
Frequent urination before labor

Common Questions and Answers about Frequent urination before labor


Avatar n tn got checked for UTIs and nothing, blood test came back slightly abnormal kidneys and i had high level of creatinine which i think is due to my on/off high protein diet over the past few years, anyway i feel they completely sent me down the wrong path of seeing a kidney specialist, had the ultrasound which was fine and basically told me to cut down on protein and water intake (load of rubbish in my eyes this was lol) anyway so on november 19th tested positive for chlamydia, had 1g of azithro 4 t
Avatar n tn After the surgery my doctor told me that my uterus was stuck to my bladder. Since then I have been having frequent urination. Sometimes 15 times a day and atleast 4 to 5 times a night. What can I do?
Avatar f tn Also i drink a lot of water before going off to bed, may be that could be a reason but in general also i have a problem of frequent urination.
Avatar f tn I was reading online about signs that indicate labor is soon to come & a lot apply to me! My baby's dropped, more frequent urination, more Braxton hicks contractions, diarrhea, & more vaginal discharge, also uncomfort walking. This all started when I was 34 weeks. It says that all this could happen 2-4 weeks before labor starts, if that's true then I think my baby may be here before I hit 40 weeks. Idk what do you guys think?
139792 tn?1498585650 The doctor ususally say that at 80, with insomnia, you do more frequent urination. Sombody suggested, at every 10 years after 60, you do add one extra visit two bath room. Any way we have to fight whether it is age related or some alignment related. I have also observed when i am tense, I have more frequent visit to bathroom. As it was not a major problem, i did not bother to rectify. I continue to treat now. Thanks.
Avatar m tn urinary tract infection, interstitial cystitis, intake of diuretics and other medications, radiation therapy or bladder dysfunction. It would really help if you consult with the urologist for further evaluation and management. Take care and keep us posted.
Avatar n tn I am a 22 years old male from india. I am suffering from frequent (day time) urination (around 12 times in daytime only, don't wake up from sleep to urinate ) for the last 6 years. I generally have to urinate in small amounts,I feel that I am emptying my bladder everytime . My urine flow also is normal, I take little time to start urinating as the amount of urine is not much. there is no urinary leakage , i feel my pelvic floor muscles are strong enough.
721523 tn?1331581802 I have frequent problems with urination. Difficulty in getting the muscles to relax, urgency (when it's time to go, I gotta go - or I'm going to have an accident.) And today I coughed and wet my pants! I think that's known as stress incontinence - but I haven't had any kids, so I'm blaming it on muscle weakness. Some of my symptoms have stuck around, some have gone away... so it's really just a case of wait and see.
Avatar m tn t it true that HSV-2 can cause frequent urination? and not everyone gets ulcers, lesions, and blister? correct? If this was from hsv-2 would my symptoms last this long. going past 2 weeks of frequent urination? The STD clinic said it could be from that and my heart sank. thank you for your time and i swear i did not mean to imply that i preferred the other doctor. He just knew more about me. I apologize once again.
1308572 tn?1279274623 Ok so I am 36 weeks 2 days (had my first child at 36wks) and this is how i have been feeling the last week...Loose stools (worse today); Nausea and vomiting have returned; very frequent urination (at least every hour to hour and half at night); feeling of fullness; some cramping in lower abdomen at times (specifically 3-4 times today but nothing regular or unbearable)...what does everyone think? also some persistent lower back aches that come and go.
Avatar f tn I was reading online about signs that indicate labor is soon to come & a lot apply to me! My baby's dropped, more frequent urination, more Braxton hicks contractions, diarrhea, & more vaginal discharge, also uncomfort walking. This all started when I was 34 weeks. It says that all this could happen 2-4 weeks before labor starts, if that's true then I think my baby may be here before I hit 40 weeks. Idk what do you guys think?
Avatar f tn Since doctors don't seem to want to help me figure out what's wrong, I'm trying to investigate my various symptoms to find potential diseases to rule out. For the past two and a half years, I've had a problem with frequent urination. No incontinence of any kind, but I tend to pee on average 12-20 times a day. Sometimes I'll be up one or two times at night, sometimes more and sometimes not at all. I DO drink quite a bit of fluid.
Avatar f tn About 3 days later I started noticing a increase in my need to urinate (because of this I started drinking more water, to be sure not to get dehydrated, which of course lead to more frequent urination ) I also started feeling a slight pain towards the tip of my penis... Not during urination but just throughout the day, I never noticed any discharge, swelling, or abdominal pain... And the frequency at which I urinate has gone back to more of a regular amount..
Avatar f tn I didn't really experience frequent urination during my first trimester...but am having it in my second 15 weeks 5 days..anyone else with the same issue.could this be normal?