
Humira and h1n1

Common Questions and Answers about Humira and h1n1


Avatar n tn Also had just given myself Humira injection.
Avatar n tn Is it ok to get the flu shot when on Humira for my Crohns disease. Also what about the H1N1 shot when that comes out can I take that. I also have FSHD muscular dystohy.
Avatar m tn statistically 1 out of every 2-3 of us has hsv1 and 1 out of every 4-5 has hsv2 - a lot of folks who take humira, are already going to have herpes whether they know it or not! Of course you also can contract herpes simplex, either orally or genitally, while taking humira too. It also can cause shingles to occur - you'd have to have had chicken pox in the past before starting humira in order to have a shingles reactivation.
Avatar m tn My gastro is going to start me on Humira and my question is, does Humira aid with digestion and stop the diarrhea. Thanks!
Avatar f tn I changed to Humira recently and was wondering if anybody has had success with humira who has ankylosing spondylitis. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Avatar n tn I have RA and use Humira/methotrexate. How long do I have to be off Humira to get a yellow fever (and/or tyhphoid) vaccine? How long to I have to stay off Humira after the vaccine?
Avatar n tn I have injected humira 2 weeks ago and after 3 days developed a itch and cant sleep. will it subside?
Avatar f tn 13 years ago I was diagnosed with genital herpes which I contracted from my now ex. I married 8 years ago to a good man with a bad case of Psoriasis. About 6 months ago he was diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis after having his hands and body start crippling his abailities in daily living, and began taking Humira as treatment. Recently he has decided that we can no longer be intimate and we need to separate.
Avatar f tn There are enough other sites and posts of the same complaint and also in the first 6 months on Humira. It was about my 3rd injection I think when I started having tooth pain in my upper front teeth. Within a couple of days, my bottom front teeth stated hurting. I skipped a week of Humira under Dr advice incase I was fighting a sinus infection. Symptoms got better. Then I started back on my Humira last night and my teeth are killing me again.
Avatar f tn I have been treated for rheumatoid arthritis with Humira for 7 months including a combination of Humira and methotrexate for the past 2 months. I also take 5mg of prednisone, and 6 Azulfadine tablets each day. I was taking Humira once every fourteen days and I am on 15mg of methotrexate a week. About a month ago, I started experiencing numbness in my toes and feet. I mentioned it to my rheumatologist but she wasn't concerned and simply told me it wasn't rheumatoid arthritis.
127124 tn?1326735435 My friend is trying to call the companys to find out if products like clorax bleach, clorox anywhere and Lysol spray and wipes kills the H1N1 virus. Do any of you know if these products do? Also if she is spraying toys with Lysol spray should she rinse the toys before letting the kids play with them?
Avatar m tn On doctor suspects that because I have not taken Humira injection for about a month that it might have played a role in this mystery, Has anyone had anything similar to this or have insight on success and failures from Humira and Remicade, I really appreciate any and all responses and insight
Avatar m tn At first Humira worked completely, but for the last 3 month I now have got again explosive Diarrhoea and bleeding. I spent a minimum of 10 times running to the toilet a day, and get anxious going out and that causes stress and then more flare ups. I had a SeHCAT Scan for suspected bile acid malabsorption which I have not got and is not my cause for my Diarrhoea. I also take 60mg and 16mg Loperamide a day but Diarrhoea will not stop, only with Prednisolone Steroids.
Avatar f tn Anyone taking humira and feel like they are sick coming down with a cold for a week after injection? Not a full blown cold but the start of one. I feel like this always and this is my 3rd dosage ( counting the starter kit), so I'm new to humira. I've noticed if I'm stressed, I'll even get a sore throat. I know humira suppresses your immune system but are you supposed to feel like you're coming down with something every injection or will this go away with time?
Avatar f tn I was on Imuran as well as Humira and I never got sick, even after being around people who were. Maybe I was just lucky. Keep hand sanitizer with you at all times. Remember not to touch your face as well, and get lots of rest!
158939 tn?1274915197 are you on any other medications? i was also on arava when i started the humira and got a terrible rash on my hands and feet. i stopped the arava, took cholestyramine to get it out of my system. rash went away. still taking humira. no more rash, so that's good, but i'm not sure where these twitches are coming from. they started about three weeks ago. i'm so sorry you've been having this reaction. sounds like you've had quite a history. i wish you the best. hang in there.
Avatar f tn I have ankylosing spondylitis and just had my first Humira shot 2 days ago. Today I woke up feeling very achy, my nose is stuffy and my throat is scratchy. I don't know if it's allergies, an infection, or a side effect from the Humira. Has anyone else had this happen shortly after starting this drug? I am planning to call my doctor on Monday but just trying to figure out what's going on.
478429 tn?1265244387 Soooo, I ended up taking DS to the peds office yesterday. He's had a cough since Sunday and it had gotten a little worse. I think, no biggie...My MIL called and said her boyfriend who got really sick about 2wks ago just got a call from the health dept. saying he tested +ive for whooping cough! Thankfully we got the results back already and DS is negative for it.
Avatar f tn I'm 33 and have psoriatic arthritis and was recently started on Humira. Within a day of starting I had pain in my fingers, toes, shines and forearms (none of which I had before). Has anyone else experienced new joint pain after starting Humira?
Avatar n tn I've been on Humira for about 6 months and I have been messing with my injection times a lot over the past couple months. Humira is the only thing that keeps me going, but I have to do it weekly. I noticed when I missed my dose, when I was doing it bimonthly, my symptoms would just keep getting worse. We did a few psychological tests to see if my symptoms were coming back due to an emotional connection. That was quickly proven otherwise as I started to vomit and have bloody stool.
Avatar f tn Its the worst its ever been and I am miserable. I was on Azathioprine, Canasa, and a taper of Prednisone with no relief. Just started Humira yesterday. Four shots to the stomach....ouch! Today along with my flare symptoms (lots of bleeding, constipation, bloating, abdominal pain, fatigue, dry mouth, occasional nausea) I have the chills with a very low grade fever and my fatigue is worse than normal. Is this normal after starting Humira? What do others do to manage all of these symptoms?
Avatar f tn I just started Humira (2 shots so far) and have had a worsening of symptoms since the first shot. My hands/feet have become swollen and my joints hurt more than before I started taking the Humira. I also have systemic vasculitis (Churg-Strauss Syndrome) and am on Cytoxan and Prednisone, but I have been taking both for more than a year and know the side-effects from each.
Avatar m tn ll probably not get Season vaccine since the vast majority is currently H1N1 and Seasonal vaccine is hard to find now. But, we will go for the H1N1 vaccine when available. As Viaduk says, we will avoid the nasal stuff and wait for the injectable. My son (on campus will for sure get it, probably sooner). The rest of the family is lower risk so we may be waiting a while.
1326907 tn?1274923270 Well, narcotics work wonderfully for the pain, however you can't live life being on narcotics all the time. How would you work/drive/care for your children if your head is clouded by narcotics? I was like you - I had awful pain, started Humira and within a few months felt completely better. I am still on Humira and haven't had any flare ups (fingers crossed so that I don't jinx it) for two years.
686769 tn?1236272131 Has anyone been on Humira and what kind of result did you have? Any side effects? I am on lots of meds which are not decreasing the pain. My doctor wants to put me on Humira and I was wondering if anyone out there has had any success with this drug. I am desperate to NOT be in pain anymore. Help...