
Lunesta gad

Common Questions and Answers about Lunesta gad


Avatar n tn The Lexapro help greatly in the diminishing the GAD but I just could not exist with 45 minutes of sleep a night. I was taking Lunesta 3mg prior to the Lexapro for 1 1/2 years. With the Lexapro, the Lunesta was ineffective. The MD put me on 15mg of Remeron with the Lunesta and this really helped.
Avatar f tn Hey all, so I got tired of not sleeping more than 4hrs a night after being off of Tramadol 42days and my Dr gave me Lunesta. I asked if it was addicting and he said yes but you won't buid up a tolerance to it... I would like to hear this though from someone that has taken this medication and has had to come off it... How hard was it? What where the wds like???ect.ect any info on this would be appreciated...Thank You. Jeffi.
Avatar m tn The highest available dose of Lunesta is 3mg. Recently, thought is that Lunesta, Ambien, and others in this class are very similar to benzodiazepine drugs. But I haven't read much about addiction or withdrawl from these meds. Seems like insomnia would be a given, but you could try melatonin or valerian root to combat that. Good luck either way.
2021910 tn?1339896686 so when I was in the Er last night they gave me Lunesta a sleeping pill to help me sleep I'm 31 w 5 d n my mom told me its not it..I mean babys fine n stuff but the hospital wouldn't give it to me if it wasent ok right ?
Avatar f tn It's 3 weeks since I've been having a pretty serious depression, including anxiety & sleeplessness. I was put on a new antidepressant LexiPro (15 days now), xanax as needed, which I only need to "take the edge off" when Im shaky, and Lunesta to sleep. This is the 2nd time I've used Lunesta.
Avatar m tn i am currently on short term leave from work due to GAD and forms of panic disorder. My main problem was insomnia sleep maintenance. Tried Ambien, Ambien CR and Seroquel. to no avail. saw a sleep specialist and he put me on both seroquel to be taken with Lunesta. it all went downhill from there. to make a long story short, this is when i started having panic attacks.
1722607 tn?1335747858 Just a word of caution about Klonopin (also valium zanex, ativan, all benzodiazipines). They are very addiciting and can be difficult to get off of. There are several other anti-anxiety medications (which are not benzodiazipines and which are not addicting) that can be prescribed by your doctor.
Avatar f tn Hi all its the new girl to the forum. I have a question? Do any of you take anti-depress. and pain meds and benzos at the same time? I'm still tapering down my meds(from 6-15 for 4 years down to 4-5 this past week) I don't know if thats too soon or what but I'm doing it. I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder before my pill addiction. I know I still have GAD but havn't taken any meds for it except the benzos they gave me for the anxiety.
266660 tn?1189755834 Lunesta seems to work okay for me. I've only taken it three or four times (I only take it as needed and not on a nightly basis.) I was prescribed Klonopin for anxiety and sleep and she said to not take it with Lunesta (this is after I asked *her*, she didn't mention it until then.) The Klonopin seems to work as well as the Lunesta, BTW. Kevin, I've read that Lunesta and Ambien are the same "types" of sleep aids but that is all I know. I hope Ryan can clear this up for us.
Avatar n tn I dont know why it is making me nausea. My doc then perscribed lunesta 3mg. Has anyone tried lunesta and experienced better sleep with it? I am afraid of trying lunesta because i dont want to feel so nausea again. I didn't take any sleep med last night...didnt have a very good sleep but still i feel nausea. I need something to help me sleep without causing nausea and to help me sleep like a baby throughout the night pleaseee.
1808884 tn?1324345703 s caused from an actual anxiety disorder, there are quite a few meds out there, but all work differently for different people. I take Xanax for horrible anxiety, (GAD, social phobia and panic disorder). 2mg's before bed will slow down my thinking but not put me to sleep. Diphenhydramine, (150mg's), actually works best for me but builds up a tolerance too quickly. Ambien and Lunesta are garbage for me also.
Avatar m tn m wondering how long ago. There are medications available now that work really well for GAD and have a favorable side effect profile. The duel receptor types of medications that work on both serotonin and norepinephrine-- SRNI's. Effexor is a brand name of one of these types of drugs. Have you tried something like this?
Avatar m tn Is there anyone out there suffering with GAD and if so do you always seem to feel unusually tired and cannot concentrate well?
Avatar m tn I am going to school full time and comute 90 miles a day which stresses me out alot, So in other words when does everyone think I will get a little relief from GAD and maybe some possible ideas to help with the poor concentration parts of the GAD. Thanks to whomever read this.
Avatar n tn I am having my second bout with GAD after having relief for 18 years with no medication. I have been taking klonopin on and off for the last year. When I use klonopin it makes me feel like a new person. My concentration is improved I laugh my anxiety is gone and I have a general feeling of well being. I have been taking it everyday for the last two months at .25 mg a day in the morning. I know it does not sound like much but it works for me.
Avatar m tn My doctor told me again that I have gad I was just wondering if gad can cause you to have more anger and think thoughts of hurting someone or yourself? Or am I just going crazy? I know in my own mind I would never do that but why am I getting these thoughts. It seems lately as if I have been really angered and more pissed off with people around me.
Avatar n tn I have heard of links between gluten and autism. Many doctors suggest gluten free diets for children and adults with autism. However, I haven't heard anything about GAD and gluten free diets. Doesn't hurt to try I suppose!
Avatar m tn I have GAD and have had it all my life.. I had an extremely acute 2 year period and am getting much better etc. I was given the option of SSRI's but preffered to try and live with it.. I have to drive to Nebraska and so one of my many phobias fears is Thunderstorms and Tornadoes etc. So am trying to get past this by educating myself and so I can face my fears. I would love any feedback help.
7581744 tn?1393535329 I look at GAD as a challenge to overcome. Personnally, I do not look at it as curable or uncurable. I believe that it is more of a "learnable" condition in my experience with it. Many times, our anxiety comes from confusion and misunderstanding of both the situation and how we feel about it, which is a good thing in my opinion, because those are factorst that we can control with some knowledge on how to do that. Are you planning to go seek counseling for this?