
Geodon settlement

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163305 tn?1333668571 BP is urging a federal judge to give final approval to a proposed settlement with residents damaged by the 2010 oil spill, who have barely a week to decide whether to opt out of the deal. In a document filed Monday night with U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier of New Orleans, BP rebutted objections by various parties in recent weeks and said the size of the settlement and the small number of opt-outs - under 1,000 so far - prove the deal is fair. Prospective claimants have until Nov.
735919 tn?1236444549 thank you for the info on Lamictal, but does anyone take Geodon? I take 40mg Geodon and Lamictal. I do feel so much better,but i was wondering more about the Geodon side effects. I feel alittle more anixous im wondering if it is the Geodon.
Avatar m tn So I'm taking 40mg of Geodon for bipolar, though no psychotic symptoms. Now I know bipolar alone should deter me from taking mushrooms, and honestly I'm sure it will. And I know mixing recreational drugs with psychatric meds is a bad idea. Nevertheess, I have a question concerning the interaction between Geodon and psilocybin. From what I've read, psilocybin is an agonist to the 5HT2 serotonin receptor, which I assume means that it increases serotonin.
Avatar n tn I have been on Wellbutrin off and on for 10 years, on Cymbalta for 4-5 years and Geodon for 4 years. I have been on Geodon 40 mg at times, but recently for the last year or so, on 20 mg. Recently, my psychiatrist bumped me up to 40 mg again. It seems like the last time I was on 40 mg, I also had anxiety and obsessive thoughts. I was just wondering if anyone else had the same experience with Geodon, since that is the only thing that has changed recently.
Avatar f tn ve been feeling suicidal and a bit depressed. Has anyone else had the same experience on geodon? Is it the geodon or Just depression emerging? I really appreciate the help.
Avatar f tn Anyone ever taken geodon with serequel?( rapid weight gain Being wean off geodon from 80 twice a day now 40 twice a day. If I stop taking geodon will I be able to lose weight? Do serequel cause weight gain? (200 at bed time) It sure helps me sleep.Dr will replace geodon with Lamictal and tompamax. Thanks for any feed back.
Avatar m tn That actually appears to be one side effect of Geodon but given that all (current) antipsychotics have anti-cholinergic side effects that could happen with any antipsychotic and given that people react differently to each one perhaps it was the medication you were transferred to rather than the Geodon helping it as Geodon is less likely to cause anti-cholinergic effects than some other antipsychotics.
Avatar m tn i felt mild but manageable chills on 20 mg geodon, 4 mg perphenazine, then my psychiatrist let me take zero mg geodon and 4 mg perphenazine. upon one day of taking zero mg geodon and 4 mg perphenazine i felt terrible chills up my spine. so i started taking 20 mg's geodon again. that didnt help, still the chills. so on the same day i took another 20 mg geodon, still the same chills.
Avatar m tn 150 milligrams of trazadone at bedtime, 120 milligrams of geodon at bedtime, 1milligram 3 times a day of lorazapam and 150 milligrams of wellbutrin 2 times a day.
Avatar f tn The only thing Geodon did for me when I withdrew from it was give me violent hallucinations which landed me in the hospital. I was extremely skinny anyway because I'm on Topamax for alcohol abstinence; my dosage was increased; lost a little more which came back when I was put on Seroquel. Anyway, depending on what you were on the Geodon for, ask your doctor about going on Topamax. Weight loss is a side effect.
Avatar n tn I am bipolar 2 with PTSD. I was on Geodon, risperdal and lithium. The geodon was added last, and the risperdal was weaning down. I took it when it was new. For a few months, I did okay with it and didn't really have any problems. It was stopped because it eventually caused perceptual,,, especially visual, disturbances all of a sudden, and I ended up misjudging the freeway and drove my car over the embankment.
Avatar n tn Not sure what state you live in. My attorney here in Georgia told me that 25% was the max she could charge. ( I was willing to give her more to take the case, for she is GREAT). I have a work injury to R. Knee. W/C paying. Neck injury in 11/07. Denied since I had neck surgery in '98 Crazy huh? I am in the same boat as you. I was wondering what the settlement for knee injury wit a % perm disability raring.
Avatar f tn The ONLY time I feel stable is about 45 minutes to an hour after I take the Lamictal at night. When I get up in the morning, I am confused, tired (exhausted), paranoid, racing thoughts, severe anxiety, naseous (I have lost over 50 pounds in six months (a lot because I can't eat during the day). The loss of appetite is about the same time that I took Geodon. I'm now off of Geodon. The symptoms haven't improved. I really haven't felt well for about a year.
Avatar m tn does geodon help you with ur bipolar?? ( explain please??
Avatar n tn ive been on geodon... about a lil over a year and in the residental im in they wont give me a direct connection about stopping meds.. im also on cogentin with geodon and zoloft. so i brought it upon myself to cut cold turkey.. i have been off since sat... its now tues. ivebeen experiencing dizziness and other feelings.. what does stopping geodon cold turkey do to you?
Avatar f tn I took Geodon but not with Triliptal also. I was allergic to Geodon, but that was my body.
Avatar n tn I got put on geodon almost 2 weeks ago, I am not sure if it is working for me me but I have actually lost weight since taking it. I was on remeron and that made me gain weight, then he just did change my meds and diagnosed me borderline bipolar. I hope that helps you, I would try it for atleast a month good luck!
497950 tn?1255863927 I was on Geodon after Abilify made me gain weight. The Geodon , for me, didn't work for bipolar symptoms but I am a diificult case. Abilify was the only med that worked. However, I did loose weight on Geodon and for the 2st couple weeks had an usdet stomach. If this drug works for you, and you know it's trial error for us anyway, I think you'll be please with the lack of side effects. I didn't even know I was on it after a week.
Avatar f tn Anyone else experienced this, my mom was hit by a person who was texting and driving and ran a red light and totaled her vehicle she is now waiting on the settlement, she should be getting it within the next couple weeks she says she wants to buy me a crib and a more reliable vehicle for the baby, but I'm not sure if she will have enough if not me and my husband were gonna go ahead and put the crib in lawaway and pay on it and just trade our car in next week.
163305 tn?1333668571 Ten of the nation's major mortgage servicing companies, including household names such as Bank of America and Citibank, have agreed to pay $8.5 billion to resolve claims that they abused some homeowners when they foreclosed on mortgages during the recent housing crisis, the Federal Reserve and the Comptroller of the Currency announced late Monday morning. According to the Fed, $3.3 billion of the settlement will be "direct payments to eligible borrowers" and $5.
Avatar n tn My salary was about 90k/year and the settlement will easily replace that; even if I go back to work, I still collect it and the settlement is written so that the decision can't be appealed. The gastro wanted to fight, but the malpractice insurance company settled it without any input. And my attorney said that there are MANY more Versed patient-abuse cases out there. Do I sound like I'm gloating? Maybe, a little...
Avatar m tn // From Wikipedia in relation to your question about the heart problems associated with it: "It also slightly increases the QTc interval in some patients and increases the risk of a potentially lethal type of heart arrythmia known as torsades de pointes. Ziprasidone should be used cautiously in patients taking other medications likely to interact with ziprasidone or increase the QTc interval.
142722 tn?1281533616 He wants to move me up to 40. does this anxiety stop any time soon. i take litmical(sp) to 200mg.
2010625 tn?1329372056 I think I might be getting manic again. I just switched from risperdal to geodon. I am on the lowest dose of geodon, but I am worried about taking more because it gave me body aches, and I had to start taking cogentin again, and if I take more of the geodon it might increase my chances of getting more yucky side effects. I feel like I am stuck between a rock and a hard place, lol.
Avatar f tn So, My daughter has bipolar, we've tried a few medications. Abilify caused massive wieght gain - so we've switched to Geodon. She's been taking the Geodon for over a yr now and we've had this problem that I can't seem to change with anyother variable.... thus I'm asking if anyone else has this issue with Geodon.
Avatar f tn Which is worse bipolar one or two. And has anyone taken geodon. If so what side effects did you have.
Avatar n tn Since starting to take Geodon 7 months ago I feel absolutely worse. I am very depressed, extremely self conscious, paranoid at times and my self esteem is at an all time low. I never in my life experienced this degree of depression. Is it possible that Geodon is causing these problems.
Avatar m tn I was on Geodon for 2 wks about 1.5 months ago. During that time I was on the 40 MG for about 10 days and 80 MG for about 4 days. I had a slew of very bad side effects. However, I was forced to stop taking Geodon when I was rushed to the ER with a heart rate of 160 BPM. I was forced to stop Geodon cold turkey because of this and went on a Beta Blocker. Plus, I had bloodwork, CT scan of heart, numerous EKGs...all normal. However, long after stopping Geodon, I still am having heart issues.