
Kapidex for ulcer

Common Questions and Answers about Kapidex for ulcer


Avatar n tn My 19 year old daughter has just been diagnosed wtih an esophogeal ulcer. She was prescribed 40mg of Protonix once a day. She has been taking this medication for one week, and has been experiencing dizziness and nausea. She weighs about 120 lbs. I looked online, and it appears that these are side effects that some patients experience. My question is: would Nexium pose the same problems for her?
Avatar n tn I took a free trial of it for 10 days, during which time I helped, but then went back off of it for a week (trying a different, cheaper medicine) before going back on it. But after being back on Kapidex for a few days I got sick - nausea, some diarrhea and severe loss of appetite for most of the day. I spent the weekend in bed, thinking I was just sick, but now it's Thursday and I still have the nausea and very little appetite.
Avatar m tn I think Prevacid and/or Kapidex blow away Nexium; although what may be right for me will not be guaranteed for you. My doc gave me a 3 week free-sample of Kapidex, and you take it once a day. I'm always open to trying something new.
1086334 tn?1272575756 Okay so now I am having this stomach pain and he recommended I take Kapidex for heartburn, but I know this is NOT heartburn..I've had heartburn before and it does not feel painful like this! I am even losing my appetite because of the I just stop eating..Okay, so they just recently did an ultrasound on my abdomen to see if the pain could be my gallbladder or another organ..but the results came out normal!
Avatar n tn I do not smoke nor drink. I have been experiencing burning sensations in my stomach for the last 2 weeks. I have tried prilosac and that helped, a little, but within the last 2 days, the burning sensation is now consistent. Sometimes I feel nauseous, but no vomiting and no lost of appetite. I am not belching alot. This burning sensation occurs when my stomach is empty and when its full.
Avatar m tn everyone reacts to all the slight variations in all these acid reducing medications differently, and you have to go on a long exhaustive search for just the right one for you in just the right dosage then talk to your doctor about what you are finding relief from. Also, you could try Nux Vomica a homeopathic remedy, 9 pellets a day.
Avatar f tn Went to my Dr and she said it was Gastritis and put me on Kapidex 2x a day for 3 days and then once a day thereafter. The next day my lower back has starting hurting. I went in on Tuesday for pain in the back and she prescribed naxoprene and a muscle relaxer. The pain went away once from the pain medicine and now does nothing. I've been having bouts of diarrhea and then constipation also. Today my back pain is excrutiating and the past two days my stools have been dark brown/black.
666921 tn?1254990618 - I have started amox. today - 2000mg. - I spoke to my LLMD. this morning as I have been feeling really bad all week-end - he advised me to start abx. [again ] seperate to this - I have been getting a burning sensation in my mouth - I guess it is acid - just wondered if anyone else here gets a 'burning mouth' . my muscle pain has been bad - my neck/shoulders feel really tight - also been getting random stabbing pains all over - esp.
Avatar n tn I switched to taking tums multiple times a day, which worked for a couple months and then stopped. I tried Kapidex which also worked perfectly for about 3 months and then completely stopped working. Zantac worked for about a month and is now subsiding. My doctor has added carafate, but the pains are still not gone. They usually come when I haven't eaten for a while and let myself get hungry at all. I try to eat every 2-3 hours but am not always able to.
Avatar m tn They found that i have a hiatial hernia as well as a weak les sphincter. Anyways my GI doctor put me on kapidex after followup. I prefer kapidex to protonix and i was doing pretty good until this morning when i had a random bout of nausea. Luckily i had some phenegren left so i took it and got better. I have already bought the special pillow that raises my head while sleeping and i think has really helped me.
Avatar f tn I am feeling that same thing right now. I have been feeling like this for over a month and all I eat is smoothies with soy milk, creal, bananas. I am afraid to eat other things. What an I do. I am taking Kapidex and take giner tea. I also take anxiety meds just because of this feelings in my throat.
Avatar m tn Could be some gall bladder pain, dont eat late stick to low fat meals , it could also be a pulled muscle if you have started weight training ..
Avatar f tn I have been diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder and Major Depression and I take the kapidex for a high amount of stomach acid. In March 2008, I got mononucleosis, and ever since I got that, my health has deteriorated. I would get tonsilitis every 2 weeks and after having my tonsils out, got pneumonia. I remember saying to my mom that whatever this is is just moving down my body and that soon it would be a problem in my abdomen. While my lungs have been ok, my abdomen has not been.
Avatar f tn Hi, I took protonix for 5 years and all of a sudden it just stop working. I took it for inflammation of the stomach and inflammation of the esp, It is really miserable.
Avatar n tn I have tried prevacid, nexium, and kapidex. I still have the constant burning in chest and lump in throat feeling?
Avatar n tn as you already know,,,,elevate the head of your bed around 6-8 inches for sleep,dont eat at least 3-4 hours before bed....cut out the alcohol if you drink,,,,and watch the fried or spicey foods,as these irratate. also...good posture helps if sitting at a computer or desk,and get on a good acid reducing medicine.
Avatar n tn A week later I developed an ulcer and swelling on the shaft of the penis. I take minocycline (antibiotic) for acne, but had not taken it for about one month. I started taking it a couple days after the sore and swelling appeared, and both subsided within 3 days. It has been almost five weeks since my encounter. I have not had any fever or noticed any enlargement of my lymph nodes. I did have a sore throat for a couple days recently, but that passed.
1243333 tn?1296446902 5 years ago I was diagnosed with GERD, about a year ago, had a endoscopic procedure where they dilated the esophagus and I just had it dilated again, have been told that I have serve esophagitis and gastritis, I take kapidex 60mg twice a day along with Carafate and reglan, could the Gerd be what is causing the esophagus to narrow and what other complications could I end up with if this continues. At this point I always have a sore throat. and the medications only keep the reflux at bay.
Avatar f tn Said I was still swollen quite a bit and the issues would subside when the swelling went down, which could take 6 months or more to get me back to normal. Prescribed a kapidex per day and 300 mgs zantac.....I have to watch EVERYTHING I eat.....anything scratchy iritates my esoph, plus I sometimes feel like it's swollen in there........agree? Should I get a second opinion?
Avatar m tn The medications that I take for my stomach are , Kapidex, Carafate , Bentyl and I recently purchased Alkaline drops online. I have a host of other medical conditions that I take prescriptions for also. These include Albuterol, Flovent, Combivent, Spiriva, lasix, Diamox , Clariten and Nasonex. I follow a strict diet, no fatty , greasy, fried ,alcoholic or dairy. I elevate my head in bed and lay on my left side.
422924 tn?1331764319 i had a biopsy on my stomach and it tested negatve for H Pylori anyone know how long it takes for a ulcer to go away? is there any websites that tells you what to eat and not to eat for the ulcer.
Avatar f tn Thank you. I know for a fact that the one that caused me the most trouble in the past was a combination of Valium and Nubain....I literally had holes in my memory for 2-3 days afterwards, and spent much of that time throwing up. It was highly unpleasant. I also woke up during the surgery and THAT was an experience all itself. The whole thing terrified me. I don't like the feeling of going under, waking up, or the aftermath. Does that change anything at all?
Avatar f tn I'm a 42 year old female. Fairly healthy. I've been diagnosed with GERD since 2002. I had it under control with low-dose PPI's, diet changes and lifestyle changes until 2006. For the next couple years, I was diligent about my diet, lifestyle changes and taking my prescriptions which included taking high-dose PPI's twice a day (Prevacid Solutabs, Nexium, Protonix, Prevacid, Zegrid, Kapidex, Aciphex, etc....) and supplemented with Gaviscon or Zantac.
Avatar f tn Hello I was diagnosed with gastritis, im on kapidex have been for about 2 months now, and still nothing, it keeps coming back. i have had an upper gi done a cat scan and blood work and supposively they all showed up normal. im thinking that my stomack doctor is starting to be wrong because it keeps coming back. Please help will I always have this???
1763947 tn?1334055319 Got it! thanks -- I never would have thought of that.
Avatar f tn Hi- I have taken Zegerid and found it to be the best of GERD/acid-reflux med's. They all do take some time, but for me it's the best by a good margin, with Kapidex/Prevacid second. My insurance co. doesn't cover Zegerid as well as they cover Prevacid, but my doctor calls it the "Rolls Royce" of stomach meds.