
Gastroenteritis mayo

Common Questions and Answers about Gastroenteritis mayo


Avatar f tn r n they did blood work n a ultrasound which came back normal. I was think gallbladder stones idk.. So doctor diagnose me with gastroenteritis prescribe me pain killers. N next morning with the dull pain that comes n goes. Ouch! Is it normal???? Im scared im praying to god to please let it not be nothing else..
Avatar n tn My daughter is 14 months old and she has has watery diarrhea and vomitting. When she was born she was perfectly healthy, but once I had to return to work I began to give her formula and that's when she began to have these complications. She began to have watery diarrhea and vomit. I took her to the doctor and they said she had gastroenteritis, but it's been a while now and she is still the same? Does anyone know what could possibly be wrong? Thank you.
Avatar n tn I went up there and took her to the doctor and she was basically told is was a stomach virus (gastroenteritis) drink plenty of fluids and it should go away in a couple of days but when I look up Gastroenteritis it says that it's common in people with weaken immune system caused by HIV. She took her 3 month birth control shot the morning before but I'm sure that didn't cause Gastroenteritis. My question is should I be concerned about HIV at this point.
Avatar n tn Hello! I seem to have unfortunately caught gastroenteritis. I was given Ondansentron and it helped immensely. However, I can't sleep. I'm so wired and my stomach still hurts but luckily, no side effects. Is this normal? Is it the gastroenteritis or the drug?
Avatar f tn On day 7 of a severe case of gastroenteritis. Everything seems to have calmed down, but once I try and eat anything stomach cramps start, which are unbearable. Sometimes followed by diarrhoea. Is this normal after a severe case of gastroenteritis or do I need to see my G.P again?
Avatar f tn I went to the doc after 5 days. He said its just viral gastroenteritis. I looked up the condition and it says you have vomiting and/or diarrhea, but i have neither. I am worried it is appendicitis, but the appendix is on the right side, not left. I am really in pain but i am taking my meds as described. Does this sound like viral gastroenteritis to you? I am in such severe pain just laying here typing this and barely moving.. Please help. Thank you.
Avatar n tn Hello, Diarrhea and vomitings can be provoked either by an intestinal infection or by illness somewhere else in the body. When they begin suddenly, the problem is usually gastroenteritis (or stomach flu), most often caused by a virus and sometimes by bacteria and parasites. Gastroenteritis is an irritation and infection of the digestive tract. It can often cause sudden and sometimes violent upsets and may be confused with spastic colitis.
1872406 tn?1320890391 We rescued a little kitten approx 6 weeks old who has been diagnosed with viral gastroenteritis. The prognosis by the vet is poor and I'm wondering if there is anything else we can do other than keep her hydrated and treat/prevent secondary infections. Please help- really appreciate any advice or past experience that you may have... Thanks in advance...
Avatar m tn specialist he ruled out the collitis and said it was gastroenteritis he told me to continue the levaquin i was prescribed. its been about a month now and my stool varies with every deffacation from semi hard to pure liquid to very loose im wondering how i can repair this and get back to normal. i also have had pains in my lower left abdominal region almost like i am constipated but even after a bowel movement it it still there.
535089 tn?1400673519 Hi to all. I was recently Hospitalized with Gastroenteritis/Colitis and was wondering if anyone could give me some options for a good food regiment (liquid diet) that would help calm the intestines. I have had a recent infection including Colitis, Gastroenteritis (sp). I would also like to know what the best OTC antacid might be to calm the tummy. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Avatar n tn I went to the hospital and the doctor after some research and a typical blood test told me that it is a gastroenteritis . Please help me cause since then I can't sleep , I am always thiniking of my family, my son and I am going to lose my mind.
Avatar f tn My doctor diagnosed me with gastroenteritis and told me I could not have solid foods. What can I eat?
Avatar m tn AIDS acute period will appear similar to the symptoms of acute gastroenteritis? Symptoms lasted for about four days, infusion improvement in 3 days. It is the acute phase of AIDS symptoms?
Avatar n tn s Disease or one of the Irritable Bowel / Gastroenteritis conditions. Night sweats, Nausea, Abdominal Pain are also associated with these conditions.
Avatar n tn There is an increased susceptibility to bacterial, fungal, protozoal, and other viral infections. 2. Neoplasia: Most commonly the mediastinal, multicentric, or spinal forms of lymphoma. However it is also found less commonly in renal and other cancers. 3. Anemia is usually a non-regenerative anemia, and can be associated with the disease haemobartonella (cat scratch fever). 4.
Avatar f tn Hello, I cannot confirm without examination,but it sounds like gastroenteritis. It can often cause sudden and sometimes violent upsets and may be confused with spastic colitis.Dizziness is caused by loss of water and electrolyte imbalance because of vomitings. Take adequate fluids throughout the day. The BRAT diet (ie, bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) or soft easily digestible semisolid diet can also be taken. Antimicrobial therapy is indicated for some bacterial gastroenteritis infections.
Avatar f tn Every day since I went to the hospital to get checked out I was found out with gastroenteritis and 1 week later taking pills it went away. Now ever since then I've been going to the bathroom and what I've. Noticed is that my poop is yellow and floats. I think I may have malabsorption but I'm not to sure. I'd go to the doctor but my parents wouldn't wanna take me as I had gone to the doctor 4 weeks ago. I'm 14 and I'm overweight for my age. I'm 210 Pounds.
Avatar n tn Hi,just found out i'm 6 weeks pregnant & diagnosed with gastroenteritis,haven't been able to eat cos whatever i eat it comes back up & suffer from a runny tummy too...i've been eating fruits but doesn't help & i just feel weak...please help This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/235071'>suffering with gastroenteritis</a>.
Avatar n tn If you are passing stools a lot and have stomach pain then in all probability you have either food poisoning or gastroenteritis. Take an OTC lactobacillus preparation and yoghurt with your meals. Drink plenty of fluids. Eat light, do not stay hungry but eat simple things like toast, porridge, cereals, crackers etc. Take ORS. Take over the counter antacid and antiemetic (this SOS for vomiting). Watch out for a day or two with this treatment.
Avatar f tn Viral gastroenteritis is an intestinal disease set apart by watery the runs, stomach spasms, sickness or retching, and once in a while fever. The most widely recognized approach to create viral gastroenteritis — frequently called stomach influenza — is through contact with a tainted individual or by ingesting debased nourishment or water.