
Is sleep paralysis real

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Avatar f tn This sleep disorder is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep paralysis, cataplexy where the person has episodes of loss of muscle function while awake, hypnogogic hallucinations and automatic behavior. You will need to consult your primary care physician, who may schedule you for a polysomnogram (sleep test) to rule out sleep disorders and initiate appropriate therapy. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
568812 tn?1379165794 All I knew is that it seemed so real and I would keep the lights on. I had the sleep paralysis also where I was trying to move but could not and trying to say, "Help" but the words would not come out. It was frightening. I would often recite the Lord's prayer. My daughter though has also had the paralysis in her sleep, so not sure if it is PSTD associated alone as she did not have the abusive childhood I did.
Avatar m tn some nights I'd wake up, and be completely paralysed, only able to move my eyes. I wouldnt be able to speak, or move any other part of me. I'd have a great sense of fear, and It'd take a few minutes to come out and back to normal, then I could completely move and everything would be fine again, I'd just be abit shocked as to what just happened, I started to get this more and more, to the point where it was 6-10 times a I cut out ALL caffine.
Avatar m tn Thanks a ton..!! Just did a quick search on Sleep Paralysis.. My case is exactly the same. It IS Sleep Paralysis, I'm sure now. I have irregular sleeping habits, loads of stress, I sleep upright.. And the symptoms are just so very accurate. I wonder how I missed this so far. I was thinking its some kind of a heart disease or brain problem or something..
Avatar f tn This is the symptom of a sleep disorder called Narcolepsy. This sleep disorder is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep paralysis, cataplexy where the person has episodes of loss of muscle function while awake, hypnagogic hallucinations and automatic behavior. You will need to consult your primary care physician, who may schedule you for a polysomnogram (sleep test) to rule out sleep disorders and initiate appropriate therapy. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar m tn Hi, suffered sleep paralysis for decades now. No voices etc, just paralysis. WHY doesn't the medical world take an interest in this phenomena, which is more common than I think is believed? It is left to the realm of cultural myths, alien abduction theories, generalized medical mumbling about anxiety - the definition of anything they do not understand or think will get them into trouble by not investigating.
2038180 tn?1329861306 The frightening aspect of the whole incident is how lucid the entire experiance is like as if really you are awake. i mean there is no way of telling if this is real or dream. as you can guess i panicked and the thoughts of all the ghost movies i have seen of late but thank fully i had not seen one the last night. i could not move my head but i think maybe i way rolling my eyeballs in all directions to have a better view of the room. i dont think i could do that, i dont remember.
Avatar f tn What you are describing as bed shaking or the abnormal movements while going to sleep could be rhythmic movement disorder, where these movements tend to occur during the stage just prior to falling asleep and typically increase along with stress levels. Sleep paralysis is which occurs when you may go to sleep or may tend to wake up from sleep.
Avatar f tn When I was about three or four (17 now, going on 18), I watched a Golden Book Video and for the next two to three months I'm positive I had visual and auditory hallucinations of what I saw in the video. I'm just thinking about this now because I was talking about me as a kid with my parents. Lol, I was a funny kid.
Avatar m tn I have had what i believe is called "Sleep Paralysis" for 5-7 years now. But only happening before once or twice a week, if that. But recently it's been happening 4 - 5 times a night! to the point where I'm to scared to sleep.
Avatar f tn Unfortunately, there is no practical way to decipher between normal REM sleep and sleep paralysis. This is because in normal REM sleep you experience the same paralysis as in sleep paralysis; the only difference is your level of consciousness at the time. So there's no way to develop a sensor that an app could use to address this issue. This also may be of interest to you: I have a service dog whose primary task is medical alert.
Avatar m tn it definitely sounds like sleep paralysis i've had this for years....don't worry there is help and you will start to control it but you have to know what to, you do NOT need Doctors and no you do NOT need any meds...and no you are NOT crazy...there are many people who experience this just like you.
Avatar m tn This is the symptom of a sleep disorder called Narcolepsy. This sleep disorder is characterized by excessive day time sleepiness, sleep paralysis, cataplexy where the person has episodes of loss of muscle function while awake, hypnogogic hallucinations and automatic behavior. You will need to consult your primary care physician, who may schedule you for a polysomnogram (sleep test) to rule out sleep disorders and initiate appropriate therapy. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar n tn What happens in the sleep paralysis is that while arousal system has brought you out of the REM phase, your body still is paralysed. This is the short phase of time when one gets dreams of being paralysed. Some people see themselves lying on the railway track with the train approaching, but can't move a muscle. There are experiences of being paralyzed while one can see and hear the surrounding. This is definitely not something made up by your mind. It has a scientific basis to it.
Avatar n tn Sleep paralysis occurs when you may go to sleep or may tend to wake up from sleep. It is a temporary phenomenon where you are incapable of moving your body or even part of it physically but keep trying to shout loudly or seek someone’s help. It may be lasting for a few seconds to minutes. It can repeat once again if you sleep and there is no physical injury to body, but you will be probably frightened with sweating and increased heart beat with shortness of breath.
Avatar f tn I actually get sleep paralysis as well... It won't harm your baby at all.
Avatar n tn Rather, REM sleep--the phase of sleep in which most dreaming occurs--is simply malfunctioning. In a phone conversation McNally even likened the situation to getting a case of the hiccups". "Our bodies are paralyzed while we undergo REM sleep, and for good reason (lest we act out our dreams and injure ourselves). But in some small number of cases we can actually start to wake up before paralysis wears off, and yet still remain in a dreaming state.
Avatar m tn This sleep disorder is characterized by excessive day time sleepiness, sleep paralysis, cataplexy where the person has episodes of loss of muscle function while awake, hypnogogic hallucinations and automatic behavior. You will need to consult your primary care physician, who may schedule you for a polysomnogram (sleep test) to rule out sleep disorders and initiate appropriate therapy. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar m tn What you are experiencing could be hallucinations and delusions and they can occur with certain medications, stress, sleep deprivation, in certain brain disorders and with schizophrenia or bipolar disorders. When sleep paralysis happens in sleep the person has difficulty moving his hands or feet. This is the symptom of a sleep disorder called Narcolepsy. You will need to consult your primary care physician for assessment. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn t wake up no matter how hard i tried and when I was about to wake up I would be dragged right back into the horrible dream I was having Is anyone else experiencing sleep paralysis for the first time while pregnant.
Avatar n tn I am a 20F, I am currently taking adderol 20mg when I need to study, and Xanax to help me with panic attack, as well as Suboxone. I have been suffering with hypnopompic Sleep Paralysis- I wake up, usually from a day-time nap, unable to move or talk. I always brushed it off as a dream until it lasted for about an hour, I fell on the floor and was found there. During this time of Paralysis i got overheated, excessive sweating, and couldnt stop biting my tongue.