
Is lansoprazole the same as prevacid

Common Questions and Answers about Is lansoprazole the same as prevacid


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Avatar n tn i take prevacid for my gerd, can this cause atrial fibrillation This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/937646'>acid reflux</a>.
1806721 tn?1554333407 I have never taken Prevacid before. Are these two the same thing? Can I use Prilosec to substitute the Prevacid in the pack? I'm scared of stopping Prilosec as my symptoms always get worse when I tried to wean myself off the drug in the past. I'm also horrified by the idea of combined antibiotics for extended time. I can barely tolerate a single antibiotic agent for 5d in the past. How much probiotics should I take to counteract the side effects of antibiotics? Thank you!
Avatar m tn ve seen has told me to take a higher dose, and every time it does nothing), 10mg Singulair once a day, the Prevacid 30mg twice a day, and Pepcid as I need it. The symptoms become worse after meals or exercise. They are worse in the early morning or late night.
Avatar m tn My stool is pretty soft and pale yellow with occasional diarrhea looking the same. The water in the toilet becomes slightly cloudy with that. When I have vegetables like broccoli etc, I can see its still pretty much the same as when I swallowed it (undigested?). I have had a lot of aching in my right leg which I am not sure is related but it seems to have coincided with the introduction of Lansoprazole into my life. What is going on? Too much PPI?
Avatar m tn I just started taking 30 mg of Lansoprazole a day for gerd. Does anyone know if the Prevacid (lansoprozole) prevents absorption of the the drugs. I asked my GI doctor and he said he didn't think there were issues of that sort, but he wasn't sure. appreciate any advice!
Avatar f tn Hi, There are only 5 proton pump inhibitors available. Omeprazole(prilosec), lansoprazole (prevacid), pantoprazole (protonix), rabeprazole( aciphaex) and esomeprazole(Nexium). All are of same efficacy. If there is no response to one, switching to another might be helpful. Get your doctor's opinion before changing the medications. ================================================================ The information provided is for patients’ education only and is not a medical advice.
547002 tn?1219797376 But when I reduce the dose the withdrawal flu-like feeling is terrible. I seem to have the same effects on Nexium, Prilosec and Lansoprazole (Prevacid here in Taiwan).
Avatar m tn now how could i know that i have already cured from the disease. the symtoms that come up to me in start is sore throat after few days it was gone and now very light chest pain and it only twice since i was diagnosed and there is no more symptoms. my another question is that is prevacid and motilium has an side effect of an frequent urination like an urgent urination but there is nothing come out?
Avatar f tn Prevacid usage in infants with GER/GERD Lansoprazole also known as Prevacid is not typically recommended for children under 6 months of age. It is directed by the medications manufacturer that it must be given on an empty stomach in order to get the best results. Most children under 6 months of age eat every 2 to 4 hours therefore not allowing their stomachs to fully empty it's contents withen the time needed to administer the medication.
Avatar m tn Problem is the doctors deny the side effects are associated with the medication. I'v tried it. They act like its all in my head. However, having been on PPI for years now I can assure you that I have ALL the side affe cts that you mention here. If I knew what else to take I woulod but with a hernia, and a govt that will only give operation's as a last resort I am stuck with it.
1222527 tn?1266938556 For me, not eatng chocolate, red sauce, citrus fruits, and many other foods has always reduced my problems. there are some good online lists. What I find is good to stop the pain is watching television, or taking my mind off of it. And I dont eat until an hour after taking prevacid. I often feel sick too, but I still make myself eat something, atleast a little bit in the morning since i cant really eat the lunch food at school.
424634 tn?1277857528 The GERD pain tends to show up in the outer ears, at the same time I start getting upper-throat acidic pain. The TMD pain is in the inner ear, head, jaw, face, neck, and can radiate as low as the chest at times. You may wan to try something like Zantac (an H2 blocker) or Prilosec OTC (a Proton Pump Inhibitor) to see whether that helps symptoms. Of course, consult with your doc about this. FYI, my first symptoms of GERD were about the same as yours.
Avatar f tn I have consulted may doctors and currently take lansoprazole (Prevacid). The vomiting and nausea continues no matter what I eat, how much, or how little. I honestly have no idea what to do anymore. I'm considering an endoscopy but do not really want to go through that if it is not necessary - which I do not believe it is. Any idea what this may be? Blood results show that everything is normal.
Avatar n tn Thank you for replying. The heartburn isnt a big problem at the moment. The lansoprazole is doing a pretty good job keeping it at bay. The nausea is the main problem.
Avatar m tn He did take a chest xray of the gas in my body and said it all looked normal ( no odd shapes ) uhmm I guess he is the best doctor in town. The lansoprazole says to not stop taking it suddenly but I'm tired of taking it, been on it for 8 weeks now. Confused as if these are GERD issues, can GERD cause PVC's or is this a Heart issues. The ECG was fine though a bit high heart rate ( 100 ) which went down after I left the hospital. Thanks for any advice.
Avatar m tn Perhaps your son has allergies to foods with acids? Both orange juice and spicy foods have lots of acid content. You could trial him out on the over the counter Zantac, which is an H2 blocker, and will help with allergic reactions as well as indigestion. Or his own production of gastric acids are in excess and with the added acids in those foods, it leads to sweats, like when people eat hot chilli or hot wings.
Avatar m tn the medicne i was taking right now is prevacid (lansoprazole) motilium and aleva ebastine i dont now if that is the reason of it that cause frequent urination and i have no pain at all in urination and i can sleep easily. could also be like thinking that you need to urinate could be a cause for it if i having activity i am not having frequent urination i take complete urinalysis but it negative is only urobilinogen says .
Avatar n tn i am a guy who is 17 and i am really curious about this situation. Somewhere around late July, i had found out that i have acid reflux. My doctor had prescribed me Prevacid (Lansoprazole) and told be to take tablets called pepcid complete to help my stomach. For the first couple of weeks, i was doing fine and i had seem to be getting better. Even my eating started to get back to what it used to be. Then, out of nowhere i had gotten sick with a congested nose and my throat was kind of itchy.
Avatar f tn I get really bad headaches and migraines in the left side more than the right side. These migraines and headaches have been there since about the same time that the sickness started getting worse. If there are any opinions or suggestions it would be greatly appreciated, me and the doctors are at a loss at this point.
Avatar f tn I've had ibs..I honestly believe..for 3-4 I'm hitting that 100 severe double over w pain..can't go anywhere, just the thought of ems workers walking in my bathroom that night, I couldn't stand @ all, pain was unbearable...but did go to er nxt day. I also have Rhuerarthitis <.. my feet toes legs,severe cramps, I ate 2 banannas_is good for cramping_find out,I can't eat bannanas..bc of ibs ;( now spine neck..fibomyliana..since I was 32..
Avatar m tn m not sure if the over the counter version is exactly the same as the prescription. You can also ask your doctor what else you can take to help with the acid rebound. Avoiding acidic foods also helps. Good luck!
Avatar m tn I been put on prevacid and anti sickness tablets but there is no real improvement after taking them for several months. Some advice would be greatly appreciated.
Avatar f tn Your husband will need to take a combination of medications like a proton pump inhibitor such as omeprazole, lansoprazole or pantoprazole empty stomach in the morning and an antacid gel after meals for complete relief.Helicobacter Pylori or H pylori bacteria found in stomach area is strongly linked with gastric and duodenal ulcer. Antibiotics given to clear up the bacteria also take care of the hives. Diagnosis is generally by carbon urea breath test.
Avatar m tn I have Laryngopharyngeal Reflux which is treated by the same methods as GERD or heartburn.Before i have this sickness ,I have had heartburn for several years.Then it turned to be LPR.I learned that exercise vertically like walking or jogging are better than horizontal exercise.Plz wear loose filt clothing and not to use belt.Did you raise the head of your bed up? It helps. 3"-6".You should go to see a GI.There are many sicknesses that cause the same symtoms as GERD........