
Junel wilson

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Avatar f tn That happens when one miss Junel Fe for one day. Junel Fe usually take the body's bones and reduce the calcium. Using the reduction of calcium, Junel Fe then can make the baby's mess to be less (as babies are made from pouches and the bones). It's a dangerous and really effective drug. Stop the bleeding with ivory (plant) and ivory (mineral).
Avatar n tn I recently changed my birth control pills from junel Fe 1/20 to Azurette. I had been on Junel fe for years, and was on Azurette before as well. I decided to switch back to Azurette because it helps my acne. However, I was advised to use a backup method for a month when exchanging. I finished my Junel Fe and got my period, then started Azurette on the Sunday after my period. I had the condom break the following Sunday after.
Avatar f tn I switched to Junel fe 1/20 about 2 months ago, I've taken the pill daily and haven't been sexually active since I switched, but before I was. I have yet to get my period in these two months I've been on it, I've felt like I was on my period and even got cramps but no bleeding. the last time i got my period was July 4th. what should I do? Does Junel Fe cause no bleeding periods? should I be worried?
Avatar n tn Every time I go to my pharmacy to get my BC, they switch me from Junel FE 1/20 to Blisovi FE 1/20. They always say they are out of whichever brand I am currently using at the time. I Googled both brands and they have the same ingredients in them. I was wondering if it is unhealthy to keep switching brands even though they have the same stuff in the pills?
Avatar f tn Hi! Im 21...on the birth control "Junel" which is generic for Loestrin 24. I had my period September 21..and recently changed to Junel 3 months ago. I did not have a period in October and have taken several pregnancy tests. Then this past week when i was supposed to have my november period, i only had some brown discharge and its not consistent..just at some point everyday. I have not taken a pregnancy test since this has occurred.
Avatar f tn I take Junel birth control pills but ran out. The pharmacy didnt have any more refills and my doctor is hard to reach. I supposed to started taking my new pack last Thursday. What should I do?
Avatar n tn Hello~ My daughter is 3 yrs old and was scheduled for her 3rd Nystagmus surgery this week but since Dr. Hertle is on leave we were cancelled. He gave us a name of Dr. Edward Wilson at the Storm Eye Clinic in South Carolina. We live in Louisiana but we have traveled to Pittsburgh to see Dr Hertle because we thought him to be the best! Any new on Dr Wilson or about when Dr. Hertle may return. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Avatar m tn I have been taking junel fe 1/20 for 4 years, with the occasional missed pill but for the most part daily at the same time. I however forgot to take two pills, and then had unprotected sex with ejaculation on one of the days I missed the pills. What are my chances of getting pregnant?
Avatar m tn First, I am sorry to hear that you dad has Wilson Disease (WD). I have known a few liver transplant patients who also have had Wilson disease and needed liver transplants t my liver transplant hospital. To get the correct answers about your father's health all of your questions regarding your dad rightly should be answered by your father's doctor, as each person's Wilson Disease and liver disease is unique so only the treating doctor knows your dad's complex medical status.
Avatar n tn I'm 28 years old, 3 years ago I had an ovarian torsion (twisted ovary) due to a monster 4in ovarian cyst. I lost my left ovary, but now the Gyn says I have a 2.5" cyst on my right ovary. She put me on Junel Fe 1/20 eight months ago and I really don't know that I want to stay on it but I don't know if I have a choice. I feel emotionally devoid ... a lack of interest; I don't have an opinion about anything.
Avatar f tn m now 6 days late my average cycles range from 28-30 days and my period only last 3 days .I have been on Junel Fe for a couple months now me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex on the 20th while I went to go visit him .I lost my birth control the day before and spotted two days later help ?
612551 tn?1450022175 I uploaded a Merry Christmas form Wilson picture to my Profile Pictures. Wilson is our rescue Westie that has chronic problems with Yeast - but is doing will now and has a nice fur coat for his Christmas present. I can't just give him a treat to eat, he may have an allergic reaction. Merry Christmas to all.
Avatar m tn I have been in Junel FE 1/20 for three months now. I had my period on Jan 1st. It was my regular period. 3 days of bleeding and the fourth day spotting. Then on February I did not have my regular period. The first week of February I had discharge that looked like it could be old blood, but I never bleed to the point that I had to have pads or tampons on. In March same thing happened. I saw a spot of blood in the toilet water, but I am not sure if this was my period.
Avatar m tn I started my second month on junel fe birth control 4 days ago. the second night i forgot to take it at my regular time of approximately 10pm. and I ended up taking it at like 5am. is there a chance of pregnancy?
Avatar n tn I've been taking Junel Fe 1/20 for a few years. For the first time since I've been on this birth control, I missed a period. I've also been having weird non-period symptoms. Did not miss a pill. My period is 6 days late. Took a test this morning, negative. What is going on?
Avatar m tn Pilocarpine increases the risk of retinal detachment. Discuss with your surgeon. I doubt he/she will be willing tolet you use it.
Avatar f tn I have been currently taking Junel fe 1/20 for a year now and last month I forgot to refill so I ended up not taking it that whole month, well after I had my period I started it again and I did skip a pill but took it as soon as I remembered well I have passed week 4 and I didn't get a period this is the first time this has ever happened to me I have never missed a period even on the pill has this ever happened to anyone?
Avatar m tn I'm on my second week of Junel fe 1/20 and have been bleeding the last few days, and the first week I have problens stayin wet, is this because of the Birth Control
Avatar m tn I have been on Junel Fe 1/20 for about 6 months now. When I first started taking the pill, I had normal periods for about 4 days. As the months went on, the periods got much lighter and shorter, limiting them to just about a day. Now, this past month, I had no period at all (but still the normal slight cramping that goes along with it.) This is a normal reaction to birth control and not a sign of pregnancy correct? I was previously on Lo Loestrin Fe and never got periods with this pill.
Avatar f tn I was put on Junell three years ago, my periods were light. And my obgyn wanted me to get the blood flow regulated. I went without having a period for 2.5years, and one period in the past 5/6 months. I took myself off June l, because I didn't feel that I had a sex drive, and I didn't like how my hormones were making me feel. Well I feel more like myself emotionally, but my period is as heavy , (blood flow wise) like how it was when I was a teeny bopper!
612551 tn?1450022175 I know I can't run 10 food test a day, nice that would be, it would get the job done in a day or two. I guess that's what allergy testing is all about, subjecting the patient to a series (in some cases several on the arm for a human at one time) of tests over a short period. I'm trying to reestablish fish/potato is okay. The rescue worker who recovered Wilson (and named him) had him mostly on a no-grain fish kibble. She even had a no-grain kibble biscuit/treat.
612551 tn?1450022175 Looking at your avatar it took a minute to decide you too have a Westie, ours, name Wilson, is a male rescue we took in at an estimated age of 8 years.
Avatar f tn When Attorney General Alan Wilson demanded the original investigation, he cited “an alarming number” of cases reported by the DMV that “clearly necessitates an investigation into criminal activity.” The initial report surveyed 200 “suspicious” names and found nothing, but Wilson insisted “no one in this state should issue any kind of clean bill of health in this matter” until officials “finished with their work.