
Gleevec for sarcoma

Common Questions and Answers about Gleevec for sarcoma


Avatar n tn I have been on Gleevec since Oct. of 2000. I was in one of the original clinical trials for it, and I am still on it to this day. I am doing very well with it, and you can ask me any questions you might have.
Avatar f tn My mum has been taking Glivec for close to 20 years for her leukemia. Recently, she has been in and out of hospital for critically low sodium level. This has occurred for about a year. Anyone experienced similar problems or know of any research showing causal link?
Avatar f tn Hi there. It is important to be empathic, and let your brother know that you are always there for him. However, you should not overdo this, since this might lower your brother's self esteem further and cause him to have self-pity. CML is a manageable disease given the appropriate medications. Not all CML's are candidate for Gleevec. Only those who tested positive for the philadelphia chromosome or the bcr-abl gene would be candidates to receive gleevec.
Avatar m tn Hi, I don't know the answer -- but since both CML and Gleevec toxicity produce anemia because of marrow suppression, maybe it's not possible to tell the difference. E.g., both would show a low reticulocyte count. This full text paper on anemia from Gleevec shows that other signs such as red blood cell size can vary, so that doesn't seem to help. Sorry.
Avatar n tn Is it possible that after taking gleevec for only two weeks WBC droped from 36.7 to 7? All other blood counts are also came back to normal range. Could doctor make mistake in diagnosis of CML? Maybe I should get seg second opinion?
Avatar n tn I was diagnosed with CML and given Gleevec 400 ml. After taking gleevec for 2 weeks doctor took additional blood test. My WBC dropped from 36.5 to 7.1 and all other blood counts came down to normal range. I'm wondering if gleevec could give such fast hematological response or I was possibly misdiagnosed originally. I don't and didn't have any symptoms, my spleen and liver weren't enlarged, no enlarged lymph. Should I get second opinion asap? Please, help me.
Avatar n tn Hi. Response to imatinib (gleevec) can be dramatic just like what you experienced. Myelosuppression with neutropenia (decrease in neutrophils) and thrombocytopenia (decrease in platelet count) can be a side effect of treatment. Usually, discontinuation of drug intake is advised until the blood counts increase. You should have your white blood cell count repeated after 1-2 weeks and see if it already improves. You should report to your doctor if you experience any symptoms like fever.
Avatar n tn Am on Gleevec 400mg, now having problems with blisters on the palm. What can I do about it?
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed last year and was immediatley put on gleevec 400mg/day.At my last consult my metabolic stats had risen,hence blood tests to determine if the gleevec is no longer working.I am still in firstphase and wonder what my options are if the gleevec is no longer an option.Amin pretty good form,just very tired and a lot of bone pain.
Avatar m tn I have CML and was treated with Gleevec for 4 years and achieved remission. I have for the past several months been experiencing sudden onset of weakness which last for hours, to days. My blood pressure which has remained under control for several years with atenolol has been running 145/105 and higher for the past three to four months. I have a feeling of fullness in my stomach, and I have sporatic episodes of mild coughing, this occurs maybe once a week.
536021 tn?1249684563 Tucson, AZ July 2, 2008 The Arizona Cancer Center, North would like to invite you and your caregiver to a meeting for people with Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma. Dr. Lee Cranmer, a leading expert on Sarcomas, will present an “Update on the Treatment of Sarcoma.” The purpose of this meeting is to network and share resources in a support group setting. We would also like to know if you have any interest in continuing to meet in the future or communicate via e-mail.
Avatar n tn You might find he starts to be able to tolerate the pill. Gleevec is first choice for treating CML, and if he is doing good in every other way then encourage him that he is doing great. I hope this helps you. I would be glad to help you with any other questions.
Avatar n tn Ok thank you. I also read kaposi sarcoma was late stage.
Avatar n tn My now 5yo Rotti was diagnosed with hystiocytic sarcoma in Oct 2010. He first started showing lameness in his leg in June 2010 but they thought it might have been a bone infection and treated him with antibiotics. They also discovered that he has elbow displasia in the same leg so he had a course of anti-arthritic injections.
Avatar n tn I was wondering if anyone could explain these spots I'm getting on my back, neck, forehead, and there is one on my thumb now too that alrmed me now. I don't know if its kaposi sarcoma, some other kind of skin disorder, or what? Picture Links below: http://cjnet.mybusinesshelpdesk.
Avatar n tn Hi. May I ask where in your aunt's body is the tumor located? The usual procedure for treating Ewing's sarcoma for any part of the body is to do chemotherapy first for 12-24 weeks prior to the surgery in the hope of reducing the size of the tumor and making the surgery less complicated. Maybe your aunt's doctors should consider this option first before attempting any surgery. I strongly suggest that she seek a second opinion with an oncologist before agreeing to any procedure.
Avatar f tn I am very sorry for your loss. Sadly, it may not have been possible for the vet to see the sarcoma prior to or during the surgery, partly because they simply weren't looking for it. Much of course depends on where the sarcoma was sited and the extent of it.
Avatar f tn hi.. I would like to ask if what i'm experiencing right now could be kaposi's sarcoma. i have a "mole" ( ) which has shrunk in size because i scratched it before and then it became a scab and then it healed. but i grew another one just like the one in the picture with the same size in which i scratched it again and then it healed and became a scab and now looks like a scar.
Avatar m tn yesterday i had on my both arms raised areas on skin with red colour and terrible itching. this was seen this morning on thighs, chest, and back but with lesser areas. I have been tested for hiv (elisa last month only but found the test result non reactive for the 8th time in two years after the doubtful contact. can this be karposi,s sarcoma? kindly advise.
Avatar f tn i was diagnosed with cml in march of 2009 and was also taking 150mg of elavil at bedtime to control migraines for like 10 years. then this past dec. a heart test showed i had prolonged qt of the heart so i was stopped 'cold turkey' by a dr and its been down hill ever since. i have had the shakes, loss of appetite and constant nausea. i wake up evey morning shaky really bad.
Avatar n tn Hi...a brief before my question- my father (69 yrs old) was diagnosed with some tumour in chest close to heart about 4-5 months before. He was doing absolutely fine with no signs of any kind of medical problem before. Biopsy was done and a benign tumour was diagnosed. Docs said it was thymoma. Suddenly within 2-3 months only the size of the tumour grew immensly and docs recommended operation. He underwent surgery for same during which he got cardiac arrest twice but survived.
Avatar m tn Hi about 5 years or in 5 in half years ago i made the biggest mistake of my life i got drunk at a strip club in nogales sonora mexico and had sex with the bartender for like 1 or 2 minutes and when we were done she said the condom broke and i remember she said did you come alot. Not that it matters and now im checking my body every second to see if i have Kaposi's sarcoma .
Avatar m tn Hello - My dad is diagnosed with dermatofibro sarcoma protuberans.He is in India.I have a paraffin block for tumour and planning to get fish test t(17;22) done in US or canada.Could someone let me know , where I can have this done and how much does it cost , please ?