
Lunesta groggy

Common Questions and Answers about Lunesta groggy


Avatar f tn Thanks for that- have to say the Lunesta doesn't make me feel groggy at all, so maybe I'm going to have to stick with that. I guess the only way i'm going to know is by trying the melatonin... interesting that the different dosages have such a dramatic effect.
Avatar m tn My doctor offered me Lunesta, but I'm not excited about another pill. I haven't slept much for two weeks and wondered if it was worth a try. Melatonin and Benadryl haven't helped much.
519035 tn?1348275773 I was recently started on Lunesta 3mg and it works well. I have had some nights where i am wide awake and bushy tailed about 4 in the morning, but I took the Lunesta about 8pm. I'm thinking it was a little too early. I have found if I take it a little later about 930. I sleep through the night. And feel very refreshed in the morning.
Avatar n tn I dont know why it is making me nausea. My doc then perscribed lunesta 3mg. Has anyone tried lunesta and experienced better sleep with it? I am afraid of trying lunesta because i dont want to feel so nausea again. I didn't take any sleep med last night...didnt have a very good sleep but still i feel nausea. I need something to help me sleep without causing nausea and to help me sleep like a baby throughout the night pleaseee.
527657 tn?1214051850 It is great and I have used it in place of ambien and Lunesta. and kl42 mentioned, take it 45 minutes to an hour before bed. Give yourself at least a half hour in bed. I usually watch a little tv, read a book, then get sleepy, and fall asleep. It really helped me, and I take it every now and then. It is natural and not habit forming, which I really like.
Avatar m tn ve tried medication (ambien, trazodone, CBD oil, lunesta) all to no avail. Medication will work for awhile and then I must work up a tolerance because it's no longer effective. As in, it makes me groggy but doesn't knock me out. I've tried meditation and while that works initially to relax my mind, as soon as I drift off I snap awake. The only thing that knocks me out is severe sleep deprivation (being awake for more than 24 hours) or alcohol (which is less than ideal).
380558 tn?1309042387 lunesta and ambein our being sold as nonarcotioc but over to much time who knows iam currently on lunesta coming of a year of oxy. It worked before I was a idiot and got hooked on oxy my doc gave to me and it was not addictive to fall asleep , but now on my fifth day of withdrwals from oxy it gave me 5 hrs last night with no RLS. Hopecthat helps.
526311 tn?1229286330 very careful of sounds like you are already taking too much of both the Lunesta and Ambien..(why both) are you taking so much of them to try and get high??I understand how hard it is to get some sleep during and after w/ds..but in this case..the old saying..if 1 is good...2 is better...NOT SO..You are going to end up with a dependancy on sleep meds and possibly harm yourself..please be careful..
Avatar f tn Hey all, so I got tired of not sleeping more than 4hrs a night after being off of Tramadol 42days and my Dr gave me Lunesta. I asked if it was addicting and he said yes but you won't buid up a tolerance to it... I would like to hear this though from someone that has taken this medication and has had to come off it... How hard was it? What where the wds like???ect.ect any info on this would be appreciated...Thank You. Jeffi.
Avatar m tn The highest available dose of Lunesta is 3mg. Recently, thought is that Lunesta, Ambien, and others in this class are very similar to benzodiazepine drugs. But I haven't read much about addiction or withdrawl from these meds. Seems like insomnia would be a given, but you could try melatonin or valerian root to combat that. Good luck either way.
2021910 tn?1339896686 so when I was in the Er last night they gave me Lunesta a sleeping pill to help me sleep I'm 31 w 5 d n my mom told me its not it..I mean babys fine n stuff but the hospital wouldn't give it to me if it wasent ok right ?
Avatar f tn It's 3 weeks since I've been having a pretty serious depression, including anxiety & sleeplessness. I was put on a new antidepressant LexiPro (15 days now), xanax as needed, which I only need to "take the edge off" when Im shaky, and Lunesta to sleep. This is the 2nd time I've used Lunesta.
Avatar m tn I don't have thyroid diagnosis... yet. But I've had sleeping trouble. I've tried Ambien and Lunesta. Ambien left me too groggy the next day and a big dry mouth. I liked Lunesta, though it is a lighter med. I find it helps to have a TV on (volume off) in the bedroom to get to sleep. Also keeping the room cool and wearing thin pajamas. They also have herbal formulas for sleeping, such as Valerian. And I've heard amino acids help a lot too, such as Tyrosine I think it was.
Avatar n tn I have tried Lunesta and it worked for a year and I am now on Xanax which I seem to have to take more and more of to sleep. What can I do?
Avatar f tn Well, if it makes you feel any better..mine was bigger at 19.8 x 24.5 x 3 cm on the right side and three smaller 1 cm ones on the left. I had a TT Dec 3, and feel much better. I too had the choking feeling from my nodule/goiter. Mine was a nodule that increased to swell the gland causing a "goiter" aka swelling of the thyroid. I would demand (ask firmly) to have more in-depth testing done, or find a different doctor.
Avatar f tn Such as melatonin..I had/have insomnia pretty bad too..I did take some Lunesta for a few days..but I just didn't like the groggy feeling that stayed with me..Try also getting some good exercise if you can..that will help many things...I agree with worried..if you can't sleep ,get up instead of being miserable..that is a horrible feeling..But it will pass..
799181 tn?1246686673 I do remember it worked well, but I would wake up groggy from it, which is why I didnt use it for long. Good luck!
Avatar f tn Ive tried trazadone,sereoqol, melatonin, valerian, kava kava, sonata,abmbian and the cr one, lunesta, rozarom. I went to the emergancy room saturday afternoon b/c was about to lose my mind and I was in pain, They were very nice, I told the doctor everyting. He wanted to give me valium to sleep and it didn't work at all. I have been having low grade fever after taking 800 motrin and tylenol. I alos had blood tests that said I had very low potassium in my blood and an infection.
266660 tn?1189755834 Lunesta seems to work okay for me. I've only taken it three or four times (I only take it as needed and not on a nightly basis.) I was prescribed Klonopin for anxiety and sleep and she said to not take it with Lunesta (this is after I asked *her*, she didn't mention it until then.) The Klonopin seems to work as well as the Lunesta, BTW. Kevin, I've read that Lunesta and Ambien are the same "types" of sleep aids but that is all I know. I hope Ryan can clear this up for us.
175688 tn?1297556647 I have seen many times Elavil prescribed to help people sleep, its main side-effects are drowsiness and sedation due to its anti-cholinergic activity, though not as potent as insomnia meds like benzodiazepines, ambien, or Lunesta, it is comparable in effectiveness in relieving insomnia to medications such as Seroquel or clonidine, which is also prescribed off label for insomnia.
1808884 tn?1324345703 s), actually works best for me but builds up a tolerance too quickly. Ambien and Lunesta are garbage for me also. The best thing I found was Trazodone, 100mg's before bed, taken with food to be better absorbed into the blood. Sometimes I need 150mg's, but will wake up the next day like coming out of a coma.
5262038 tn?1415312585 Today I woke up and ended up sleeping about 14 hours. I feel pretty groggy and blah. Not much energy. Is this normal? I think I slept way too long. This past weekend I did a TON of stuff. More than I've done in a few years. I had a guy friend from out of town come to see me, and we went all over and did tons of things. Help!
355483 tn?1206186193 old mother was takeing Ambein for quite awhile, she was extremely groggy and confused all the time (more than usual), so she decided to stop. She experianced withdrawel symtoms. It is a known fact that Ambein is addictive. I guess the abuse part comes in when you start useing more than prescribed. Good luck.
Avatar m tn I have been on 80 mg. Of oxy for a year now n quit cold turkey Friday night. I had no idea what I was in for. The muscle spasms , migriane followed by vomiting. Can't sleep so tried. Final call some local abuse hotline. They were closed for mlk. Call my doc. On 4th day gave Xanax for a week and lunesta at night is this a bad idea? My wife.