
Glibenclamide y fenformina

Common Questions and Answers about Glibenclamide y fenformina


Avatar f tn Your right to wean off the trams. I was highly addicted to them and had to go cold turkey, but because of the seizure risk it's not recommended. The physical withdrawals are bad, you can look up the Thomas recipe, some say it helps, mine finally started to ease up around day 30. It's the mental withdrawals that are so hard to get through. Like you said, that feeling of doom and depression, that unfortunately will last awhile. I've heard some say 3 months others a year or more.
Avatar f tn Everything in my house got stoeln.even my baby stuff who.ever is.****** up. Now we have no money to buy new stuff for.
Avatar f tn Just your hormones.
531826 tn?1216075915 If you decided not to post, that is your business, but if you need help, please come back and talk to us! We are always here if you change your mind.
Avatar f tn y is it the following mornin after havin sex I'm in a lot off pain below an feel like I need to push but I'm only 19wks to day
Avatar m tn /posts/Undiagnosed-Symptoms/Fatigue--Dry-Cough--Toenail-Ridges/show/1773954">Fatigue, Dry Cough, Toenail Ridges</a>.
Avatar m tn y this depression? I feel it is overbearing. I am sick of fighting this so so much. I just want peace and tranquiltity once in a while ot always fight fight fight. I swear it has to have an end somewhere somehow. i dont want to end it but it has to have an end. I want euphoria I ans the real kind not the chemical enduced ind the temporary kind.Women UUUGGGHHHHHH they are not the answer and I kow that.
1230504 tn?1342923426 Because the bad relationship is going to cause you unduly stress and there is probably no hope of fixing it so you're better off with having none instead of a bad one.
Avatar m tn i had sexual intercose with my gf on 2 june 2011 with the use of condom....but still we had a doubt regarding she took "unwanted 72" on 3 june 2011 evening...and she had a bleeding for 4 days from 6 june to 10 june.might be because of unwanted 72. her normal mensuration period date is between 30 to 4 but still til 07 july she is not in periods.her last period is on 1 june. we both are tensed regarding pregnancy. pls comment...
1524676 tn?1291422876 I have been having this burning feeling in the tip of my penis after masterbating (masturbating). It lasts from 15-30 mins and i feel like i need to pee and pee and pee. when i pee it kind of releives the pain but when i stop the pain continues..... this only happens once in a while.The reason im concerned is becuase im 15 yrs old This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/942216'>why does my penis hurt after ejaculationg</a>.
1884497 tn?1330449059 Y is waiting so hard? I mean if ur trying to get pregnant u wait to miss a period than u wait for a positive test, than a doc app to find out how far u r, than waiting to know what ur having if ur not finding out u wait to c ur baby than to have ur baby,to take them home, and keeps going on the waiting train.
Avatar f tn So I'm really confused as to y some women seem like they r sooo unhappy in their situations their husbands/boyfriends work all hours and never help around the house or with the children and they basically seem so fed up with life and yet they already have 2+ kids and are having another???? Y do u do it to utself???
1095359 tn?1264988175 que vacunas debo poner a mi gata desparasitarla Como Y?. nunca la lleve A UN Veterinario.
1095359 tn?1264988175 que vacunas debo poner a mi perra y como desparasitartla ahora tuvo 8 cachorritos.
Avatar f tn Y como se que alguna otra preƱi tiene que andar aqui, o alguna otra mami. Resulta que solo esoty de 4 semanas y puuuuuuf estoy con nauseas de madrugada y por el dia, hoy solo me han durado hasta las 3 y media de la tarde, ayer yo creo que fue peor. La cosa es que he ido a la farmacia y me han dado el Cariban, asi sin receta ni nada de nada. Claro, me he quedado un poco mosca porque pensaba que eso se recetaba. Pero si lo dan sin receta, malo no sera digo yo.