
Knuckle pain when bending

Common Questions and Answers about Knuckle pain when bending


Avatar f tn The tendon on the top of the knuckle rolls to the right off the knuckle when bending the finger down (like a fist). When I raise it back up, it locks but will "pop" back into place. I can see the tendon pop back up on the knuckle. The knuckle is painful to the touch. When the injury happened, it made my entire hand swell but has since gone down. Does this sound like trigger finger or something different?
Avatar f tn I knew it would be sore, so I just iced it and took Tylenol and ibuprofen for the pain. A few days later it was very painful and my hand around my knuckle area was swollen. I went and had it checked for a break and they're was no visable break on the xray. My Dr put a cast/splint to keep me from bending it. Since it's only the hard cast part on the bottom of my hand and wrapped, I take it off at work.
1744581 tn?1311302411 I cut the knuckle of my R index finger on a deli/meat slicer 2 days ago, The ER dr said I had a layer of fat over the muscle left over the bone & that was it. I got 12 stitches. The dr didn't think I cut the tendon b/c I could move my index finger although I had a lot of pain. He diagnosed it as a AVULSION INJURY.
Avatar f tn needles in the finger which is radiating into the hand. Occurs when at rest but increases when bending the finger. Pain same as the pins n' needles-radiating into the hand, worse when bending. The bump is still there and I can feel clicking type sensation when bending the finger. I continue to exercise the finger to keep it mobile but can only tolerate short periods due to pain, pins n' needles etc.
Avatar n tn I posted prior about pain in my knuckle starting in my left index finger knuckle. Since then, in early January of this year it transferred to the opposite knuckle. I went in to get tests done and they came back negative for RA, OA, and gout. Everything looked good on the x-rays and there was no cartilage worn down on the joints. Since I got it tested, the pain has continued to transfer to surrounding knuckles but not to the same pain level as the original left index finger knuckle.
Avatar m tn You may have severely bruised the bone, or fractured it by the force that went on the hand as you landed. An xray of the hand would be able to show whether you have caused damage to the bone. In the meantime strap the middle finger to the two either side to immobilise it. You can apply a lot of natural yogurt to that part and lightly bandage it. This helps by drawing out the inflammation. Keep your weight off that hand too until it is fully healed.
Avatar m tn when i grip anything with my right hand, like scissors or any hand tool, and squeeze, i get a sharp pain in my middle knuckle, i noticed it about a year ago, it was not bad at all at first, but over the last week its become a constant. all other knuckles on both hands are fantastic otherwise,im dont recall any injury or reason why this is happening, any ideas? thank you.
1493284 tn?1294875712 My pinkey finger on my right hand was brocken when i was a kid by my brother throwing a shoe at me, lol brothers! When i was in my early 30's I noticed that sometimes out of the blue my hand would get cramp like my foot and the pinky finger would get stuck. The middle knuckle would be locked straight and not bend but the end one close to the tip would be bent downwards, strange to see but not painful unless i can't get it to unstick.
Avatar n tn I had a bleeding finger during sex and am concerned that microscopic amounts of blood could still be passed from my left hand, which removed the condom, probably by pulling it off from its tip, to a cut on my knuckle on my right hand. I believe I touched the cut with my left hand several hours later. Might the skin be repaired enough to form a sufficient barrier? The cut was on a knuckle so took some time to repair properly because of being on a bending joint.
Avatar n tn what causes full head headache - painful pressure - when bending or coughing or having a bowel movement etc? This happened to me a couple of weeks ago, never had it before. My nose is fine (no congestion or apparent sinus problem).
Avatar n tn For over 1 year now I have had excessive stomach bloating, constipation, gas, lower back pain and almost clear urine. The dr.'s don't have any answers. A CT was just done with contrast and iodine iv, no significant results. A small stone was found near my kidney, but they don't seem to think much of it. I am doubled over in pain, have not had a bowel movement without laxative in months and even with the laxative only a small amount comes out. I am 49 years old and female.
Avatar m tn It has now been 2 months, i have full range of motion without any pain, however when I apply pressure to the knuckle, it hurts a good amount. Also, in the top right corner of the knuckle it almost feels like there is a hole and i can move what feels like a piece of bone around without pain really.
Avatar m tn about six weeks ago I noticed shooting pain when i pushed the middle finger laterally while isolated from the other fingers across the sides of the knuckle. I also feel sharp pain when making a tight fist in the main knuckle or gripping my hand tightly around the grip on a weight. Having been a climber for a long time I've experienced lots of tendon injuries in my hands so I figured it would just go away with rest but this bugger is persistent and as bad today as six weeks ago.
Avatar n tn I have been having pain on the inside of the palms of my hands just around the knuckle areas... Usually it starts with me rubbing it and the more i rub it the intense it gets but at the same time offers me relief. I dont have any pain on the top of my hands over the knuckle areas at all. The pain is only localized to my knuckle area and does not spread through the fingers or upper arms. There is no reddness or swelling.
Avatar n tn In recent years when I become aroused my lingham bends. This is something new. I never experience this before. It makes it very difficult to bring my wife and I to organism. What could be causing this problem. I almost 61.
Avatar m tn Im 20 years old male 6'3 175 pounds and im a roofer for the past 6 to 8 months when im working while bending over like when im laying shingles i get really bad migraine's. The pain is behind my eyes top of my head and back of my neck. Its so bad it brings me right to my knees. I was in a car crash in august but i had a MRI and a CAT SCAN done that showed no prolbems. Most of the time if i sit up for a few minutes it goes away but as soon as i start bending over again its back.
Avatar f tn 2 days ago I suddenly devoped pain in my left index finger at the knuckle. I can touch it and its ok, but if I move it at all in any direction, it hurts pretty bad. Late yesterday it started hurting some in the knuckle where my finger joins my hand, top and bottom. Its sore feeling in that area when I touch it. A vein on the right side of the finger is bulging out some and it seems to be slightly swollen. I can bend it, it just hurts.
Avatar n tn About a month ago I punched a hard surface with my right hand. The knuckle of my middle finger swelled up quite a bit and has not gone down at all since. I have full range of motion and can use it perfectly fine. The right side of the knuckle is constantly swollen, and the rest swells back up if i rub my hand against anything. Will this go away?
Avatar f tn It also hurts between the knuckle and the beginniing part of my finger when pressure is applied. Also it hurts on my knuckle when pressure is applied. Should I get it looked again right away? Both my middle knuckle and the knuckle on my pointer finger still looks enlarged. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
382218 tn?1341181487 I left it a little late in the evening to post this, you east coasters and mid westerners are probably off to dreamland by now. However if anyone is up and has any idea about this I would appreciate it. I dropped and broke a bottle of Corona a week ago Friday so 12 days ago. In picking up the broken glass I managed to sustain a very small cut vertically across my ring finger on my right hand. It's probably less than 10mm long. It bled some but stopped after a short time.
Avatar f tn (The ones you see when you make a fist) Anyways, It was horrible pain... I had limited movement and it hurt to make a fist or touch it. But heres the catch, I did'nt go get an xray or anything when it happend. Please dont give me any hate... I didnt want to get surgery because i'm a cheerleader and i didnt want to be out of cheer, so I waited. So now its 5 months after this happend and my knuckle still hurts. I have a nasty. huge bruise where the knuckle was hit.