
Junel yeast infections

Common Questions and Answers about Junel yeast infections


Avatar f tn 1st I had what I thought was a yeast infection, then I had both BV and yeast, then BV alone, then yeast alone, then cervitis. Eventually I had a culture done that came back fine. However I noticed that my bladder seemed more prominent, like lower in my vagina than ever before & I could feel something like a bump deep in my vagina, I think on my bladder. A dr said my bladder felt normal & that he couldnt detect the bump I was referring to so I ignored it and carried on.
Avatar f tn Has anyone had multiple yeast/BV infections? I've had 3 so far and I think I'm having another! I'm going to ob tomorrow and I'm sure I'll get some meds. It's frustrating. Anyone Else?!?! Please help.
Avatar f tn I was having servere pain in my middle back in the right side so at 1 am on the 5th I went to the er at that point was 22 weeks and 4 days they admitted me into labor and delivery where they found out the pain was due to a kidney infection they kept me on an IV with antibiotics until I was discharged this morning they sent me home with more antibiotics to take to finish fighting the infection but since I got home this morning my vagina has been kinda itchy when I itch it it hurts could that be a
Avatar f tn Monistat works like a charm for yeast infections! That's what my doctor told me I could take. Just over the counter. He recommended the 7-day treatment. Baby is protected by the bubble she's in, so the medication does not get to him/her. Perfectly safe! Unless as previously said, you have any other complications. I would talk to your doctor before you do anything. And like they said, anti biotics are needed for a bacterial infection. Good luck!
Avatar f tn I'm 36 weeks pregnant. I gotten alot of yeast infections during my pregnancy. probably around 4 , Ive just got treated for one but I believe I got another again.
1386448 tn?1280896286 I have several questions about the treatment of a yeast infection. I was prescribed diflucan to take two times within 5 days of each other. I did not have any symptoms of a yeast infection - other than I was having pain during sex, so therefore I refrained from intercourse with my boyfriend until I seen a doctor.
Avatar f tn hello...dosomebody kknow...diferents between-yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis?
Avatar n tn Im a ftm,17 Years old 24 weeks and new to everything and i think i have a yeast or urine infection, down there feels so raw it burns when i pee and im also spotting will this affect my baby
Avatar f tn Im at 8 weeks and I've got my second yeast infection in 2 weeks. I know yeast infections are common during pregnancy but is it common that they come this frequently???
Avatar f tn I am diabetic and I am prone to yeast infections so I had to ask in case. They told me pro b for prevention and Monistat 1 not the 1 day but 3 or 7 and do not insert more than an inch. I hope this helps.
Avatar f tn Is there anyway to prevent yeast infections? Other than staying clean down there. This is my 4th pregnancy and I get them constantly throughout my pregnancy. I'm 4 weeks along and already have developed my first one.
Avatar f tn If so, This will be my 3rd yeast infection in about a month. First time it was a yeast infection and BV. Doctor believes the 2nd yeast infection came from the antibiotic for BV. I just feel like I'm getting the symptoms again and I really hope not. This can't be healthy for me or my baby. It's driving me crazy!!! Anybody else going through this? I'm 17 weeks ftm!
Avatar f tn I have been having complications with yeast infections, someone suggested taking a natural supplemental probiotic, since I can't stomach yogurt, has anyone ever done so while pregnant? I've read online and can't seem to get a straight answer.
Avatar f tn Latly i been getting a lot of yeast infections i never had them before ....when my doctor gave me medicine it was a one day pill i had relief for two days then it came back so i baught a three day treatment from walgreens and its worked for a week or so and now.
Avatar f tn m in my first trimester and pregnancy is already making me experience the wonderful world of yeast infections. I went to the doctor to make sure it is indeed a yeast infection and it is. He didn't prescribe me anything because he said it's too early and to wait until the second trimester, but I've heard of natural remedies, such as the garlic clove in the vagina that cures yeast infections. Has anyone tried this during pregnancy? Is it safe?
Avatar f tn Yes, I got it around that time too. Dr.
Avatar f tn Do any of you ladies get yeast infections while your pregnant ? I'm 28 weeks and started to get them around my 5th month ...
Avatar f tn Has anyone experienced yeast infections during their pregnancy? I never had one but iv had like three since I got pregnant. Any suggestions?
Avatar f tn I showered when I had them , it felt better & the dirty water can make it worse. Monistat works great for yeast infections to!!