
Kapidex dosage instructions

Common Questions and Answers about Kapidex dosage instructions


Avatar m tn Have you started tapering down your dosage per your doctor's instructions? Just make sure you are not adjusting dosage or quitting it without talking to your doctor first; just ensure you follow his/her instructions. Doing it on your own can cause many unpleasant symptoms that you would not really have to endure if you take it as prescribed.
Avatar n tn I was recently diagnosed with acid reflux, after an endoscopy that showed some gastritis and inflammation in my esophagus and a clean ultrasound. I've tried different medicines and the only one I've found so far that lets me live relatively pain-free is Kapidex. I took a free trial of it for 10 days, during which time I helped, but then went back off of it for a week (trying a different, cheaper medicine) before going back on it.
Avatar m tn Also, I recently heard about Kapidex. Is this significantly better than the others out there (including the Nexium I am on) or should I stick with the Nexium?
Avatar f tn Thanks for your comments. Does the Motilium help you at all? I just started it, and I can't take the prescribed 4 pills a day, because about 1/2 hr. after I take one, I am in the bathroom and can't leave the house, so, I guess they are working really well for me! My acid reflux is much better, I used to take twice the dosage of the med I'm on, but now I'm down to the regular dosage of just one a day.
1243333 tn?1296446902 5 years ago I was diagnosed with GERD, about a year ago, had a endoscopic procedure where they dilated the esophagus and I just had it dilated again, have been told that I have serve esophagitis and gastritis, I take kapidex 60mg twice a day along with Carafate and reglan, could the Gerd be what is causing the esophagus to narrow and what other complications could I end up with if this continues. At this point I always have a sore throat. and the medications only keep the reflux at bay.
Avatar n tn i have been diagnosed with gerd and a hiata hernia i am a black female 5ft2 and 233 pounds i have been on five different prescriptions currently i am on 60 mg of kapidex i have been losing weight and losing my appetite sometimes the kapidex gives me relief sometimes it doesn't what can i do for relief when it doesn't work? and how far can acid reflux travel.
Avatar m tn Thanks Selma I am taking Kapidex 60mg, I was taking previously prev acid once in the morning and once at night didnt work, then I wnt with Protonix, Kapidex is supposed to be a new med but doesnt seem to work. the dr says I may have a very sensitive esophagus that is why I feel everthing all the time. Is there such a thing as having a sensitive esopahgus that feels everything without the damage?
Avatar f tn ve never tried Domperidone, but the only meds that helped me were Nexium or Kapidex taken twice daily. I tried prevacid and it was very brief because it just didn't work for me :( Also, I use to take one Kapidex/Nexium PLUS some Amitriplyn, but I knocked the amitriplyn out of my regimen. Either way, it offered more good days then bad.
Avatar n tn Hi, I was also diagnosed with the same thing and my Dr gave me Kapidex which is similar to Nexium. After 2 days on the pill, I starting having side effects of diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting for almost 3 days. They then switched me to Protonix which I am glad to say is working very well. So like CalGal said, it works differently with different people. Your daughter just needs to find one that works best for her. Good Luck!
Avatar f tn Went to my Dr and she said it was Gastritis and put me on Kapidex 2x a day for 3 days and then once a day thereafter. The next day my lower back has starting hurting. I went in on Tuesday for pain in the back and she prescribed naxoprene and a muscle relaxer. The pain went away once from the pain medicine and now does nothing. I've been having bouts of diarrhea and then constipation also. Today my back pain is excrutiating and the past two days my stools have been dark brown/black.
Avatar m tn He probably will increase your dosage but never do this on your own, follow his instructions. They normally will start you out on a low dosage, see if it helps, and if not they either increase it or switch medications. Always work closely with your doctor on your medications. Take care.
Avatar f tn Tylenol is unveiling new maximum dosage instructions for paracetamol or acetaminophen in the US. The new instructions state a maximum total daily of 3,000 mg versus the old maximum of 4,000 mg. Additionally, it states to take the over the counter dosage every 6 hours instead of every 4 to 6 hours. These new instructions seem to be specific to their over the counter products not prescription medications.
8593574 tn?1398970803 Up to two every 4-6 hours not to exceed 8 in 1 day. I think that's correct. The dosage is written on the bottle, do not exceed the dosage.
666921 tn?1254990618 I do know that the LLMD prescribed me Kapidex and it may one of the reasons I am not having heartburn. Usually these medicines give me bad gastric problems, but so far it's been not great, but not painful either. You may want to ask if you can get Kapidex.
Avatar f tn my mother (77yrs.of age) has been taking 10mg lexapro for general depression and body aches. Today, the physician said he wanted to give her something that would make her feel more "perky" and changed her script to 150mg Effexor. The instructions are to take 1 pill/day and to stop the lexapro. From my reading it seems that these meds should be weaned.
Avatar m tn What dosage has your doctor prescribed? This question would be better answered by him as he knows your medical history.
Avatar m tn Do you whisper or speak loudly? Do you sing a lot? I am going to speech therapy with my son for a similar problem, but they did find vocal cord nodules on him. The therapist said that you can get the chronic hoarseness for months before you'd actually see the nodules on a scope. Maybe seek help from a speech therapist and if it goes away, then you can forget the cancer worry.
Avatar f tn Hi, You need to speak with your prescribing physician about dosing instructions with the Suboxone. Make certain you follow his instructions, especially going from Methadone to Suboxone. Let us know how you make out.
982209 tn?1249608631 It is a higher dosage. Doctors will usually wait and see if you are getting the desired effect from your current dosage...if not they will sometimes raise it. Did your doctor say why he/she was raising it?
Avatar m tn They found that i have a hiatial hernia as well as a weak les sphincter. Anyways my GI doctor put me on kapidex after followup. I prefer kapidex to protonix and i was doing pretty good until this morning when i had a random bout of nausea. Luckily i had some phenegren left so i took it and got better. I have already bought the special pillow that raises my head while sleeping and i think has really helped me.
Avatar n tn I switched to taking tums multiple times a day, which worked for a couple months and then stopped. I tried Kapidex which also worked perfectly for about 3 months and then completely stopped working. Zantac worked for about a month and is now subsiding. My doctor has added carafate, but the pains are still not gone. They usually come when I haven't eaten for a while and let myself get hungry at all. I try to eat every 2-3 hours but am not always able to.
Avatar f tn I am afraid to eat other things. What an I do. I am taking Kapidex and take giner tea. I also take anxiety meds just because of this feelings in my throat.
Avatar m tn Could be some gall bladder pain, dont eat late stick to low fat meals , it could also be a pulled muscle if you have started weight training ..
Avatar n tn Oh, I'd call your doctor or talk to the pharmacist. The proper dosage is often written on a bottle for a child when prescribed. Is it not there? If this is someone else's medicine, I wouldn't do that. Every two year old needs their own prescription of medicine.
Avatar f tn As much of a pain as it may be, it seems like you're going to have to schedule an appointment with your doctor. Ask him what it says in your records about the dosage. It sounds like the nurses are under the impression that your medicine should last 30 days. Your chart may have notes that say that, while the actual prescription doesn't. The dosage instructions make it very unclear as to how long the prescription should last.