
Glucose watch

Common Questions and Answers about Glucose watch


Avatar m tn Agree with Stella - watch the blood glucose.
Avatar f tn right i had a glucose test done over 3wks ago and failed it but the other day they asked me to reshedule another 1 has any1 failed the first then passed the second these r both the three hr test i wud lov to no if this has happened to any1
5461539 tn?1376247568 I didn't pass I have gestational diabetes ... just diet watch sweets and carbs .... drink a lot of water. They are prob gonna wanna do a 3 hr test on you and see if you pass that one.
Avatar f tn My doctor called and told me my 1 hour glucose test came back elevated and I have to come back to do the 3 hour test. Has anyone failed the 1 hour test but passed the 3 hour test.
Avatar n tn Hello ladies, so im 29 weeks and 4 days and my glucose test came out high.. What are the things I should worry about??
10665671 tn?1413744449 Im 29 weeks 6 days just took my glucose test ok what happens if it low or to hugh I didnt get it explain becuase I forgot to ask and I always seem to have questions after.
Avatar f tn I still have my bread and soda. I just watch how much I take in now just not going crazy like I use too. It's not bad or the end of the world. Just watch when you take your blood what does make your numbers go up.
Avatar f tn I went to take my glucose test today but, couldnt keep the drink down. Has this happened to anyone else? If so what alternate test did they make you do?
Avatar f tn I passed my first 1hr glucose test, and I just found out I passed my 3hr glucose test but ONLY by 1point..I feel so depressed about that, I feel like im going to get Gestational diabetes by the end of my pregnancy..has anyone else passed by just 1point and been just fine and still never developed it??
Avatar n tn Hii ladies so Im 26 weeks and I had my glucose test today..
Avatar f tn U can eat normal just watch the sugars,my family has diabetes n they just watch what they eat if it gets to low than eat something sweet but don't get over board with it. U just got to figure out what will take it really high like candy bars n oranges. N if it gets too low than eat one of those just always keep something around in case it does get low BC u be needing that sugar. Just look on the packages of how much sugar is in the food u eat. U will get a handle on it.
Avatar f tn I have had my first glucose test and it came back as being abnormal and my doctor has sent me for an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test. With everything that's going on in this pregnancy I forgot to ask the doctor if this would mean that I would definately have Gestational Diabetes. Can anyone help???
Avatar f tn Liver enzymes are often elevated in type 2 diabetics. This can be related to the breakdown of stored glucose in the liver. Metformin often helps to return these elevated enzymes to baseline by regulating insulin and glucose levels.
Avatar f tn Ok thank u mamma
Avatar f tn I tested positive for gestational diabetes at 28 weeks after failing my glucose test & the 3 hr test. My OB just has me monitor my blood sugar 4 times a day and watch what I eat.
Avatar f tn You'll be fine. You'll just need to watch your carb intake and sugars. So watch all the bread, pasta, rice all that and by the way milk is a carb. I have gd. My sugars are fine. You shouldn't worry too much. Not everyone with gd has big babies.
Avatar f tn I was told I have gestational diabetes I failed my glucose test by being over by 9. I have check my blood 4 times a day. I'm usually in 60s,70,80s,and 90s. My highs are once in a great while being 126 or 138. But the past couple of days I've been getting ridiculous readings. Ate one bowl of special k didn't eat or drink anything other than water checked my blood 2 hours later and got a reading of 159. I haven't done anything different.
Avatar f tn I just took my glucose test and barley passed. They told me i should be fine if i continue eating normally because im also amnemic but im only 20 so im not taking any chances. My mom had it with my little sublings so im gona go ahead and start watching what I eat and monitoring my blood sugar. Its not too bad to keep up with. Ill just need to stay away from my husbands cookie stash..
Avatar f tn I am diabetic and since becoming pg instead of my sugars being high they are very low (40s) I eat the small meals every few hours i also keep glucose tabs (I get them at Walmart with other diabteic supplies) on me and when i have a drop in sugar or start feeling shakey I take one. They don't raise it a lot but enough to help. Also it helps to know ur different kinds of carbs some help mantain sugar levels better than others.
5739386 tn?1378836460 My first glucose test came back abnormal. I have another one nxt week. Now if this one come back abnormal too. Will I have to do a c-section? Will the baby come a lil early? Will I not be able to go in labor on my own? What will they do? And what will happen?
Avatar f tn So I'm going for my glucose test today along with other bloodwork at 5 weeks. Anyone else have the glucose test done so early? I'm pretty sure its because of my weight.
Avatar f tn Mom of two already 12 and 8 Last wednesday failed my 1 hr glucose screningy # was 137 On friday i did the 3 hr glucose test and these were my #s Fasting 70-94 mine was 81 1 hr 70-179 mine was 172 2 hr. 70-154 mine was 160 3 hr. 70-139 mine was 137 As you can see i failed the 2 hr i was such a mess this weekend. I cried lots i feel i am failing and jeopardizing my babys health...i will call my doctors off tomorrow. Do you think i am overreacting?
Avatar f tn Does a persons age play a factor for their "normal" fasting glucose range? During my last visit to my 82 yo mother, I happened to see her test results that showed her fasting glucose range topping out at 180 mg. I, on the other hand, being 60 yo & under immunosuppressant meds have a range from 50 - 150 mg, yet I constantly hear the normal range is 70 - 120. Both of our blood samples are tested at the same lab too. So what is the "normal" fasting glucose range?