
Knuckle pain in hand

Common Questions and Answers about Knuckle pain in hand


Avatar f tn Late yesterday it started hurting some in the knuckle where my finger joins my hand, top and bottom. Its sore feeling in that area when I touch it. A vein on the right side of the finger is bulging out some and it seems to be slightly swollen. I can bend it, it just hurts.
Avatar n tn It has become pufffy and distorted as if you took a small piece of skin and blew it up in size 5 times. When i lay my hand out flat it looks like a big blotch of extra skin at first glance but its more than that. my knuckle its self as sweld up greatly,and if i clentch my fist it looks like my middle knuckle is that of a giants.
Avatar m tn I have had pain in the main knuckle of the middle finger. I cannot pinpoint the exact cause of the injury. about six weeks ago I noticed shooting pain when i pushed the middle finger laterally while isolated from the other fingers across the sides of the knuckle. I also feel sharp pain when making a tight fist in the main knuckle or gripping my hand tightly around the grip on a weight.
Avatar n tn I posted prior about pain in my knuckle starting in my left index finger knuckle. Since then, in early January of this year it transferred to the opposite knuckle. I went in to get tests done and they came back negative for RA, OA, and gout. Everything looked good on the x-rays and there was no cartilage worn down on the joints. Since I got it tested, the pain has continued to transfer to surrounding knuckles but not to the same pain level as the original left index finger knuckle.
Avatar m tn You may have severely bruised the bone, or fractured it by the force that went on the hand as you landed. An xray of the hand would be able to show whether you have caused damage to the bone. In the meantime strap the middle finger to the two either side to immobilise it. You can apply a lot of natural yogurt to that part and lightly bandage it. This helps by drawing out the inflammation. Keep your weight off that hand too until it is fully healed.
Avatar m tn when i grip anything with my right hand, like scissors or any hand tool, and squeeze, i get a sharp pain in my middle knuckle, i noticed it about a year ago, it was not bad at all at first, but over the last week its become a constant. all other knuckles on both hands are fantastic otherwise,im dont recall any injury or reason why this is happening, any ideas? thank you.
Avatar n tn I have not injured it. The left hand aches quite a bit. There is puffiness and swelling in the knuckle areas of the rest of the fingers, but it's only the knuckles closest to the hand, not the entire finger.
Avatar m tn possibly a that involved the interphalangeal joint (knuckle). I would recommend xrays to aid in diagnosis. If it is non-displaced, rest, anti-inflammatories, splinting would help. Intra-articular fractures ( in the joint fractures) that are displaced, if left untreated, can lead to early arthritic changes. Strongly recommend orthopaedic evaluation....!
Avatar m tn m 74 y/o and have had osteoarthritis in my fingers of both hands for many years. Right hand ring finger swelled up at the middle knuckle with lots of pain when cutting things with a knife, shaking hands, unscrewing lids. The pain is on the sides of the knuckle, not the top, so that would seem to rule out a tendon problem. Ibuprofen or Tylenol don't seem to be of much help. Is there any procedure to relieve the pain, I'd rather not get into narcotic type pain meds?
Avatar f tn It started in the base knuckle near my palm. 2 weeks ago the pain gradually started to move up my finger. It starts to hurt during everyday activities like brushing my hair, taking off caps to bottles/jars, and mostly anything that requires force used by the fingers. The pain also occurs randomly, mostly in the evening and at night.
Avatar n tn i had a total middle knuckle replacement on my right hand the knuckle that forms a fist, i had more range of motion with my old arthritis knuckle that i was born with, i will not never ever have another knuckle replacement i will keep the joints i was born with , i would rather have them because they have more range of motion and the silicone knuckle only provided 45 degrees of motion, if you go beyond that it will break, I regret having this operation, because i was better off with the knuckle
Avatar n tn t push down on my finger/knuckle nor have an open hand and like you getting up using your hand or popping your knuckle with finger straight. Now my issue is that my work switched insurance companies and now I have crappy insurance and can't really afford to get it checked out let alone fixed. If it's something serious I will have to figure something out. Any help will be appreciated.
Avatar m tn I wake up several times per night, every night, with a painful hand and no blood in my hand and lower arms. However, I also type for upwards if 8-10 hours daily either writing/editing manuscripts or playing games. This includes intensive, sometimes rapid, clicking.
1467506 tn?1286413017 Hi there...when I'm having a "worse day" with my Fibro...I do get that finger pain. It's just an aching pain exactly where you describe it. Not something I have every day, just on my not-so-good days. I've also been checked for RA and don't have it. I have a bit of osteoarthritis in my back and knees but the doc says it's normal for my age.
Avatar f tn ve been experiencing muscle cramp type pain in the middle to pinky fingers on my left hand intermittently (a few times throughout each day) which makes my left hand painful to use for a few minutes each time. The pain is only in the top of these three fingers (where the finger meets the palm down to the knuckle) and it feels like cramp but isn't helped by moving/stretching the fingers.
Avatar f tn For the past 4 weeks, I have a real bad thumb pain, swollen, stiff, can't bend and the knuckle of my thumb and it makes noise when I try to bend it, and it is very painful. I can't use my left thumb anymore. I had a carpal tunnel release surgery 7 years ago on both hands, but my job requires me to do a lot of gardening work, and most of the time I don't wear hand braces/stabilizer. Does my thumb pain come from arthritis? my carpal tunnel syndrome comes back?
Avatar m tn If there is no fracture then anti-inflammatory pain killers help bring down pain and swelling. Usually simple knuckle fractures are treated by using a splint and taping the injured finger with the adjoining finger. Surgery is required if there is alignment problem, angulation problem or displacement of the fracture ends. Please consult an orthopedic specialist. Take care!
Avatar f tn I punched a wall and its all swollen around the side of my hand and my pinky knuckle and ring finger knuckle and my mom said my pinky finger looks a little odd. It hurts to move my hand and finger and its sometimes gets this kind of numb tingling feeling. It throbs and aches a lot and sometimes the throbbing goes up to my arm along with a shooting pain every now and again. I can barely move my pinky finger. Thanks for answering!
Avatar f tn Hello, I'm an 18 year old female with pretty bad joint pain (at least that's what I'm assuming it is.) When I was about 10 or 11, I discovered I was missing a knuckle on my right ring finger. My finger was then about the same size as my pinky, and seemed like it had a 'shrinking' effect, due to the fact all my other fingers were growing and my ring finger was not. I don't remember much about what the doctors said about it, as it was 8 years ago.
Avatar n tn I completely broke the 5th metacarpal bone in my left hand causing angulation. I was put in a metacarpal brace for 6 weeks to realign the bones, of which it failed to do. In fact, it hadn't moved since my last x-ray four weeks ago. My pinky finger will not come down all the way to form a fist and is turned slightly inward.
Avatar m tn Did the doctor put your hand in some kind of immobilizer in the meantime? You shouldn't be moving it around. You should also be elevating it to reduce the swelling. That is good that you are going to a specialist, but I a concerned if you are immobilized now and if you have normal sensation to your finger tips.
Avatar n tn About a month and a half ago I went to Vietnam to train for my martial arts. and I was punching the floor and hurt my middle finger's knuckle. It started to swell and I felt pain on my knuckle everytime I would barely touch it. And I've been rubbing on some asian remedy on it and it's helped a little bit with the pain, but it's still swollen pink and even though it doesn't hurt when you touch it anymore, throwing a punch at a bag or another person hurts my knuckle still.
Avatar n tn hello, today i jammed my hand in my locker at school and afterwards my hand turned blue/purple and really blotchy, the color has came back to my hand now, the area around my knucke is swolen and is sensitive to touch, my finger tends to twitch alot as well. although i can kind of still move my finger, what are some suggestions on what to do with it? or what ive done with it?
Avatar m tn I'm not entirely sure how I did it, but I am concerned my pinky knuckle is broken. It could have been from work the other day, where i crushed my hand between two roll cages, or a gym injury in one of my subsequent workouts. Weirdly, I only noticed a bit on pain the day after the work injury, and it further increased yesterday, and to the point it is today.