
Keppra kidney problems

Common Questions and Answers about Keppra kidney problems


Avatar m tn How much Keppra do you take, and how long did it take before you seizures completely stopped? Thank you for reading!
6810737 tn?1385004768 Well Keppra would be her best best bet (barring kidney disease) because it is minimally metabolized by the liver and mostly by the kidneys. However, if this is purely a hypoglycemic seizure, I don't think the anti-seizure meds would help. There needs to be more investigation into why the blood sugar is so low because this is not normal. If she constantly has to be monitored and supplemented, she is going to be on the edge and be at risk for seizures constantly.
327385 tn?1378360731 i am having problems with my stomache,left ear stopping up and the sleepyness. how well has keppra worked controling your seizures and what side effects do you have? has the keppra helped your mood and stress level? has the keppra helped you lose weight and how long did it take you to get use to the med? thanks for all your help .
1596950 tn?1297352500 He had problems with aggression and severe memory loss. He has not taken Keppra for several years, but has not regained his memory.
Avatar n tn I also take Keppra but have never had any problems at all. I suffered with depression for 11 years and came of the medicine fully just before I went on Keppra, and yes I have days where I do feel depressed but with any illness you do have days where you feel depressed even suicidal. So my advice is don't necessarily put it down to Keppra. Talk to the doctor who prescribed Keppra to you and see if you can be referred to a Psychiatrist to talk it through and find out if it is the tablets!
Avatar f tn Could the Keppra be causing the new cardiac problems? Would a trial period of stopping the Keppra help? Should all her doctors get together and know what each other is doing? My mom is normally very healthy and active. This event is causing a slight depression that she is fighting. She doesn't like being like this and definitely does not want a pace maker. She just wants to return to her job and normal activity. Do you have some advice for us? Thank you for helping.
16199931 tn?1446049201 Finally after months of trying everything, and no sleep, my vet put him on Hills Prescription Diet, ID, for digestive problems. He has been fine since with only fruits and vegetables as snack. Then when he was 3 yrs old he had his first seizure. Very scary, but I knew right away because I had seen it before. Doctor suggested watching him and keep track of them before we started medication. He had several within a span of 2 yrs.
Avatar n tn Myoclonus refers to sudden, involuntary jerking of a muscle or group of muscles. It may develop in response to infection, head or spinal cord injury, stroke, brain tumors, kidney or liver failure, lipid storage disease, chemical or drug poisoning, or other disorders. There are many different forms of myoclonus and it is important that your friend is evaluated further.
Avatar f tn Try something else. Elevated Dilantin levels can cause inability to walk, liver and kidney damage. 40 years seems like a long time on the same med.
Avatar f tn So after staying overnight and at the vet the next day he came home and has been on Keppra and phenobarbital. 500mg 2x a day Keppra and 60mg 2x a day pheno. He has the side effects which are lessening but hasn't been as bad as I read could be. He is very responsive and is pretty much himself besides the side effects(weak legs, tired). It's been 6 days and no seizures so far. Will be going to vet in a week for check up and blood test again. I am so on edge..
Avatar m tn I on keppra, dalitin, and topamax to control seizures but now I have thyroid problems do you think is the seizures causing my thyroid problems or is the medicine ?
Avatar m tn I on keppra, dalitin, and topamax to control seizures but now I have thyroid problems do you think is the seizures causing my thyroid problems or is the medicine ?
Avatar m tn its been 8 months since my mothers TBI- she had a seizure yesterday-she has been off keppra for 1 1/2 months-the side effects of keppra are aweful-they ask her questions and wonder why she is out of it and doesn't know her last name-(after they gave her keppra in the hospital) what can she take that is less evasive to her health and recovery??
Avatar m tn I had my 1st seizure this past Nov. and started Keppra right away. We've been all over with the dose. I've been on it just shy of 3 months. In the last month I started having numbness/tingling in 2 of my right fingers. It started to move into the side of my right hand, traveling into my forearm. Then it started in my left hand in a similar fashion. Then on the right side of my face. Then, though not as bad, my feet.
Avatar f tn I read something on rxlist about moodswings and irritibility related to Keppra. It's believed that Keppra makes your brain "dump" Vitamin B6 at times which lowers dopamine or seratonin levels and makes you feel horrible. Does your daughter take vitamins? I'd try some Vitamin B6 if her multivitamin doesn't contain it. I started taking Trader Joe's High Potency vitamins and feel much, much better since starting. Good luck.
1165078 tn?1338655745 I'm looking for ppl who r on Keppra or KeppraXR, for at least 7 mo. to a yr... I have noticed shoulder joint? socket?tendon? problems, other than the normal irritability issues, what have you noticed in way of side effects of being on this drug for so long? I also noticed weight gain, even though I exercise daily..
Avatar f tn Did you start it after or before keppra? How long were you on Keppra? I wish my daughter could take Lamictal but her rash got the doctor worried, even though it was ringworm. Have you heard of any other anti-seizure meds that might actually work well for moods? I know Lamictal is a very good mood stabilizer. Good luck.
Avatar f tn I am on the off brand of keppra and I was wondering if anyone uses adderal to help with the side effects of this medication. I find myself to be out of it most days and not have a drive to do anything.
338416 tn?1420045702 I've been having these myoclonic (jerks? convulsions?) Meh... Don't know what to call them - but they sure are annoying. When they happen, my legs get really weak. It also seems to be associated with back pain - upper, lower, lumbar. On top of that, I can't feel my knees. They're numb to the touch, but more importantly, when I walk, I can't feel them. I can feel the pressure in my calves and thighs and feet, but not my knees - they're buzzy and floaty.
Avatar n tn recently diagnosed with petite mal seizures.. 1000mg daily keppra... have daily short/long term memory loss for past 8 months that aware of... with this memory loss go away....?
Avatar f tn I started taking Lamictal around two years ago now, and it seems like the sex just gets more and more painful. The sex is honestly more painful than it was losing my virginity. I have only been with 1 man my whole life, and I have been screened for STD's just in case. I am on Lamictal, Keppra, and I also have an IUD. I am pretty sure it is not the Keppra, I've been on that 5+ years, and it isn't the IUD because it hurt before I had that inserted.
Avatar f tn Just recently I had a new diagnosis of Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy and was put on Folic Acid and Keppra. So now I'm taking three medications. I have only had one grand mal seizure, but every day my mind does this thing where it kind of blanks out when I'm talking and I stare for a couple of seconds, that's when I took an EEG and it determined I had JME. But since I have been on Keppra my mind hasn't spaced out, but I have been in a lot of pain.
Avatar n tn Hi, my son is on Keppra due to history of seizure. I was just wondering, if there are any long term effects or will it affect his liver or kidneys in the long run since he's only 11 years old.
Avatar n tn I am currently on Keppra and Topiramate and have just been told my latest tests are showing major kidney damage from the topiramate. I have been on these two meds since 2002. I have to admit, reading all this is very scary. NO Other Meds have worked to control my seizures ! PERIOD!! Plus I have severe Migraines and Short term memory is almost gone in a matter of seconds. What is a girl to do? Signed.... Tami....
Avatar n tn My daughter is on Keppra and we honestly haven't had any real problems. She had a prolonged partial seizure when she was six years old. With the doctors direction we started her on Keppra. She is ten now and has been completely seizure free. She has mesial temporal sclerosis/temporal lobe epilepsy. It is hard to figure the behavioral thing giving she was only six when she started. Good Luck and may the Lord watch over you and your family.
7486852 tn?1410352184 I am sorry but I can not give you any insight into keppra or depakote, both of them did not work for me. I believe that I maxed out on keppra. Dilantin worked for about 8 or 9 years before it started to not control mine anymore. I am afraid the only way to see if depakote or any other drug is is just give it a shot. There is no other way to know if it will work for you or not.