would like to try using Marinol (synthetic THC) for pain; it helped my pain as well as my nausea when I went through my Stem-cell Transplant. I am in Athens, GA; does anyone know of a doctor willing to prescribe this medicine for pain (when you have not been diagnosed with a cancer...yet?
Avatar m tn I also have a stomach ache that has lasted a week and seems to be aggravated when I move, and I, too, have been doing "The Biggest Loser" cardio max workout every other day and the 5 minute yoga stretch with poses at the end. I was wondering if I twisted something as well, so I was interested in any answers you got, but so far no one has answered if it is possible to twist something internally. Do you have any digestive issues?
Avatar n tn ve had hundreds of different prescriptions and treatments over the last 17 years and nothing but a massage, hot tub, and Marijuana help ease my non-stop pain. Law enforcement people have told me to get a doctor to prescribe me Marinol and I'm having trouble finding one who will....I hurt, I hurt, I hurt.
Avatar m tn You could still be recovering and your symptoms might improve with time. This could be gastroparesis. You can try a low-fiber low-fat diet with many small meals throughout the day to see if that helps.
Avatar f tn From what I have read gastroparesis is related to auto-immune diseases. Have you had Free T3 and Free T4 and antibodies done for your thyroid? TSH on its own is not enough to diagnose a thyroid condition. The nodule may or may not be causing you any thyroid troubles.
1670868 tn?1303741669 I agree with CalGal that this sounds like gastroparesis. The diet for gastroparesis is low-fiber low-fat. You should also eat small frequent meals throughout the day. If this isn't working (and you can't afford to see a doctor) you can try putting all your foods in a blender to see if that helps.
Avatar n tn I have just had a major sinus infection which left me with sinusitis type pain all throughout my sinuses and down through my lungs (?). It is likely caused by my gastroparesis and I am going for additional testing tomorrow.
Avatar n tn That's very interesting because I have recently been diagnosed with Bell's palsy and have been experiencing gastroparesis like symptoms - nausea, lack of appetite, feeling of fullness. The Bell's palsy is more of a nuisance, but the gastroparesis is horrible. There's been days where I could barely eat any food at all. I've recently learned that the stomach is linked to a cranial nerve, just like the facial nerve is, so was curious if there was a link between the conditions.