
Laryngitis and green mucous

Common Questions and Answers about Laryngitis and green mucous


Avatar n tn I was given amoxycilin 250mg for 5 days, but till now, I have been experiencing a dark brownish mucous from my nose when I suck my mucous back and spit it out during the mornings. Throughout the day, when I blow my nose, there will be occasional green mucous too. But phlegm that I cough out is colourless. My throat is only very slightly sore occasionally. In addition, the white in my eyes have red spidery streaks ever since, and I have eye discharge when I wake up in the morning.
Avatar f tn I began to lose my voice and within an hour it was completely gone, the laryngitis is making my headaches worse and my throat is hurting pretty bad. The reason I am asking for advice is because I have medicaid, share of cost, I was just approved yesterday, and it looks like I will have to come out of pocket, which, I don't have. If this is urgent, I will borrow from someone, otherwise, I will just wait, although, to me, I feel I need a visit.
Avatar f tn Is the mucous plug green? When I went to the bathroom earlier I had some green slime (sorry!)on the tissue, it's happened twice today. I don't know if its my mucous plug or not?!
Avatar f tn s as a kick start. Had the same thing and did Zpac and a shot to get it in my system. You need to watch out cuz green phlegm isn't a good sign. It's bacterial, watch for bronchitis, pneumonia.
Avatar f tn I know mine changes from clear to yellowish. I've lost pieces over the last week and it started clear, now it's yellowish/green and very thick/stringy. I called my doctor to be sure it didn't sound like an infection or anything and she said it's very normal to have that color! It varies I guess!
Avatar m tn With or without an infection you need to see a pulmonologist and be tested for COPD. Constant mucous secretion is one of the most basic symptoms of COPD. If you don't have an infection and your still secreting large amounts of mucous then don't walk--but RUN to the doctors office and get tested immediately!
Avatar m tn One the second day, my throat was still sore and coughing up green phlegm, but the stiffness and temperature were gone. I did notice that my arms were red and warm but didn't think much of it because it didn't look like the mac. pap. rash associated with ARS. By the evening I had developed laryngitis and basically lost my voice, or most of it anyway and coughing up wads of phlegm, really bad int he morning. It was like this for about a week.
Avatar f tn So once every other day or so( if not everyday) I have been having discharge. Sometimes it's clear and sometimes it's a light green color. I don't have any pains and the discharge is slimy looking... Any ideas on what this could be? I'm 33 weeks today...
Avatar f tn No your plug doesn't have to have blood in it. It can be clear, pink, green, yellow, brown, etc. Everyone's different.
Avatar m tn The smoke itself temporarily immobilizes the cilia (little hair like projections in your lungs) that sweep away all the junk and mucous from you lungs. What happens then is that the mucous will collect/pool in your lungs setting them up for infection in the first place. Some lucky people who smoke don't get COPD, but other unfortunate souls who are genetically predisposed for it will.
Avatar m tn I have very little mucus but I do get a little crusting in my nose and can blow a little out sometimes. I get irritation in the throat and hawk up very little stuff it usually looks like spit but is sometimes thick and clear. I have no found the source of this yet. The amount of mucus I have should not cause this there is too little. Even when I use guaif expectorant I get very little or nothing out so I think the throat is due to something else.
2121042 tn?1344839176 How do you know whether its your mucous plug or just a weird clear discharge?
Avatar f tn It can my ob told me it can be clear, green, bloody, it can be thick and jelly or loose.
Avatar f tn Yea I had never had the discharge before so I thought it could be a piece. I have had off and on very light abdominal cramping as well.
Avatar f tn Mine was a clear jelly stringy type blob
Avatar f tn Tmi warning! So I went to the doctor a couple of hours ago.I am 40 weeks and they checked my urine and everything was fine.however when I got home I went to the restroom and I wiped and there was a snotty little light green discharge. I've heard of mucous plugs being clear,white,brown,bloody but not light green.usually my discharge is clear but this worries me.has this happened to any of you ladies??oh and it was odorless..
Avatar f tn For a while now after I use the bathroom and wipe I see this green snot like discharge on the toilet paper, and very intense period like cramps, worse than any period cramp I ever had. I had tests done for infections and everything, but everything came back negative. could this mean I'm losing my mucous plug?? The color of it is like a pastel green color with no blood or pink.. Sorry for the details lol.
Avatar f tn It was clear ish with a slight green tint, felt exactly like a booger and stretched like one. Sorry I know tmi! But it was just so little nothing big-.- I'm 36 weeks was it the mucous plug idk .. With my first pregnancy I never even saw my mucous plug!
Avatar f tn For my first it was weeks before I actually went into labor after I lost it. This time I'm 38 weeks and lost my mucus plug 3 days ago. Went today and asked her to check me and I'm still only dilated at 1.
Avatar f tn I have a similar issue. Remember that during your cycle hormones are raging and cervical mucous is definitely something that increases during a cycle.
550546 tn?1249410039 So last week, I began noticing these small bits of 'stuff' mixed in with my discharge. The best way I can describe it were little bits of whitish/yellowish snot (not the clear kind, but the more opaque solid kind). I figured that maybe it was part of my mucous plug being 'chipped away'. I usually happens for a day then is gone for a few before reappearing. Well, today, I noticed it again ...only this time the small chunk was more greenish in color.
Avatar m tn Does nasty yellow and green mucous sound like an ars symptom. And how long does fever usually last from ars.
1084197 tn?1258493890 I am breathing in steam and am taking a chest decongestant. I am on antibiotic. My sputum was green and yellow and brown, but it was only in small bits and I didn't have a fever. This has been going on for 4 months. I wonder if it was pnemonia? I will be seeing a pulmonoligist and allergist. Hopefully, I will get some answers. You are so kind to respond thank you.
1124862 tn?1303850973 It's like having a nasty cold when you blow your nose and it's jelly like, green and yellow and thick and icky looking. It's like that. Sorry totally gross but mucous plug is NOT a pretty sight ;). And it CAN regenerate so don't panic it doesn't mean you are in labor or about to go into labor.
Avatar f tn Okay, since 1992 I have had lots of throat infections in 1995 I had my tonsils and adanoids removed to help however it never did. And still had aleast 7 throat infections and laryngitis a year but since January this year I have had 20suvere throat infections all with laryngitis.
Avatar f tn I keep losing my voice and I have seen an ENT (vocal chords red and swollen) and asthma doctor. Concluded that I have asthma but very mild put on Symbicort. This has happened about 9 times since last July. Last anywhere from 3-4 weeks. This time I have been fighting it for 4 weeks.