L arginine for treatment of interstitial cystitis

Common Questions and Answers about L arginine for treatment of interstitial cystitis


Avatar n tn and adhere to the ICA diet that eliminated caffeine, acidic foods, spicy foods, tomatoes etc. L-Arginine was proven ineffective in IC but some people feel it works. In tems of preseciption agents, I usually start everyone out on a low dose of Elavil 10mg then increase slowly to 25-75mg as tolerated. Some patients respond to Atarax and others to Elmiron. You should find all there meds on the website.
Avatar n tn Pentosan polysulfate sodium and dimethyl sulfoxide are approved for the treatment of chronic cystitis and may be of benefit some patients. I the urological investigative workup is not forthcoming, one must consider a rheumatological work-up, including TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), Eythrocyte sedimentation rate, Anti-nuclear anti-bodies and rheumatoid factor levels. Follow-up with your primary physician is essential. If you have any further queries do get in touch with me.
Avatar f tn Radiation damage to the bladder during treatment for pelvic cancers can cause radiation cystitis. Certain chemotherapy drugs can cause a chemical cystitis. Interstitial cystitis is in the category of nonbacterial cystitis caused by an inflammation in the bladder wall. Cure for abacterial cystitis required long time therapy and the response to treatment is usually poor.
Avatar n tn I believe it's interstitial cystitis. The elmiro is used for this treatment, although i'm not sure how the hydroxyzine would play a role.
551343 tn?1506830518 s no treatment that reliably eliminates interstitial cystitis, a variety of medications and other therapies offer relief. The signs and symptoms of interstitial cystitis vary from person to person. If you have interstitial cystitis, your symptoms may also vary over time, periodically flaring in response to common triggers such as menstruation, seasonal allergies, stress and sexual activity. Interstitial cystitis symptoms include: ■A persistent, urgent need to urinate.
Avatar f tn Hello I have been diagnosis with interstitial cystitis have had this since 06 and latly I have had a lot of kidney pain everyday what can I do? Also I urinat about 20 times a day and about 15 times at night yes I have tried vesicare and oxybutynin. I also have just had a bladder distention but all this was going on before the bladder distention.
Avatar f tn Hi, Overactive bladder and Interstitial Cystitis (IC) are two common disorders in the family of hypersensitivity disorders of the bladder. Both can cause urinary urgency and frequency. Overactive bladder is not asssociated with bladder pain, however IC is usually associated with pain, pressure or discomfort in the bladder, usually worse with a full bladder. Your symptoms of "pressure and irritation" make IC more likely.
Avatar f tn Are u still suffering from interstitial cystitis?
Avatar f tn I am currently in the process of being diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, so I am aware that vuvlodynia and interstitial cystitis sometimes go hand in hand. My question is: What are the chances that this could be herpes with absolutely NO visible symptoms for ten days? Ive never been diagnosed with herpes....and Ive had two children...but not sure if I was tested or not back then, but have never had problems in the past. The pain started 10-12 days ago. Thankyou!!!
Avatar m tn //www.drjkm.
Avatar m tn Urinary tract infection and interstitial cystitis are among the most common. The general treatment of interstitial cystitis is medications like opioids and tricyclic antidepressants but there are other treatment methods also. These include Bladder hydrodistention, bladder training, medications via bladder instillation like dimethyl sulfoxide (DMS), heparin and Clorpactin and surgery is kept as the last resort.
Avatar m tn If diabetes is ruled out then other possibilities which need to be ruled out are urinary tract infection, prostatitis(inflammation of the prostate gland),interstitial cystitis, overactive bladder syndrome,stroke and other neurological diseases ,urinary incontinence,bladder cancer(rare) and bladder dysfunction . Please consult a urologist in that case.
Avatar f tn t really make too much of a difference for the most part. The lysine/arginine herpes diet never held up outside of the test tube. The only study that showed any significant results at all was with the 1gm 3x/day dose. That said it still can't even begin to hold a candle to the results you get with oral antivirals. You can treat your herpes with acyclovir suppressively for about $12/month if you shop around for prices and are in the US.
Avatar f tn It is possible that you have something called Interstitial Cystitis.. Of course your doctor will want to rule other possibilities out first, but if they do not find a cause for you pain ask them about the possiblity of having IC. The Elmiron website has a questionnaire that aids in diagnosis and lets you know how likely it is that you have IC. If you would like some links to info on it feel free to pm me!
Avatar f tn Two questions: 1) Has anyone used a natural progesterone cream every night for treatment? My doctor put me on a compounded one. I refuse to use synthetic hormones knowing how crazy I felt on birth control and I hurt on it just as much as without it. 2) Anyone have it on their bladder? I do and it's the worst pain ever. It feels like a constant UTI on steroids. I've read that some women with endo have interstitial cystitis.
Avatar f tn Hello, I cannot confirm anything without examination but it can be due to irritation of the bladder or interstitial cystitis( as you are suspecting). As defined in wikipedia, it is a urinary bladder disease of unknown cause characterized by pain associated with urination (dysuria), urinary frequency (as often as every 10 minutes), urgency, and pressure in the bladder and/or pelvis.
Avatar n tn He believes it may turn out to be interstitial cystitis, based on my symptoms and severe lower abdominal pain that has not been explained by gynocological or gastrointestinal testing. The only catching point is....I'm nauseated. The more my bladder hurts, the more nauseated I get. He wasn't sure if that played into it or not. Has anyone else with IC ever experienced this kind of nausea? Could it just be my body's reaction to pain?
Avatar f tn I was tested and have Interstitial cystitis which is just another gift that Fibromyalgia gives us. I don't have the pain when urinating but do have the frequency urges especially at night; as soon as I lay down the pressure is there and is still there immediately after I go to the bathroom. Does anyone know of something I can do to stop the pressure? I would love to get some sleep.
Avatar m tn //www.medhelp.org/forums/Interstitial-Cystitis-IC--Pelvic-Pain-Support-Forum/show/412 The expert forum where you can actually ask the doctor here on Medhelp is here also: http://www.medhelp.org/forums/Interstitial-Cystitis-/show/264 Hope this helps!
Avatar f tn There are many things that can cause this pain-burning it could be chronic cystitis or interstitial cystitis. The symptoms are the same and a good urologist can help diagnosis the problems. Either way you pain, burning and bladder pain. The self help things etc. can help you while you see a diagnosis! We have an IC support forum here on this site actually two, listed below. There is actually an article on the physical relationship on the first forum.
Avatar f tn Hi - I was recently diagnosed with interstitial cystitis. I also have Sjogren's, fibromyalgia, and a variant on the MEFV gene. My doctor prescribed Elmiron which I just started. Is there a connection between interstitial cystitis and Sjogren's, fibromyalgia, or the inflammatory response from the genetic variant? I'm wondering if there are other treatment options besides the medication that will also address the other issues.