
Geodon and serotonin

Common Questions and Answers about Geodon and serotonin


Avatar m tn ve read, psilocybin is an agonist to the 5HT2 serotonin receptor, which I assume means that it increases serotonin. However, I know that Geodon is an antagonist to the 5HT2 receptor. Would this mean that the Geodon would cancel the hallucinogenic affects of psilocybin? What are the other possible complications between Geodon and psilocybin, or in what other ways could Geodon impact the experience?
Avatar n tn I have been on Wellbutrin off and on for 10 years, on Cymbalta for 4-5 years and Geodon for 4 years. I have been on Geodon 40 mg at times, but recently for the last year or so, on 20 mg. Recently, my psychiatrist bumped me up to 40 mg again. It seems like the last time I was on 40 mg, I also had anxiety and obsessive thoughts. I was just wondering if anyone else had the same experience with Geodon, since that is the only thing that has changed recently.
Avatar m tn 150 milligrams of trazadone at bedtime, 120 milligrams of geodon at bedtime, 1milligram 3 times a day of lorazapam and 150 milligrams of wellbutrin 2 times a day.
Avatar f tn No please don't think that. I am homebound from my physical disability so I tend to be online 24/7. Other people have outside lives and family and friends and don't log on all the time. As soon as I get some physical recovery I intend to change that as well but I have to move at the rate as treatment adjusts. Don't think you alone in the world but its best to find an in person support group. NAMI friend and family support groups can be good and there are other support groups as well.
Avatar f tn However, unlike other atypicals it has activity similar to the antidepressant Effexor (serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibition) and buspirone (partial antagonist at 5HT1a). Phew, you don't need to understand all of that to understand my response but just in case you are interested in the pharmacology I thought I would discuss it. Abilify is a perfect example of the notion that doses are very different depending on the type of mood disorder.
Avatar n tn Most of the drugs that cause weight gain do it by slowing metabolism and interfering with the serotonin in our digestive system, and also by giving us thoughts and urges we wouldn't naturally have. Remeron is the most notorious for causing people in general to want to eat, but all ssris are known for this as well. Drugs are just weird.
Avatar f tn I am currently taking Geodon, Cymbalta, Lamictal and Geodon. Recently I've had times when I've seen things that weren't what they really were. I'm wondering if this is psychosis. They're not like hallucinations, just sort of like I'm in a fog, not with it. I also have trouble with my understanding when someone is saying something to me, like a delayed reaction, feeling kind of slow. I really wonder if I need both mood stablizers.
Avatar f tn I'm bipolar 1 and have been on 160 MG of geodon for 16 yrs and it has stopped working for me.
Avatar n tn I went a few months without any medication, before receiving a prescription for Geodon. GEODON IS A TERRIBLE DRUG. I took 20 mg a day for four days, and during those four days (and for several days after) I experienced lightheadedness/feeling faint, headache, nausea, loss of appetite, akathesia, irregular/rapid heart beat, racing thoughts, EXTREME anxiety, insomnia, and flu like symtoms. All of these were so debilitating, it was difficult for me to even get up and walk around.
Avatar n tn I have given more blood than I even thought I had in my body. I took a paper into my doctor with tons of highlighted symptoms of serotonin syndrome and he was dumbfounded. He said that I was lucky because usually by the time serotonin syndrome is diagnosed the patient is in a coma. I have never felt the burning in my brain again, and I now am trying to deal with all of the strange symptoms that are still hanging around as well as figure out what the real problem was to begin with.
Avatar m tn I have been on Geodon for about two years and my hair is coming out in handfuls.
Avatar m tn First, none of us here are experts, assuming anyone is really an expert on pharmaceuticals, but most of us have certainly taken our share of them. TD in my understanding, which you're saying your doc says is wrong, is much more likely on any antipsychotic than it would be on any ssri. TD is one of those Parkinson's like side effects that is most likely connected with dopamine, not serotonin.
Avatar n tn He is having severe memory problems. Is it due to Geodon? He has schizoaffective disorder. He was also put on cogentin and inderal.
Avatar f tn occasional xanax for severe anxiety and shortness of breath. I am no longer taking Geodon and Clonidine. I am still feeling EXTREMELY sad. Especially in the mornings. I have to FORCE myslef out of bed and talk myself into living the day. My family doesnt really understand. My husband is supportive of the depression but not substance abuse. He said if I ever do it again he will DEFINITELY leave me, which is a good reason not to. Sorry to be such a downer.
Avatar n tn m on 300 mg of welbutrin xl in the evening before bed, 150 mg of welbutrin sr in the morning, 150 mg effexor xr in both morning and before bed, and 40 mg of geodon in the evening. i'm hoping to switch the welbutrin and effexor to something else, either a single medication or two different medications, i've also been put on zoloft, lexapro, and prozac where the medications i'm not on currently either didn't work as they should have, or they had more negative side-effects than not.
735919 tn?1236444549 thank you for the info on Lamictal, but does anyone take Geodon? I take 40mg Geodon and Lamictal. I do feel so much better,but i was wondering more about the Geodon side effects. I feel alittle more anixous im wondering if it is the Geodon.
Avatar m tn my pdoc put me on respidol..that stuff made me maninc and sevre mania i was very out of it..whats a good anti depressant..not a ssri....
Avatar f tn Any medication can sometimes take a week or two or longer to take full effect while some will take effect instantaneously. It all depends on the person of course. When I took Geodon I sometimes would "drool and stumble" figuratively for the former (felt really dumb some days) and literally for the latter (dragged my feet and sometimes felt drunk).
1202354 tn?1267655734 I decided to work out on the 7th and it was not a good idea I started to work out and I started to sweat than stopped and started getting goose bump and got really dizzy so I stopped and sat down, aparently this combintaion of medication blockes the ability to sweat and put the body temp very high!!! so I decided I would not take this medication anymore....
Avatar n tn Today is my fifth day on Geodon and I have been doing massive research on it to find out as much as I can about its pharmacology and effects. My question is: if Geodon causes constipation, will taking a stool softener decrease its absorption? Also: I understand it must be taken with food, what fiber/fat gram goal should be met before taking it?
Avatar n tn There is a cautionary note to alert the doctor if there is a history of seizures on Geodon. I am assuming that your psychiatrist is seeing both you and your son as his patients. ILADVOCATE gave you good advice to address your concern to the doctor. When prescribing meds or treatment, if there are any concerns or noteworthy precautions regarding the meds or treatment, information like instructions on what to watch out for and information is given along with the prescription of treatment.
585414 tn?1288941302 Abilify has the least potential to cause this. Abilify and Geodon are activating and can make some people feel anxious. As for Fanapt and Saphris they are newly released and are clinically similar to Abilify but that doesn't mean they will have the exact same profile. If someone hasn't responded to or has difficulties with the antipsychotics they've tried those are two new options they could ask their psychiatrist about.
Avatar f tn ve been feeling suicidal and a bit depressed. Has anyone else had the same experience on geodon? Is it the geodon or Just depression emerging? I really appreciate the help.
Avatar f tn Do serequel cause weight gain? (200 at bed time) It sure helps me sleep.Dr will replace geodon with Lamictal and tompamax. Thanks for any feed back.
Avatar n tn I would like to know if ther is another medication that i could possibly take, antidepressant, that works both for generalized anxiety and depression, that i could take along with Geodon, that might be less likely to cause hallucinations under Geodon. i was on the lowest Cybalta dose.
Avatar m tn but i keep getting a notice that all the questions that can be asked for the day have been used, that no more questions addressed to this doctor can be asked for that particular day. what do i do? i need to ask him about medication-related chills or sensations of cold that i want to cease.
Avatar f tn My main issue was the binge eating at night when i was on geodon and seroquel. Ive been on geodon for 10 years and eventually was On such a low dose 40 mg that I just quit cold turkey. I did up my seroquel to 400 mg to eliminate the withdrawls. (im quite the pharmacist) I have actually been loosing weight rapidly. So glad I found the right cocktail! i'm 29 its about damn time!!
Avatar n tn I am bipolar 2 with PTSD. I was on Geodon, risperdal and lithium. The geodon was added last, and the risperdal was weaning down. I took it when it was new. For a few months, I did okay with it and didn't really have any problems. It was stopped because it eventually caused perceptual,,, especially visual, disturbances all of a sudden, and I ended up misjudging the freeway and drove my car over the embankment.