
Flexibility exercises for men

Common Questions and Answers about Flexibility exercises for men


Avatar f tn Kegel exercises are good for strengthening muscles. You can also do pelvic tilts and there are prenatal yoga classes too. I've also been doing standing hip circles (kind of like slowed hula hoop motions). Anything that opens up and stretches the pelvic area is good. Well, within reason anyways.
Avatar m tn s uncomfortable to sit even for short periods of time as there is a dull pain from my glutes down the back of my legs. I have been to a spinal PT and I temporarily felt better but not much. He focused only on my spine and said my movement was very limited for a 27 year old. I had an X-ray taken in December that my Internal Med. Physician initially said revealed dehydrated discs around the S1 area but later said they looked fine. I have been doing yoga 3-5 times a week the past 1.
Avatar n tn Fold forward over your straight legs to stretch your hamstrings. Maintain each stretch for 20 to 30 seconds. Perform your flexibility exercises every day.
Avatar m tn You should continue with physical therapy exercises and just wait and watch as it might take some time for the leg to come to its normal.
Avatar f tn t bounce around or exert too much. It is amazing for strength and flexibility and burns calories too.
Avatar m tn Over the last 2 years I have built up the muscles in my feet and have increased flexibility with daily stretches and exercises but still suffer from painful cramp in my arches and toes. It seems to occur when my toes are pointed for long periods of time as I tend to tense my feet quite hard.
Avatar n tn Vigorous low-impact exercise is beneficial – for your joints, as well as for cardiovascular, pulmonary, and other systems in your body. If you can't do vigorous exercise, try walking, tai chi and yoga. If you're overweight then you need to diet. Drink concentrated tart cherry juice. it contains anthocyanins and bioflavonoids, which help support a healthy immune response for your joints. Make sure you're getting your vit. D, omega-3 fatty acids from krill or high quality fish oil.
Avatar f tn I have a problem with chronic pain in my left shin and have had bouts with plantar fastitis. Suddenly by shoe inserts to support my high arches feel awful. What are the right exercises and what else can I do?
Avatar f tn I am trying to find a workout video to help keep my strength and mobility. I have tried a yoga class. Did not do so well at it and personally didn't care for it. Any suggestions? Thank You.
Avatar n tn They consist of stretching and holding different joint and muscle groups for 10 to 30 seconds each. Stretching improves flexibility, and daily stretching is the basis for any exercise program. Strength exercises involve working the muscle against resistance. This can be either with or without weights. Resistance training strengthens the muscle and increases the amount of activity you can do pain-free. Conditioning exercise, also called aerobic exercise, improves cardiovascular fitness.
Avatar m tn Likewise, correction of any pes planus and the use of anti-pronation devices with an over-the-counter or custom orthosis is imperative for active individuals who do weight-bearing exercises or who run and walk consult a physio...for better treatment....
Avatar m tn Thanks. I'm getting a little frustrated at the lack of total mobility. My doctor said pretty much the same thing for the length of time for the fracture to heal. I had my three month follow up appointment today this morning. X-rays were taken and it showed the fracture still hasn't healed completely. Thanks for the reply. I'll just remain diligent with my exercises and be patient in achieving full recovery.
15502615 tn?1440995053 Your doctor may recommend that you meet with a physical therapist to provide you with specific exercises designed for your needs. Range-of-motion and stretching exercises can help maintain flexibility in your joints and preserve good posture. Proper sleep and walking positions and abdominal and back exercises can help maintain your upright posture. Most people with ankylosing spondylitis don't need surgery.
Avatar m tn I love the idea of making a recumbent bike! Thanks jem201041 for that idea. Also like the idea of exercises where no standing is required and thanks Detours211for the link. I am going to check out that site.
Avatar f tn anyone have any good body stretches? I'm looking for new ones or ones I haven't seen before... Contortionist type stretches are welcome too!!
Avatar n tn After no improvement I visited a physiotherapist that forced my arm to bend (joint mobilization) and gave me stretching exercises that I should do each day for 2 weeks. The first few days flexibility improved gradually, but then the bursitis came back. I had an X-ray exam but the doctor said that it only showed my old trauma and nothing new. Doctor noted: "Active ROM: slightly reduced extension and great reduction of flexion. Passive ROM: soft endfeel on both extension and flexion.
Avatar n tn Thank you for your response. I am 39 years old. My initial testestosterone test was below the normal range - I think it was somewhere in the 200s. I was tested again about 4-6 wks later after taking 5 g 1/x day Androgel and they said it was in the normal range, they didn't give me the number. I am not scheduled to do another test at this time. In hindsight I really don't think I ever should have started androgel because of the sleep apnea.
Avatar n tn My 80 year old mother had TKR surgery last week. She says when she stands or sits for any length of time, her foot hurts and she must lay down to relieve the pain. The doctor said this is typical because of blood rushing to the foot and recommended putting the support sock on. Has anyone else experienced this? Everyone is impressed with her flexibility and she's doing her exercises regularly but this pain has really gotten her concerned and regrets getting the surgery.
Avatar n tn Perform at least one form of weight-bearing aerobic exercise at least three days a week. For example, start with taking 20 minute brisk walks. Walk fast enough so that you're breathing hard. To achieve aerobic benefits and promote weight loss, you should exercise hard enough so that you can speak a few words but not carry on a conversation.
Avatar f tn performing kegel or pc muscle exercises in men cause severe premature ejaculation? is it true in this statement....
Avatar f tn I took prenatal yoga and pilates classes which helped with flexibility and breathing! I wish i could find the time to take some classes with my second.
Avatar f tn I had a partial knee replacement last May, I still have pain soreness at the implant site specifically and STIFFNESS! It is difficult to do any walking around without it swelling for 2-3 days sometime longer. I have a friend who is a physical therapist and said the key is following through with the knee exercises daily the first year and as needed weekly from then on but remember to ice pack the knee following exercise. I am still unable to work at a job that requires walking or standing.
Avatar f tn Take food items that strengthen your body, stretching and flexibility exercises are good for the purpose.