
Lamictal and birth control

Common Questions and Answers about Lamictal and birth control


Avatar f tn She said the androgens from the Lamictal could stimulate hair growth, and I should consider going on a second form of birth control. (I already have Mirena) The birth control will help... Otherwise there is laser hair removal, but that is expensive.
Avatar n tn Recently I've been diagnosed with a bit of Bipolar Disorder. My doctor put me on Lamotrigine, a mood stabilizer normally used to treat epilepsy, seizures. I've experienced a little bit of blurred vision every now and then from it but wonder why I'm having a small trace of vaginal bleeding every once in a while. I'm on Portia as a birth control method and I haven't had my period for a while now.
Avatar f tn but i would like to share this with you lamictal and trileptal do affect birth control pills and vise verse i.e. you can get pregnant using these as they reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills by 40%to 50% ,,,,,,,,,,also (which done me a great harm) the birth control pills reduce the effect of BP meds up to 50% also. i read on some site (but i cannot remember which) that birth control pills can affect most of psychiatric meds.
Avatar m tn As far as the birth control, I got pregnant on it and it can cause low birth weight but that's about it, just take the prenatals and see her doctor as soon as she can.
Avatar f tn July of last year I had a daughter born with several holes in her heart, VSD, and aortic coratation of the aorta. Since than she has had two open heart surgeries and nothing genetically was found worng. I was taking lamictal 200mg and vyvanse 70mg. I found out I was pregnant Nov 2010 stopped the vyvanse the very next day, but was told to continue taking lamictal. The doctors say there aren't studies that prove lamictal causes birth defect and there aren't studies that say it won't.
1756969 tn?1332437163 For example my doctor prescribed the birth control pill to try and regulate my cycle, the pharmacist caught that we had to increase the lamotrigine because BCpills decrease it and they phoned the doctor for an increase to the lamotrigine (generic Lamictal). There is a section under "Health Information" for bipolar but unfortunately not for borderline, but if you google DSM borderline personality disorder a few sites come up and give you definitions.
Avatar f tn Go to the medication website itself and look at the statistics regarding potential of birth defects. And how common they are. Some medications cause them. Some don't. All prescription labels have them reported in full by law I think your psychiatrist and your OB need to speak with each other ASAP and make a coordinated decision based on their combined knowledge.
Avatar m tn I am a 32 year old woman of average height and weight. I've been on norg-eth estra tri (I think the generic of Trinessa? Trisprintec? So many names for birth controls...) for years now, but have had issues with breakthrough bleeding as of the last few months. Thus, my doctor, who is also my GYN, prescribed a different brand. On Sunday the 21st of December I began Lomedia Fe with iron pills for the last few days of my AF.
925572 tn?1246540031 Also I should point out you should still do some research and possibly try to find user reviews on the web for lamictal and see how many people had birth problems. I think that's more valuable than any organization's information although the people who had negative experiences on these are sometimes biased and forget it might save someone else's life and not cause them problems at all.
1666903 tn?1383332156 I've read that Lamictal is sometimes used to help with blood sugar control--especially to lower the levels. Most people on this drug, who are diabetics, do seem to experience this effect. My psychiatrist just increased my Lamictal from 300mg. to 350mg. daily, and plans to up it further. It has definitely decreased my depressive symptoms, for which I'm quite grateful.
Avatar n tn Hello, I very much need an answer because my doctor will not give me a straight answer. I'm currently on Lamictal (800mg a day) and Zonegran (200mg a day) and I'm a college student so I tend to drink. I've never had a seizure while consuming alcohol but I'm terrified when doing so. So heres my question... When I drink (beer) with my meds, will it bring on a seizure? or just enhance the side effects? Please I very much need to know asap! Maybe even stories would helpl too.
Avatar f tn Up until about a week ago I was on Hydrocortizone, Levoxyl, Humatrope, Enpresse (a Birth Control), and Topamax. Now last week I saw a new neuro for some seizure medicine complications and he is going to wean me off the Topamax and slowly put me on Lamictal, which I have begun, I am only on 25mg right now. Today I had a very small amount of alcohol, a mixed rum beverage, which I mixed myself, and I felt absolutley awful.
Avatar f tn The numbness has happened since I started taking them and the confusion and tiring started about a month in. Yes, Lamictal is the only medication I take and yes, I am still in school. I am in the 11th grade. I space out at random times even in the middle of class, and although it is rare I sometimes space out when I drive.
Avatar n tn I have an idopathic seizure disorder for 35 years without seizure for 28 years. I have never had an abnormal EEG, CAT, CT, MRI or PET of the Brain. I was on Dilantin for over 30 years and transitioned to Lamictal 4 months ago however developed rash and had to be dc'd. I have been on small dose of Klonopin and Paxil 37.
Avatar n tn Nebulizer treatments and oral inhalers are not helping, however last week she was admitted to the hospital for a video EEG and was taken off of lamictal during that time. Remarkably the cough stopped. I tried asking the doctors about this but they were more concrened with the seizures and just reminded me to watch out for Steven Johnson Syndrome. I am very concerned because she is back on the medicine and the coughing is back.
Avatar m tn It was under control with bupropion and lamictal but I still did not feel like the depression was lifted. doc suggested going off of bupropion and switch to paxil. It has been 11 days. still taking the bupropion 150 and lamictal 100 but have had to start taking a lot more klonopin because to the rise in anxiety and I don't like taking this.
Avatar f tn Currently on Wellbutrin for depression, Lamictal for mood swings, Xanax as needed for panic attacks, and birth control (Yaz). Mental health well-managed with therapy and drugs. History of B12 deficiency that has been resolved. No history of headache. The pain has been completely unresponsive to all analgesics. No medicine has caused even slight relief.
Avatar f tn I have started taking Lamictal and it seems to be working to keep the mania under control. But the pills taste so bad. What are some other medication options?
Avatar n tn Hi. I am bipolar and currently taking Lithium, Neurontin, Seroquel & Lamictal. I have only been on the Lamictal for about 7 weeks, starting @ 25mg & every 2 weeks adding another 25mg; thus I am currently @ 100mg per day.
Avatar f tn Hello All! I am really hoping that someone can help me with information on this. I recently found out (about 3 weeks ago) that I am pregnant - quite by surprise and we all know what that means - wasn't taking great care of myself. I even fasted a couple of days trying to lose weight! Anyway, I drank over the course of this time - I don't think anything too crazy but I honestly wasn't keeping track. My psychotropics are what I'm really afraid of.
2176476 tn?1338605299 I've been taking Lamictal for about 7 months, along with a secondary anti-psychotic to after a major mania episode. I started on Seroquel for about 3 months, and the combination seemed to work well. I had to D/C the Seroquel when my insurance changed and it wasn't covered. Since then I've tried first perphenazine (4 weeks), then thiothixene (six weeks), but they were too sedating and I was having a problem working.
Avatar m tn I take Wellbutrin, Lamictal, and will be resuming Zoloft soon.
Avatar n tn I'm in a similar place as you. I have Bipolar1 with my PMDD though. I'm not able to take any antidepressants for my PMDD as I'm ultra-rapid cycling and they put me into orbit. One Dr recommended taking vitamin B6 for the symptoms and it actually made a huge difference. I also use OTC PMS medications such as Pamprin PMS. My husband calls them my happy pills. Check with your Dr if these are suitable for you. Geodon DOES cause weight gain. I looked it up on drugs.
Avatar f tn Does anyone have any experience of planning a pregnancy having had episodes of bipolar disorder? I have met people who realised they had the illness after they had given birth and they said that was the reason they had only had one child - i.e they wouldn't knowingly take the risk of relapse associated with pregnancy and childbirth.
Avatar f tn I'm 19 and have been epileptic for 6 years, I have tried a variety of medications including keppra (giving me suicidal tendencies) and a couple of others which didn't control seizures. I have always been on Lamictal, which is slowly being increased after any fits or 'episodes' until the right dose for me is reached, in conjunction with this I also take Ethisuxomide, a drug that has worked well in controlling my absences.
Avatar f tn So today i took the first Lamictal 25 mg and will take another lamictal 25 mg at night with seroquel but i still want to keep taking the topomax and want to know if anyone had done this combo.