
Gleevec and alzheimer's

Common Questions and Answers about Gleevec and alzheimer's


Avatar m tn Hi, I don't know the answer -- but since both CML and Gleevec toxicity produce anemia because of marrow suppression, maybe it's not possible to tell the difference. E.g., both would show a low reticulocyte count. This full text paper on anemia from Gleevec shows that other signs such as red blood cell size can vary, so that doesn't seem to help. Sorry.
Avatar n tn I was diagnosed with CML in May with WBC at 222 and an enlarged spleen. Currently on Gleevec 400mg and the last FBC shows WBC at 2.1 . Still maintaining current dose of 400mg.Apart from some annoying blisters on my palm, other side effects rather acceptable.
Avatar n tn I was diagnosed with CML and given Gleevec 400 ml. After taking gleevec for 2 weeks doctor took additional blood test. My WBC dropped from 36.5 to 7.1 and all other blood counts came down to normal range. I'm wondering if gleevec could give such fast hematological response or I was possibly misdiagnosed originally. I don't and didn't have any symptoms, my spleen and liver weren't enlarged, no enlarged lymph. Should I get second opinion asap? Please, help me.
Avatar n tn t want to see me, that fever was not from gleevec, and that I needed to monitor myself by myself by simply taken ibuprofen. This is what I did all last week and only this Monday he did a blood work. For now, what can I do to help my body to build my immune system back? Any vitamins? I'll appriciate any advice.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed last year and was immediatley put on gleevec 400mg/day.At my last consult my metabolic stats had risen,hence blood tests to determine if the gleevec is no longer working.I am still in firstphase and wonder what my options are if the gleevec is no longer an option.Amin pretty good form,just very tired and a lot of bone pain.
Avatar m tn I have CML and was treated with Gleevec for 4 years and achieved remission. I have for the past several months been experiencing sudden onset of weakness which last for hours, to days. My blood pressure which has remained under control for several years with atenolol has been running 145/105 and higher for the past three to four months. I have a feeling of fullness in my stomach, and I have sporatic episodes of mild coughing, this occurs maybe once a week.
Avatar n tn You might find he starts to be able to tolerate the pill. Gleevec is first choice for treating CML, and if he is doing good in every other way then encourage him that he is doing great. I hope this helps you. I would be glad to help you with any other questions.
Avatar m tn I was in the mid stages of dementia with severe vitamin B12 deficiency. There are more than 100 conditions from vitamin deficiencies to hormone deficiencies to rare brain disorders that can mimic Alzheimer's disease. In fact, autopsy studies of nearly 1000 dementia patients at 30 top centers supported by the National Institute on Aging found that between 17% and 30% of those diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease had been misdiagnosed and had other conditions!
Avatar f tn i get my heart checked every 2 weeks now and i am fine with the qt thing. i take the chemo pill called gleevec and have to force myself to eat so i dont get sick when i take it. how long will these withdrawel problems go on? i have xanax to take (1mg) but dont work to good. i should would appreciate any advice from any one on how to deal with these issues, family dr says its anxiety but i think its the withdrawels from the high dose of elavil.
Avatar n tn My Mother has Alzheimer's disease she is not eating or drinking very well. She has been ill since 2001, we are struggling with the idea of a feeding tube afraid she will starve. Can anyone offer with advice on this.
Avatar f tn I have Bipolar I Disorder. I posted a question in my community (BP) about BP getting worse with age. My delima is that my family has a history of both dementia and Alzheimer Disease on each side of my family. With bipolar, I have been told, that left untreated, it can lead to dementia in patients. Of course, now, I am being treated, and that's a very good thing. Do you know if Dementia and Alzheimer's is inherited?
Avatar f tn Well, the short answer is yes, your mother could just have dementia from a car accident instead of from Alzheimer's, and the PET scan can be used to further distinguish the two, by finding out how the brain is functioning. One will not necessarily mimic the other. But mostly docs go by symptoms. Since you have doubts, you could look into having your mother seen by docs who ONLY treat traumatic brain injury, and see what they come up with.
Avatar n tn My 80 year old mother just returned from her doctor and was told that she has "cold sore herpes" (herpes simplex???) and that she will be on medication for the rest of her life. She has had several outbreaks with extreme pain, but we assumed that it was the shingles herpes virus and have just been told that it is not. I have seen some links that discuss the relationship between herpes simplex and alzheimer's.
Avatar f tn hi, you know i am not really sure . i will research this and see what i can find. I do know my mom had alz and she would sleep just find, got plenty of it even before she had it so with her i would say NO. will see what others think on my search.
Avatar f tn My mother is in the 7th stage of her Alzheimer's and started grinding her teeth on a regular basis but won't allow anything to be put in her mouth like a mouth guard and if we were to try gum she would probably swallow it as she seems to swallow everything that she puts in her mouth these days and we have tried to entertain her at the extended care facility - but her attention span is very short these days. Any other suggestions????
Avatar f tn (CNN) -- Greg Kalkwarf was a teenager when his grandfather told him and his brother, with increasing anger and frustration, "Dean, get out there and milk the cows!" There were indeed cows at his grandparents' farm, but Dean -- Kalkwarf 's uncle -- wasn't there, and the grandchildren weren't supposed to be milking them.
Avatar m tn Hi to both of you. There's no official "medical" cure for Alzheimer's. But there's a cure for Alzheimer's ( At least in the initial stages of the disease) Treatment of amyloidosis associated with Alzheimer disease, using ketone bodies, have been "unofficially" treating Alzheimer's successfully.
Avatar m tn Kind of paradoxical -- if there's no well conducted research, then how do we know supplements failed or didn't fail? I mean, I agree with the statement, but the problem is the lack of well conducted research, which will never be done until there's money to do it, which there will never be unless research ceases to be patent driven and pharmaceutical company contained and controlled, and we know they're lying.
Avatar f tn A friend of mine's mother had alzheimer's and was diagnosed at age 20. She died 4 years ago and she was in her 50's. So, it really depends on if you have some other disease along with it and how severe the alzheimer's is. My Grandfather, on the other hand, had diabetes and alzheimer's and he was 63 when he was diagnosed with alzheimer's. His was extremely severe and only lived one year. So, every person is different.