
How to handle a break up with dignity

Common Questions and Answers about How to handle a break up with dignity


Avatar f tn I have the hardest time when i try and fall asleep. How did all of you get through your break up/ heart breaks in a positive way?
4171000 tn?1359428831 Very good that you got out of that situation, but now you should focus on your chilern's needs, and getting them counseling if they need it. You don't elaborate on what the abuse was but if you don't get couseling for them it will come out in negative behaviors, or in school. How are the kids since you left?
Avatar m tn I don't know anything about your gf, but I know when I went through major surgery I pushed a lot of people away. My thought process on it was that I didn't want to cause them pain to have to see and deal with me when I had to go through with it all. Which is pretty stupid, but that was the idea I had. Maybe she could be in that mind frame, so giving her some time can help. After the ordeal is over things can go back to how it was before.
Avatar f tn definitely a different feeling than the every day braxton hicks so I got up to use the bathroom both times and my water broke! Each time I never recall losing a mucus plug at all..the epidural does not make it harder to push at all from my experience. Pushing was actually the easiest part for me out of everything..the contractions are the worst when they start going real good.both of my times of labor lasted almost exactly 12 hours from start to finish..hope this helped a little lol..
Avatar m tn It sounds like you are very logical and can see what your doing will have to end if you want to have a full life. I too am fighting to stop pain pills and drink too much wine. My entire family is either dead from addiction, in jail or in recovery. I guess I'm going to do door number 3 ha! Saying a prayer for you now.
Avatar n tn You could have it and not know it. If you break up with her, the next woman, AND the next woman you date could have it. That said, if you are someone who has a big fear of germs, then this relationship isn't for you, and to be fair to both of you, maybe you should end the relationship. You should allow her the chance to find someone who can handle a cold sore.
Avatar f tn I woukd breastfeed for another week and then if you are feeling the same try pumping and leave it and take a break in the day if you need it. You might just need to get your nails done or call a friend and go for lunch. Take care of you it will make the nights better to deal with.
Avatar f tn Hi there, So, you are having a baby with him, is that right? Are you both teenagers? Lots of big things coming your way very soon. Are you living with his parents too or are you are with yours and he's with his? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying to understand. Do you have any support from your own family? On the surface, I think it is smart to expect certain things out of the father of our children.
Avatar m tn Well, I'm glad that you were able to give this girl a home. I'm sorry about the divorce though. A lot of work creating a family to break it apart. But such is life as it is still better than what she had. 50/50 custody is probably not a great idea but I won't get involved with your custody. I just think that kids --------- and especially one with such issues as she has-------------- needs lots of security and stability and routine. I'm sure you and your X are providing that.
Avatar f tn Maybe you could benefit from seeing a counselor to work out how to handle this. Its hard to know what the ins and outs of your relationship are to give you confidence in how you should handle it. Sometimes when someone pulls away, its what's best for them or you and its hard to not worry but you have to be okay with that.
1437229 tn?1296070020 Step right into the freshly pressed dignity suit she offered you and strut your stuff right on over to the UM and find a neuro who has eyes to see YOU. (Give your BP a break though. The w/c strut will do just fine.) Let us know who you find and how things go.
Avatar m tn I made a mistake and took two lortab 10s tonight. How do I handle a relapse? Beat myself up? Or look at it as I've taken 2 pills in the past three days and that i've made progress?
1710121 tn?1326476935 there is also an anxiety forum here, which I wanted to mention because they may be able to help you find a way to control it without seeing a dr. BUT I urge you to talk to one just because post partum depression is serious, and you should discuss your anxiety with a dr before giving birth. No one will think you're a freak, some things we just can't control, and anxiety is one of them. We can't pick and choose what we will or will not have.
376148 tn?1309899577 Trust me, me and my fiance have been through many of fights, but once I let him cool down we always are able to talk with a clear mind. Because trust me u dont want him to talk out of anger.
Avatar n tn I responded by putting her in time outs and consistently stating that she had to share and be nice to her cousin who was too young to know how to share. Finally, my cousin accused her of deliberately blocking her toddler's view of the television. Then, my cousin angrily told my daughter that she was mean, and since she obviously didn't like her baby or her house, and apparently wanted to go home, she should never come back again.
Avatar f tn I lost both my parents when I was 25 and it was a horrific loss. We never know what curve balls life will throw at us and often it's just plain cruel. As a mom myself I know your mom would want you to go on and live the happy life she always wanted you to have....easier said than done. But I'm sure you wish your son could have known his grandma and he can, through you!
Avatar m tn it definetly helps to let yourself cry, i would also suggest talking to a counselor or a close friend so you can share your feelings of grief out rather than bottling it up. give yourself the kindness of time to feel this way, to mourn and feel the grief. things will change, and will be brighter.
Avatar n tn How to handle a serious step back into drug addiction by a loved one. What should be done when you know any mention of it will push them even deeper into it??
6548496 tn?1384490023 how do you deal with a break up with your boyfriend? Me and my boyfriend just broke up because he cheated on me once again i need some advice somebody help~~~!!!!!!!!!
Avatar f tn Most of you are familiar with my horrible story so I won't rehash it here (sister, grandmother, dad, sisters kids, etc), and there have been days this week that I thought I would lose it. Last night I was reflecting and thinking the following: I cannot control what goes on around me, only my response to it I, and I alone, have to take care of myself - There is only one of me, and without my health I am of no use to anyone! I will not enable my sister any longer.
1381451 tn?1288095766 So pretty much after that is when she broke up with me. I then tried to ask her to give me a second chance but she kept saying that she can't do that, that it would be to difficult for the both of us. This has been the toughest thing I have ever been through, all I want is her back. But I'm not sure if she will come back. I also asked her if we could talk yesterday and she said not right now we need our space first. I just wanna know what you guys think.
Avatar f tn Okay hello I have two kids already by my ex husband. After me & my ex husband break up. I met a sweet caring handsome guy. We fell in love fast. And he also have two kids too. But I don't mind he have kids. Cause I love kids. And he don't mind I have kids too. Now we found out I'm pregnant. Which we are happy and sad. Im sad cause where I stay at is my ex husband parents house. And I want to move out before my stomach get big.
Avatar f tn I have been broken up with him for a month and a half and although Im happy I left him, I cant help but stare at the phone in case he left a message. We've broken up several times before and well he pursued me and I guess I was flattered and felt huh he really is a romantic and oh hes really trying. He would do some really sweet things.. And I guess a part of me still wants to go on believing in posibitlities, I used to love the idea we were highschool sweet hearts.
676032 tn?1315674063 Although a broken relationship might seem like the end of the world to some, in reality is just the beginning of a new chapter in your life. We need to learn how to move on with dignity and life always has a way of falling into place.