
Knuckle pain while typing

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Avatar f tn I punched a wall and its all swollen around the side of my hand and my pinky knuckle and ring finger knuckle and my mom said my pinky finger looks a little odd. It hurts to move my hand and finger and its sometimes gets this kind of numb tingling feeling. It throbs and aches a lot and sometimes the throbbing goes up to my arm along with a shooting pain every now and again. I can barely move my pinky finger. Thanks for answering!
19606750 tn?1480880764 m now 42) which most probably dislocated or fractured finger around middle knuckle. Appears to have healed incorrectly, with knuckle bulging towards little finger, and the top of ring finger leaning towards middle finger somewhat. Finger works well enough though weaker/clumsier than normal it seems.
1467506 tn?1286413017 My fingers hurt, ache most of the time but worsens when I am doing something (like this typing!) The pain begins at my knuckle joint and extends down all fingers, some wrist pain as well though that seems to come and go whereas finger pain is always there, just intensity changes with activity. I am planning on finding a hand doc this week but wanted to know if this sounded like anything any of you have experienced before. Might it be from the FM or is it most likely not related?
Avatar f tn Then came back but was also in my back , ankles, one knuckle , feet,neck , and wrists. This continued through age 23. I ignored the pain as I. Thought. Maybe I needed a. Different mattress. Or was sleeping wrong . At one point the pain in my neck was so bad I was convinced I had meningitis . I've had "flare ups" over the years , but it always goes away. , so I didn't see a dr. But , like now my muscles are so sore )three. Days now). That it hurts to walk.
Avatar m tn I’ve had a history of dismissible pain (mostly tingling), but it was always gone the next morning, while this has been consistent in some form or another for an entire week. Attempting to use a splint results in pain centered above the veins on the back of my palm. The restraints are so tight they cut circulation and seem to make the pain worse rather than better. I’ve a habit of turning onto my side at night and in the process cut off the circulation.
Avatar f tn Since then I have had wrist had hurt again multiple times (only the one that got hurt). Two days ago while doing a movement I usually do (it might look bad to some poeple but my hands and arms are very flexible so it didn't cause any problems) and I heard a noise that I didn't recognise, it wasnt the noise you get when craking a knuckle so I was a bit confused. I got worried when I did it again and it felt like some bones were chafing and I got worried.
Avatar n tn I posted prior about pain in my knuckle starting in my left index finger knuckle. Since then, in early January of this year it transferred to the opposite knuckle. I went in to get tests done and they came back negative for RA, OA, and gout. Everything looked good on the x-rays and there was no cartilage worn down on the joints. Since I got it tested, the pain has continued to transfer to surrounding knuckles but not to the same pain level as the original left index finger knuckle.
Avatar m tn This is due to me constantly hitting hard surfaces. i have no pain in that particular finger or knuckle or any part of the hand but i cant fully raise my right ring finger. It gets to about half way and i cannot raise it anymore unless i force it up with my other hand. Apart from that i have full use of my right hand and no pain in or around the knuckle or finger. Any ideas whats wrong??
Avatar m tn Also, I get this knuckle sound in my neck, growing up since few months, like the knuckle sound in the fingers. So whenever I suddenly change my neck or when i ride my motorbike and there is a sudden hump in the road then I get this knuckle sound in my neck. So I wonder could that be a cause also of my giddiness in lectures. Its almost certain that whenever I attend a lecture in a well/hall I would certainly get this giddiness. Should I see a neurologist? Many thanks in advance!
Avatar m tn about six weeks ago I noticed shooting pain when i pushed the middle finger laterally while isolated from the other fingers across the sides of the knuckle. I also feel sharp pain when making a tight fist in the main knuckle or gripping my hand tightly around the grip on a weight. Having been a climber for a long time I've experienced lots of tendon injuries in my hands so I figured it would just go away with rest but this bugger is persistent and as bad today as six weeks ago.
Avatar f tn So i drilled a hole sideways through my pointer finger knuckle two nights ago the drill bit went over an inch and a half into my hand through the outermost knuckle to slightly into the second knuckle b4 i could stop the drillpress, in excruciating pain what can i do at home as i have no maw money...
Avatar n tn About a month and a half ago I went to Vietnam to train for my martial arts. and I was punching the floor and hurt my middle finger's knuckle. It started to swell and I felt pain on my knuckle everytime I would barely touch it. And I've been rubbing on some asian remedy on it and it's helped a little bit with the pain, but it's still swollen pink and even though it doesn't hurt when you touch it anymore, throwing a punch at a bag or another person hurts my knuckle still.
Avatar f tn It started in the base knuckle near my palm. 2 weeks ago the pain gradually started to move up my finger. It starts to hurt during everyday activities like brushing my hair, taking off caps to bottles/jars, and mostly anything that requires force used by the fingers. The pain also occurs randomly, mostly in the evening and at night.
Avatar m tn Do any of you zone out while typing? I don't know if this best describes what I'm doing but it seems like I go into a trance of sorts while typing and end up making a ton of errors I don't even notice even though I'm staring at the screen the whole time.
Avatar n tn Is it possible you injured it in any other way? Hit it on something and don't recall it? It doesn't seem like this would cause injury to only one finger, really. Is the finger or the knuckle swollen at all? If it is, or the pain gets worse, don't wait a month and get it checked now.
Avatar m tn You may have severely bruised the bone, or fractured it by the force that went on the hand as you landed. An xray of the hand would be able to show whether you have caused damage to the bone. In the meantime strap the middle finger to the two either side to immobilise it. You can apply a lot of natural yogurt to that part and lightly bandage it. This helps by drawing out the inflammation. Keep your weight off that hand too until it is fully healed.
Avatar m tn when i grip anything with my right hand, like scissors or any hand tool, and squeeze, i get a sharp pain in my middle knuckle, i noticed it about a year ago, it was not bad at all at first, but over the last week its become a constant. all other knuckles on both hands are fantastic otherwise,im dont recall any injury or reason why this is happening, any ideas? thank you.
Avatar m tn Hello, I'm Chelsea and I'm 17 years old. I spend a lot of time on my computer gaming, typing, programming/coding, etc. I'm on my Pc for about 3 days straight and then I'd sleep for about 20 hours. That has been my routine for the last month and a half. I'm insomniac. The only time I leave my room is to get food, drink and to urinate. I also click/pop my fingers a lot.
Avatar f tn Three weeks ago I noticed my left pinky was extremely sensitive and what felt like extreme nerve pain when bumping inside the knuckle area. I also noticed that from the knuckle up it sometimes felt asleep when I touched it and also felt like it was burning occasionally (not to the touch but internally) to where I had to put it in ice.
Avatar f tn My knuckle and fingertip swelled up, turned red, and was warm about 2.5 wks ago, just sore on the inner knuckle, could not find any insect bites, no injury, no hang nail. Swelling went down after several days, then it came back with a vengence with severe swelling and lots of pain but this time only in the fingertip. The pressure was so intense that I tried to drain it, I know I shouldn't have. Nothing would come out.
488675 tn?1208989954 On the last board-break i think i accidentally tilted my right fist a little to the left before impact, I broke the board, but had a lot more pain then usual. i pressed my knuckle and it felt like a bruise. I thought it would go away so i went to sleep. The next day the pain was less but when i pressed on my knuckle i felt 2 bumps, normally i just feel 1 big knuckle. Also when i moved the finger of that knuckle i felt the tendon rub against something.
Avatar n tn For over 1 year now I have had excessive stomach bloating, constipation, gas, lower back pain and almost clear urine. The dr.'s don't have any answers. A CT was just done with contrast and iodine iv, no significant results. A small stone was found near my kidney, but they don't seem to think much of it. I am doubled over in pain, have not had a bowel movement without laxative in months and even with the laxative only a small amount comes out. I am 49 years old and female.
Avatar m tn i was rough housing and we got a little serious i punch him in the side of his head and my knuckle was throbbing with pain the second i landed the punch and it got swollen it hurts when i try to clench my hand and it happened yesterday i p ut ice on it but not working This discussion is related to <a href="/posts/Undiagnosed-Symptoms/possible-broken-knuckle/show/203406">possible broken knuckle</a>.
Avatar m tn It has now been 2 months, i have full range of motion without any pain, however when I apply pressure to the knuckle, it hurts a good amount. Also, in the top right corner of the knuckle it almost feels like there is a hole and i can move what feels like a piece of bone around without pain really.
1135892 tn?1260565465 Other health issues include high blood pressure, leg (hamstring/periformis), and heel pain. Spirits generally good. I experience fatigue seemingly early in evening. I am at a loss for next step(s) and I am open to suggestions.
Avatar n tn while working in the basement at work, I reached into a box and hit my hand pretty hard right on the knuckle of my right hand, middle finder. This happened in November. I figured the bruise and soreness would heal. It is Decmeber 23, and it occasionary will re-bruise and become painful again. I find no particular reason why it just all of sudden bruiese again and hurts. (I did not punch anything, but that is what the knuckle at the base of the figner on my looks hand implies.