
Janumet and pcos

Common Questions and Answers about Janumet and pcos


Avatar m tn I went on metformin 1g, no change after three months. went up to two grams and was so nauseus for weeks, changed to janumet 1g. My sugars are still up around 15 every day, and my hand still hasnt stopped twitching. I get it all over my body randomly, but always in my hand. It doesn't hurt but is irritating and my hand is sore from overworking. My dr said this was a diabetes issue but I have never heard of it before among other sufferers, and he just brushes it away when I mention it.
Avatar n tn yes i like sweets like alot of other people , but iahve to avoid them I am only making sugestions.Marrowville disgreed with me and he told yuo all the meds he wa son and now he is on insluin, perhaps that is why he is becuse eh chose to have is beverages. i dont mean to be didrespecrful to marrovile .But best thing ask his DR.
Avatar n tn i used janumet for my sugar it make me gain weight but it lower my sugar why isnt suppose to make u loose weight
Avatar n tn hi i am presently living in the Philippines and i have run out of my janumet 50mg/500mg tablets and they are not available here in Philippines the only diabetic tablets available where i live are Metformin 500 tablets, can i substitute these for the janumet ?
541196 tn?1293552936 My endocrinolgist ordered a MRI with Contrast on my brain for the possiblity of a prolactin secreeting pituitary tumor or something similar. I am type II diabetic and take Janumet. I think I remember reading in the side effects, warnings and uses pamphlet that there were some tests, proceedures and surgeries which you shouldn't have while on the medication. How long should I be off the medication before and after the MRI? Are there any other things I should consider before the test?
Avatar f tn I thought I had to vomit, but when I intentionally tried to vomit, nothing happened. I have type 2 diabetes and currently take Janumet twice a day. Could this have been low blood sugar, or high blood sugar?
Avatar f tn I am 27 years old. Diabetic on Janumet (Januvia and Metfromin 50/1000 2x daily) I have PCOS in a severe state. I have not had a period in 8 years. Not even Provera can induce. My testosterone is 387 as of last week. Last years reading was 197 ng/ml. My estrogen is minimal. My ovaries are enlarged with a thickened stroma including many cysts. I have one adopted child but no biological. I am the poster child (according to my gyn) for Turners Syndrome. Short (5'1" 230 lbs.
Avatar f tn he is on an oral medication for the type 2 the med is Janumet. His blood sugar is controlled and his doctor said hes doing good on it my question is could this problem lessen his chances for svr? any info is appreciated. Wishing you all on treatment SVR!!!
Avatar n tn Thanks for your response. I have type 2. My last HA1c was 8.1 and I am now using Janumet. I do suppose a dietitian is the right way to go. Thanks again.
541196 tn?1293552936 I am also diabetic and take Janumet. I would like to become pregnant soon and was wondering if anyone had experience with Lexapro while pregnant/breastfeeding. Do you know if it's approved or known safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding?
Avatar n tn Plus you could discuss changing meds. BTW There is a combination pill Janumet that c ombines Metformin and Januvia. This may be helpful to you as well.
194838 tn?1303428544 Hi, I am taking Glucophage (slow release Metformin) and have just been prescribed Januvia to take also. I have had stomach pains and upset stomach since being on them, the plus side is that I have lost weight so am very happy about that but wondered if anyone else has experienced the stomach pain and if so how long did it take for it to subside. If anyone has any advice etc I would be so grateful.
Avatar m tn ve not really heard of it rejecting it per se, but I know that with type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance it basically doesn't know how to uptake it properly... so insense I guess that's what it does. There are medications that can help your body absorb it better after meals...
Avatar n tn says metformin at both 500 x 2 and 1000 x 2 are both equally ineffeciant for treating diabetes. She highly recommends Janumet 5/500. Gus added this to his and has seen a decline in sugars. I did as well when I was switched.
Avatar f tn Eventually I went on 1000mg twice a day Janumet, and 2.5XL Glipizide, it worked for a while. I recently gained 8 lbs. but not sure it was the glipizide. On my second day of Victoza, so far ok. Interested to hear what kind of reaction you had to Victoza.
Avatar m tn My diabetese medicine was changed from Pioglar + Metformin 500 twice a day to Janumet 50+1000 twice a day in around March 2011. I have since lost about 15 KG and it is still going down @ 1 kg per month. I was happy to reach my ideal weight. However, I do not know how to stop further loss. I am Diabetic, so can not discontinue Metformin. Any suggestion ?
541196 tn?1293552936 I am also diabetic and take Janumet. I would like to become pregnant soon and was wondering if anyone had experience with Lexapro while pregnant/breastfeeding. Do you know if it's approved or known safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding?
541196 tn?1293552936 I have done very well with diet and exercise and for some very strange reason, upon beginning treatment for the pituitary tumor and thyroid medicine, my blood sugars have been in range perfectly and when taking Janumet I actually experience severe low sugars, so I have stopped taking it. My endocrinolgoist does know that I have stopped taking it. My last A1c was 5.5. She asked that I continue testing though.
603412 tn?1220315536 Hi I was just wondering if there is a link between PCOS and miscarriage? I had a miscarriage a few years back and ever since then I have had nothing but problems with my periods. I don't know for sure if I have PCOS but my doctor suspects it as well as my friends and family. Before the miscarriage my periods were always on time and I never had any pain.
Avatar n tn s anyone else out there who has the two symptoms I have that are not common to PCOS. That is, does anyone have PCOS and is thin? Do you have PCOS and you get your periods like every two weeks? If you are I want to know if you know anything I don't...
1160836 tn?1332330169 This is very helpful to us all who hve PCOS and want to BF. thanks girls for all the info.
1418727 tn?1282487078 Hey ladies, thanks for your response. I am on Synthroid 75mcg, I do not have PCOS, nor endomatriosis or enything, I do have another vaginal US on monday so we'll see but the US showed nothing before, and I don't have any PCOS sympthoms either. Just my AB for my thyroid are really high, that is the only thing that is wrong.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago, and none of my nurses told me until I looked on the paper and saw for myself.... The stuff they tell you and the stuff you read is more than discouraging about Conceiving and losing weight and being normal. I'm close to giving up.
1238554 tn?1339420116 to answer ur question though YES all these symptoms could be related to pcos, pcos will usually make u gain weight and the skin color changes are usually due to hormone imbalances, as is the anxiety. i too have horrible anxiety with panic attacks, it does get a lil better once u get the pcos under control, loosing weight will be the most important thing! the best advise i can give u to do that is avoid sugar, carbs such as white bread pasta potatoes ect.
Avatar f tn I have pcos and pregnant. 14 weeks. I've had some spotting and sharp cramps when I cough or sneeze sometimes, but nothing much. Keep in contact with your doctor. Ask them of you're bleeding a lot. Another girl I once knew who had pcos, and was diagnosed during her pregnancy was put on bed rest because she was bleeding too much.