
Lamictal and mania

Common Questions and Answers about Lamictal and mania


2176476 tn?1338605299 I had that happen when I took Risperdal in combination with Lamictal but it might have been the Lamictal which isnt as effective on mania as it is on depression but each person responds differently to each medication. If Seroquel was working for you you could try to appeal the coverage denial. Also there is the Patient Assistance Program for people who cannot obtain coverage at all for a specific medication. That would be worth asking about.
Avatar f tn t know if its the lamictal are what!?? Pregnant and mood swing so doctor put me in lamictal to try to help because you can take small doses why pregnant thsis dose may not be helpi ng though! on spring break not at home oh God!
Avatar f tn It should work once it reaches an appropriate dose. Occassionally at higher dosages Lamictal can sometimes worsen mania but it takes time and a psychiatrist has to see how they are responding in general. Keep a mood tracker here and print out the results for your psychiatrist and ask them to follow up.
Avatar f tn My view which i expressed here many times yet never took abilify myself is that i have the feeling that lamictal+abilify is not a best combo because both work upwards, i happened to correspond with a lady in a fifferent forum who took both and was anxious so i advised her to ask her pdoc why not lamictal+seroquel and she did and since last january i haven't heard from her because she withdrew from the forum, upon writing to her she said she is doing fine and quite stable, so no need to rea
574118 tn?1305135284 As I stated it worked fine for me on both mania and depression. I was stable at 325 mg. for close to ten years. It did at the end worsen mania but that's an extremely high dose. But in the meantime it was working well the whole time on both manic and depression. As for mood stabilizers it is typical to change after a decade for some people at least. It does happen every now and then.
Avatar m tn i need something for hypo mania and deppreshion..will the lamictal take care of them both?? at 25 mgs 1 aday 2 weeks then 50 mgs aday 2 weeks then 100 mgs aday till seen?????????
1255505 tn?1272819115 This is a cut and paste from the Lamictal website. I do know I did well on Lamictal for many years and I was at about 325 mg. but after a while I was transferred from it to another medication because it worsened mania and I was told by my psychopharmocologist this wasn't uncommon.
574118 tn?1305135284 As for question 2 I was taken off Lamictal because it had worsened mania but that was at 325 mg. and also after it worked many years without worsening mania and it was quite helpful. Give it a chance As for question 3 Anafranil is an SSRI anti-depressent. As a person with schizoaffective with the manic phase it made me psychotic and manic. I'd be concerned. As for a direct question as to whether it interacts with Lamictal that has to go to a provider.
1756969 tn?1332437163 Lamictal is a antiseizure med that is also a mood stabilizer that is primarily used for bipolar and seizure disorders. Some pdocs give lamictal to people with BPD to help with the mood fluxuations (lower mood changes than with bipolar).
Avatar f tn At 2 1/2 months on lithium, I went psychotic again. Hence the Lamictal. So far the side effects are unnoticeable. I am titrating slow and watching closely. My normal hypo mania and agitation or depression cycles are back, but I don't mind that, I wanted back to drug free before trying another drug. They wanted me to drop lithium to finish it right when the Lamictal was at a therapeutic dose.
574118 tn?1305135284 The guillotine is a French device used much during the French revolution for carrying out executions by decapitation and apparently is still used. now i am just returning from a visit to my pdoc. Today mania started because I dared to take seroxat/paxil for 20 days 20mg but what can I do, I had depression. I stopped going to work and tomorrow I shall send a paper saying I have vyrimia i.e. attacked by a virius. Last time i said my mother was severly ill. I hope they believe me this time.
736314 tn?1276884623 , that is stop functioning and need to be changed but it depends which one. Lamictal on occasion (it happenned to me and I was told its not uncommon) worsen mania. That's why I was changed. I'm not sure if that's what's going on though. Please be more detailed.
462570 tn?1273632977 I have only recently learned about these varying opinions, and since, have been slowly lowering my lamictal gradually. Also, evidence has shown that lamictal has some antidepressant properties to it, so I don't mind taking this lowered dose. I am very impressed with the findings of Dr. Peter Breggin and his publications on many of the horrible side effects of the newer class of AD's.
1134609 tn?1269272200 We would really like to get down to 2 medications; Lamictal for BP depression and the other for the mania side of things. And then possibly a benzo as a PRN. But, I have Ativan and Xanax XR in the cupboard and I have taken one of the Xanax and two Ativan over the space of 6 months; all while I was still taking the Celexa.
918275 tn?1254068752 For some this drug turned their life rose and for some it brought insomnia and a bit of agitation, but mania this is totally new. I heard that lamictal can bring mania but very rarely when over 600mg say but therapeutically it works from 150, but abilify never heard about that. Incidentally both abilify and lamictal as you noted are good for depression, like seroquel except that this one is weaker in this sense because it's a strong antimanic but has more stabilizing properties.
Avatar f tn I am BP1, but have hit clinical depression. I think they put me on a AD because of this and I'm pregnant and they don't want to put me on too high of a dose of Lamictal. Lamictal, I've been on it on and off for a couple yrs. It never really helped much with depression for me. So maybe all I needed all along was a AD. I've taken as high of a dose as 400mg of lamictal when not pregnant. It helps with the mania for short periods of time, but then I always have to up my dose.
Avatar f tn I am currently taking Zoloft and Lamictal (and Trazadone for sleep at night), but I'm feeling like the only way out of the bind I am in is to actually *be* a little manic. (I haven't had a manic episode in a long time - actually, I was only ever hypomanic.) I have had a hopeless feeling and I don't actually think it's depression - I think it's real, and I am wondering about the potential to get *more* depressed if I go off Lamictal, or if it shouldn't matter.
1134609 tn?1269272200 The depressive episodes are kind of new to me; when I was cycling a lot, it was always towards the agitated mania side of the disorder. She's been pushing Lithium off and on over the oast few months; everytime I have a down swing. But, with every increase in Lamictal, my mood stabilizes more and more. If the Lamictal isn't effective as higher doses, then so be it, I'll work with the Lithium.
Avatar f tn Mostly happy and energetic enough to ride a bicycle and exercise regularly. But now the depression is longer and worse. I tried Cymbalta and too many side effects. I went off and felt better then certain triggers like toxic people bring me down. A change in routine sends me Manic. A few days ago I had to take 4 benadryl to come down off of it and stop it. So toxic people are absolutely not allowed in my life. I am seeing my Phychiatrist tomorrow to talk about what we can do.
874521 tn?1424116797 Hi Opus88 I hundred per cent agree with IL. I hate zyprexa, although an atypical AP and very strong MS but very sedating. I read they give it as a strong mood stabilizer too but it will make him tired. Depakote (valporate) is good for mania rather than depression. The meds given will not elevate him up on the contrary will make him slip down, as a matter of fact i would be astonished if it didn't. BP is a physical mood swings.
222267 tn?1253302210 I would say you are hypomanic now. It does feel good. But then it well spiral into full blown mania and things will get out of control. Then yes as is the course of bipolar you will experience depression again. Its inevitable. What you want to feel is euthymic, that is stable. Mania affects judgement and much else. Most defintely not a good thing. Speak to your psychiatrist and have your mood stabilizer adjusted.
Avatar f tn I have started taking Lamictal and it seems to be working to keep the mania under control. But the pills taste so bad. What are some other medication options?
Avatar f tn I was put on 200mg Lamictal 2 months ago, and my doc is upping my dose to 400mg. I have been extremely depressed the last few of weeks and can't get out of it, which is the reason she upped it, since it is supposed to help w/ depression also. What is the max therapeutic dose that anyone knows of? Has anyone ever taken that high of a dose and what were the effects? I'm also on Topamax for migraines. Those are the ONLY medications I am taking. The Lamictal does seem to be working though.
505907 tn?1258369340 I am on Lamictal and have been for several months. Even though you do go up gradually in dosage on the Lamictal, you begin to feel some effects over about a week or so - not as much as when you get stabilized, but you do feel some of it. Previously, I was diagnosed, like you, with severe clinical depression.
Avatar n tn I was put on lamictal for mania because I cannot take any of the traditional mania meds. Lamictal worked for me but I had side effects and had to stop it. Your dr is just following new medication lists.
Avatar n tn I struggled with repetative harmful thoughts although I do not use marijuana. I am on lamictal also, and my doctor added Abilify when I started having this problem. It helped me out a lot. I hope he feels better soon! I know how hard it is to deal with such negative thoughts.
Avatar f tn I never experienced suicidal ideations from Lamictal and I found it to be quite helpful. I did experience psychosis from Trileptal and Tegretol and suicidal ideations from Keppra but they are lesser used mood stabilizers and for a reason. This can be a difficulty because if you feel suicidal you know what to do which is to speak to your psychiatrist and you know it comes from you. But when it is medication induced its harder to tell and after a while it creeps up on you.
Avatar m tn Anger can sometimes be part of an agitated mixed state which has the down quality of depression and the speeded up quality of mania and it seems like you are angry at the world. Only a psychiatrist would understand this in full but these are some ideas that you might speak to them about.
Avatar f tn s making me absolutely miserable and I feel like I am going insane. I have seen a doctor who has prescribed me Latuda and Lamictal. I started out taking Zoloft but it made me much more manic which is how the bi polar diagnosis was made. In addition to the racing thoughts, extreme anxiety I am also severely depressed to the point I am not functioning well. Before the Latuda I was on Zyprexa which made me suicidal. My question is could the Latuda be contributing to the racing thoughts?