
How to reduce stress in life

Common Questions and Answers about How to reduce stress in life


Avatar f tn Chronic anxiety, social phobias, post-traumatic stress syndrome, etc. are normal parts of the day-to-day life, and it is necessary to learn how to get rid of them rather than living with them. It's normal to get anxious before addressing a group of people or stress out before your first meeting with a new client.
382218 tn?1341181487 s selfish at all to do what you are doing to stay healthy. That is a gift to those who rely on you, and are great ways to reduce unwanted stress. I like exercise and massage too, as well as pedicures and walking my dogs and baking and reading. And the occasional piece of cheesecake always makes me feel good, temporarily.
Avatar m tn Also some doctors will prescribe a steroid nasal spray, to help reduce the inflammation, which in turn helps to reduce the mucous production. It is something to be considered, after all quality of life is important. And when symptoms become unbearable, then one has to step up the treatment plan.
4152590 tn?1350772856 I had a bad night last night. First, I had to sit through a 5 hour meeting yesterday and developed what i think is sciatic nerve pain down my left buttock and leg. I've had this kind of pain before and don't think it's MS related. Then, last night, I was working on an important document on my computer and lost it. Needless to say, I was very upset. It was late, so I just called it a night.
1342745 tn?1276187960 I was diagnosed with IBS 10 years ago and I am accustomed to suffering more intense bouts of it from time to time. It seems like I suffer the most when I am stressed out. (For a few weeks before my wedding, I was on low dosage Valium to get me through.) I haven't taken medication at other times because it usually settles down into something more manageable after a few weeks, but lately I've noticed a change. I started a new job about two and a half months ago.
Avatar m tn Actually I am a event manager , my job is very hectic ,how can I control my tension ,I have to work in this field no other option ,I have to take care of my family , I used to drink and smoke , can u pls tell me ,how can I protect myself after this heart attack BlankReply
1277082 tn?1344057820 Then I realized it was only hurting me letting myself get THAT upset. Where I can, I try to make adjustments in my life to keep the stress level down. I had some clients who caused me a great deal of stress, so I found others to replace them and then stopped working for them. I am not trying to say that this is an easy thing to do. It does take some time to gain the necessary self-awareness and learn how to put down boundaries in your life.
Avatar f tn I'm not sure but I think it can cause low cortisol levels which can become serious and require drug treatment
Avatar m tn No I haven't. I know I should, I asked here because I wanted to know in advance if this is lethal or not. Having a personality disorder it's hard for me to find the courage to go to a doctor to hear I'm going to die but I find it easier from a computer monitor. I guess no tremor experts are in this site then?
Avatar f tn How much is stress the culprit in cardiac conditions? I have a first degree blockd artery and thinning of the aortic wall. I have perfect cholesterol and triglyceride levels. I was told mine was due to repetitive stress. What if I just can't reduce the stress in my life (2 children) and single parent with bipolar disorder (applied for disability)?
5982197 tn?1391477396 Who is taking care of you? Who is checking in on how you are feeling? Find these people and reach out to them. Make a date with a good friend and share what you’re going through. 2) Be careful with the food you put into your body. Make sure you are eating foods that nourish and energize you. Eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables. Avoid too much caffeine and sugar (and stay away from alcohol). 3) Exercise. Do some gentle exercise every day, even if just for 30 minutes.
Avatar f tn Meaning we quit cigs, reduce alcohol intake, exercise regularly, get more rest, reduce stress, eat healthy, take vitamins and supplements, etc. All in hopes that a strong immune system will fight the virus and make us not infectious. You should assume your current partner has what you have. Where you got it will always be a mystery. The most recent sex partner is usually the person who infected you, but it could have been in you for years or decades. No need to feel dirty and ashamed.
Avatar f tn now i am practicing YOGA since one my quetion is how to reduce and finally stopped the drugs,is it possible?
Avatar m tn s no such thing as spot reduction, the only way to reduce your belly fat is to reduce your over all fat, you have to do cardio, gettin.g your heart rate up is the only way, and eat healthy maybe lift weights depending on your goal. Good luck.
Avatar n tn My main fear and concern is to avoid passing it on to future partners. This is what I already know, first is to tell all partners about my condition. Second is never to have sex when you feel the first signs to 7 days after the lesions have healed. My next question is about condoms. I have the outbreaks on my scrotum, because I always use condoms. Does this mean that condoms are not effective for me preventing transmission to a partner because the site is on my scrotum?
Avatar f tn What are some ideas to reduce stress while pregnant? My job and my family make me very stressed and I need help to reduce my stress. Im looking for a new job and have been applying but still need ideas.
5174972 tn?1364731543 I donot know how much correct amount of food must be taken, and how much water should be drunk? how should be the daily way of eating habbits so as to reduce weight.
Avatar f tn I went to the er just to make sure baby was doing just fine and wasn't in my tubes or anything
Avatar f tn My doctor put me back on Metroplol (was on it back in 2007) to reduce my heart rate which we hoped would reduce my blood pressure. Well it did but I'm still 150/92, 140/94, 130/90. When I initially test at the drug store my pressure is always higher and then I test like a minute later and it drops. Two weeks ago it dropped to 128/88. Went for a follow-up with my doctor last Friday and it was 130/90 and he felt it was time to start taking blood pressure medication.