
Geodon and tics

Common Questions and Answers about Geodon and tics


Avatar f tn i stopped taking risperdal a week ago and i feel lousy. can anyone relate ? im still on lithium.
Avatar f tn My main issue was the binge eating at night when i was on geodon and seroquel. Ive been on geodon for 10 years and eventually was On such a low dose 40 mg that I just quit cold turkey. I did up my seroquel to 400 mg to eliminate the withdrawls. (im quite the pharmacist) I have actually been loosing weight rapidly. So glad I found the right cocktail! i'm 29 its about damn time!!
Avatar n tn Been on meds for years. Without Dr. A few months sop family Dr gave me Geodon,cymbalta and Xanax till I got new Dr. New Dr put me In hospital for 3 days and took away Xanax and added vistaril 25mg 3 times day,neurontin 300mg @ bedtime,trazodone 100mg @ bedtime and up dose to 90mg cymbalta. Getting worse so saw Dr. and up dose on trazodone and vistaril. Still not better up dose on Geodon. Still worse with bad panic attacks,tardive dyskinesia, anger and rage, hot as fire most time.
Avatar m tn I was forced to stop Geodon cold turkey because of this and went on a Beta Blocker. Plus, I had bloodwork, CT scan of heart, numerous EKGs...all normal. However, long after stopping Geodon, I still am having heart issues. Two weeks after stopping Geodon, I went to the ER once more since then for high heart rate (170 BPM). Now, a month and a half later, my heart rate is STILL having issues.
969163 tn?1281105479 Geodon like all antipsychotics (except for Clozaril) can cause movement disorders both temporary and permanent and although temporary movement disorders can (and should be) treated with a side effect pill if they are not the psychomotor agitation and spasmic activity they cause can be quite painful. Speak to his psychiatrist (or have someone else do so) about potential causes of this and this is one cause they generally would look into.
Avatar m tn So I'm taking 40mg of Geodon for bipolar, though no psychotic symptoms. Now I know bipolar alone should deter me from taking mushrooms, and honestly I'm sure it will. And I know mixing recreational drugs with psychatric meds is a bad idea. Nevertheess, I have a question concerning the interaction between Geodon and psilocybin. From what I've read, psilocybin is an agonist to the 5HT2 serotonin receptor, which I assume means that it increases serotonin.
Avatar m tn I took Geodon for 4 years for control of Tourette's Syndrome facial and head tics. While it did control my tics, it caused a variety of side effects. Some of them stopped when I stopped taking the drug, and the more severe ones are still with me a year later. I have severe tightness of the muscles in my neck, throat and around my eyes (causing me to squint constantly). I no longer breath normally and have difficulty at times drawing breath.
675718 tn?1530033033 i was in panama i am on geodon, clonazepam, ablify,gabapentin,zoloft and lopid
Avatar n tn I have been on Wellbutrin off and on for 10 years, on Cymbalta for 4-5 years and Geodon for 4 years. I have been on Geodon 40 mg at times, but recently for the last year or so, on 20 mg. Recently, my psychiatrist bumped me up to 40 mg again. It seems like the last time I was on 40 mg, I also had anxiety and obsessive thoughts. I was just wondering if anyone else had the same experience with Geodon, since that is the only thing that has changed recently.
Avatar f tn I am currently taking Geodon, Cymbalta, Lamictal and Geodon. Recently I've had times when I've seen things that weren't what they really were. I'm wondering if this is psychosis. They're not like hallucinations, just sort of like I'm in a fog, not with it. I also have trouble with my understanding when someone is saying something to me, like a delayed reaction, feeling kind of slow. I really wonder if I need both mood stablizers.
Avatar f tn I'm bipolar 1 and have been on 160 MG of geodon for 16 yrs and it has stopped working for me.
Avatar n tn However, within the past year she has started displaying frequent motor tics and recently vocal tics. Her motor tics started with blinking/rolling her eyes. They have progressed to neck shrugs and hand twists. Lately, she makes a "un" gutteral sound. The vocal tics are occuring as often as 1-2 times a minute. Is there any connection between her early seizures and tics?
Avatar n tn I went a few months without any medication, before receiving a prescription for Geodon. GEODON IS A TERRIBLE DRUG. I took 20 mg a day for four days, and during those four days (and for several days after) I experienced lightheadedness/feeling faint, headache, nausea, loss of appetite, akathesia, irregular/rapid heart beat, racing thoughts, EXTREME anxiety, insomnia, and flu like symtoms. All of these were so debilitating, it was difficult for me to even get up and walk around.
Avatar m tn I have been on Geodon for about two years and my hair is coming out in handfuls.
Avatar n tn He is having severe memory problems. Is it due to Geodon? He has schizoaffective disorder. He was also put on cogentin and inderal.
Avatar f tn ve been reading about food allergies/intolerence to certain foods causing Tourettes tics...some claim the tics completely stopped after getting off dairy and/or gluten.
Avatar m tn I have tourrette's and to be honest, whenever I drink, my motor tics (I blink a lot and shake my head a bit) seem to bother me the lease. Even when I just have a few beers and have a little buzz going, I hardly notice them at all. I've even done some experimenting where before I start drinking, I'll notice myself needing to twitch quite often. Then I'll have like 2 beers, I'll find myself not feeling the urge to tic at all.
Avatar m tn Hello, For the past 3+ weeks i've noticed in association with my frequent headaches (daily) i am getting a "tic" or twitch in the neck. It is quick and unnoticed by others (so far). The tic seems to mainly occur when i'm having or about to have a headache. I did go to the doctor regarding this (walk-in clinic) and she stated that there was a lot of strep going around and had to be the cause of my headaches with no explanation of my "tics".
Avatar f tn I have two children with Tourestte's - one with Asperger's. My dad has Tourette's. I had Tourette's as a kid - the tics aren't the big deal - the underlying problems behind the tics are. They see doctors that specialize in Tourette's. My children's tics did not start until 5 or 6. My son's tics which involved hand licking and sniffing pretty much disappeared by 9. My daughter had throat clearing and also a hand lick.
735919 tn?1236444549 thank you for the info on Lamictal, but does anyone take Geodon? I take 40mg Geodon and Lamictal. I do feel so much better,but i was wondering more about the Geodon side effects. I feel alittle more anixous im wondering if it is the Geodon.
Avatar f tn 5 years he has been involved with pot (it helps his tics) and then moved on to meth. He said he was very focused on the meth and it did not bother his tics. I am completely puzzeled how adderall could have bothered his tics and on meth did not????? He said he is sure his tics were not worse on Meth, he was around people while on the meth and they would have told him??
Avatar m tn other possibilities are chromosomal disorders like down syndrome, kleinfelter’s syndrome, etc. acquired causes of tics include drug induced tics, head trauma, stroke etc. Tests to rule out other conditions like EEG, hypothyroidism, MRI, urine drug screen for cocaine and stimulants. If a positive family history of liver disease, serum copper and ceruloplasmin levels can rule out Wilson’s disease. Consult a neurologist for a detailed evaluation and management. Take care.
449440 tn?1206887304 i have both of these and was wondering if there was a medication that would help with me having to twitch my nose while breathing out my nose real hard a lot it gives me headachs but the doc said the meds could give me even worse ticks
Avatar f tn Any medication can sometimes take a week or two or longer to take full effect while some will take effect instantaneously. It all depends on the person of course. When I took Geodon I sometimes would "drool and stumble" figuratively for the former (felt really dumb some days) and literally for the latter (dragged my feet and sometimes felt drunk).
Avatar n tn He does this so hard that his neck has started to make a cracking sound and he is usually in tears by the end of the day. His father and our older son have minor motor Tics (blinking of the eyes, shrugging of the shoulders, opening of the mouth, etc.) and I have brought our 4 yr old to a Neurologist who diagnosed him with the Tic Disorder. I have not experienced such a bad Tic before and was wondering if anyone has any advice for treatment.
1202354 tn?1267655734 I decided to work out on the 7th and it was not a good idea I started to work out and I started to sweat than stopped and started getting goose bump and got really dizzy so I stopped and sat down, aparently this combintaion of medication blockes the ability to sweat and put the body temp very high!!! so I decided I would not take this medication anymore....
Avatar n tn Today is my fifth day on Geodon and I have been doing massive research on it to find out as much as I can about its pharmacology and effects. My question is: if Geodon causes constipation, will taking a stool softener decrease its absorption? Also: I understand it must be taken with food, what fiber/fat gram goal should be met before taking it?
Avatar n tn There is a cautionary note to alert the doctor if there is a history of seizures on Geodon. I am assuming that your psychiatrist is seeing both you and your son as his patients. ILADVOCATE gave you good advice to address your concern to the doctor. When prescribing meds or treatment, if there are any concerns or noteworthy precautions regarding the meds or treatment, information like instructions on what to watch out for and information is given along with the prescription of treatment.