
Fingernail health nail bed

Common Questions and Answers about Fingernail health nail bed


1833444 tn?1325557062 My husband has had dark, almost purple color to his nails, primarily down by the bed of the nail. One doctor said it might be a side effect to one of his blood pressure meds. Another doctor thought it might be due to his hepatitis. Last year, when he was on his second therapy for Hep C, his hepatologist referred him to a dermatologist, who thought he might have cryoglobulinemia, which is a blood disorder that many people with hepatitis have. It was ruled out.
Avatar m tn When the proximal pallorous nail bed is congested with blood by manually occluding venous outflow, this band must still be easily distinguishable. For your condition, one important possibility which needs to be ruled out is of Raynaud’s phenomenon. It is an episodic reduction in the blood supply to the fingers and/or toes occurring mainly in response to cold which causes white tips of extremities.
Avatar n tn The enlarged picture is a bit blurred, but what I can see is that there is a redness and swelling along the nail bed. As you mention that it feels sore and hurts to press, it is highly likely that there is an infection. If there is a boil or abscess forming, the doctor may consider lancing the skin to draw out the rubbish. Make an urgent appointment to see your doctor, who will prescribe either an antibiotic cream for you to put on to the thumb, or antibiotic tablets.
Avatar n tn They are likely because these conditions are relatively more common than melanoma of the nail bed. Do not pick on this. Take a picture of the affected finger so you may have a reference when you have this assessed by your doctor in October. Take pictures every month and note the progress of the condition. A biopsy may be done here if the diagnosis appears to be elusive. Do not apply anything on the area.
Avatar m tn t think I had damaged the nail bed because it was growing out straight, but is funny looking. He prescribed a urea nail stick to aid with the fungus like matter under the fingernail. I keep it trimmed back to allow for new nail growth, but it gets to a certain point and develops this gross looking end to it. Any idea why it's taking so long for the nail to regenerate, or is this an indication of a possible underlying cause?
Avatar f tn Brittle nails can also peel, I believe there was a question below in regards to this. As far as I know, nutritional deficiencies rather show as uneven surfaces of the nail bed.
Avatar n tn Only one horizontal depression present on only one fingernail is usually caused by trauma (usually accidental physical trauma) of nail matrix (nail “root”). It should grow out of your nail bed in 2-3 months. Fingernails grow about 3mm per month. Try to go back about 2 months and to remember if you had injured that nail area (anything from accidental bang to rough cuticle cutting…).
Avatar n tn I had a mishap at work in which my nail of my third finger was pulled out from under the cuticle area, but left attached to the nail bed. Emergency Doctor froze my finger, removed the nail surgically, stitched my fingertip back together, then reinserted the 'dead' nail (after thorough clean/disinfect) and stitched it in place to protect the nail bed and serve as a semi soft splint. I am on day 11 since my accident, and have been diligent in the care of my finger.
Avatar m tn 3mm) new or changing pigment band in a single nail. The diagnosis of melanoma is confirmed by biopsy of the nail matrix and nail bed. My suggestion is get it examined from a dermatologist and get it biopsied to confirm the diagnosis. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps.
Avatar n tn Ever since I can remember, on my thumbnail and big-toe nail, there has been a strange deterioration. It looks like a series of grooves in the center of the nail (see attached pictures). My fingernails aren't weak or brittle and they're not really falling off or anything. I don't think it's anything serious, but I've always been curious what it is. If anybody could help at all, that would be great.
Avatar f tn A subungual hematoma is a collection of blood underneath a fingernail which sometimes results from a traumatic injury. A laceration of the nail bed causes bleeding, hence, the black discoloration. Usually, the new nail pushes the old nail out. Subungual hematomas typically heal without incident. It is important to keep the area clean and dry to prevent infection. Take care and keep us posted.
Avatar m tn ve had this happen to me more than once) Any serious crunching to the nail on your finger will cause this to happen - the bruising underneath the nail is what causes it to fall off, and the bump in the middle of where the nail used to be is actually the new fingernail growing back.
Avatar n tn Hello, Trauma to the nail can cause blackening of the nail because of injury to the nail bed and spillage of blood in nailbed.It does not sound like a fungal infection.This bleeding can resolve on its own and if the symptoms of severe pain persists then drilling of the nail to release the blood may have to be done. Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional queries.Kind regards.
Avatar f tn This article worries me as I do not see how this is different to someone having a possible cut on their hand or around their fingernail and then shaking hands and freakishly having the misfortune to cut you with their nail I am sure a reassurance with explanation would reassure many other worried people as well as me.
Avatar f tn Why is my fingernail on my middle finger starting to pull away from my skin and turn white and the bottom half is pitting and peeling? What could this be?
Avatar m tn Most people present with a history of asymptomatic hyperpigmentation of the nail plate. The other harmless possibility which I can think of is melanotic macule of the nail unit. The causes of melanonychia striata are many and most of them are non serious which include physiologic longitudinal melanonychia, systemic disorders, trauma, inflammatory disorders, fungal infections, drugs, and benign melanocytic hyperplasias.
Avatar m tn Hello, Such kind of nail thickening and color change can be due to trauma or nail fungal infection also. Nail fungus also known as Onychomycosis is very common but hard to treat because of the location of the fungus that happens to be under the nails. There are different ways to treat this infection, but recent studies suggest that using both topical and oral anti fungal medications at same time yields better result.
Avatar n tn I have an 8 yr old daughter who has two fingernails, one on each hand, that are not smooth, they are slightly bumby and the nail that grows out at the end is not uniform, curvy. They do not have complete horizontal ridges across them. Sort of like moguls on a ski slope. They are not discolored and it only occurs in those two fingernails. She has had this for close to a year. She's rarely sick and if it was nail fungus I would think it would have spread to her other nails.
Avatar n tn Unfortunately, once the nail turns black it will be lost and the nail will have to regrow. The drill is, if a fingernail or toenail is bruised, to permit the blood to drain immediately. This is a painless, but somewhat squeamish procedure. Take a long-nosed needle nose pliers and heat a safety pin in a flame. Then burn a tiny hole in the part of the nail directly above the bruised part. Stop when blood oozes out. This will be painless. There are no pain sensors in the fingernail or toenail.
Avatar m tn somedays ago i met a fight with some of the boys of the college nd after that fight one of the boys blood came under the skin of the finger nail......i dont know how.....nd that blood was visible till the end the finger nail had grown enough to cut it down.........i want ask whether this could be a hiv transmission if the boy was hiv positive......
Avatar m tn My nail symptoms with hypothyroidism are onycholysis (separation of the nail from the nail bed) and peeling nails. When I was a teenager my sister used to say that I was using a pin to scrape under my nails to make them look longer lol. I only have onycholysis very mildly on my ring fingers now. I don't have any moons either except my thumbs. I don't recall ever having moons so it's probably just my normal. I found this info about absent lunula...
Avatar f tn Cut off the loose nail portion close to the skin without cutting into the skin. A pair of fingernail nippers or fingernail scissors work best. Then brush on pure tea tree oil a couple of times a day.
681148 tn?1437661591 I noticed that my right thumb nail had a white spot near the middle of the nail bed on the left side. The nail has since grown out some, so the white spot will probably be gone by the time I see my PCP. My other thumb nail has a groove or pit that is like looking at a ditch on the nail bed. One part before it dips into the ditch seems thicker. The other part seems much thinner. The groove or ditch is pronounced. Both of these things on my thumb nails is new for me.
Avatar m tn Hey everyone! 6 days ago, I wasn't paying attention and slammed my finger in a car door. I've been icing my thumb for 15 minutes, then alternating with heat, and taking ibuprofen. I've been to immediate care and gotten x-rays and it isn't broken, but it hurts so bad. My whole nail is black and my thumb is twice the size of my opposite one. i'm really worried about it. i'm gonna post some pictures so you guys can get an idea.
Avatar m tn One of my hypothyroid nail symptoms is onycholysis (separation of the nail from the underlying nail bed) which sounds like what you are talking about. I've been on thyroid medication for 1 1/2 years (i'm not optimally treated yet) and this symptom is still present but has improved.
Avatar f tn My fingernail/finger is showing no visable signs but where the fingernail meets the skin it is throbbing. I had no cuts on the hand is it possible to get fluids underneath the nail and trap it forcing it into the nerve endings? I fingered her hot and heavy for about 20 mins. Now my finger hurts near the nail weeks later.
Avatar n tn On the other hand, splinter hemorrhages appear as a red to reddish-brown fine, vertical line that resembles a splinter beneath the nail, this disorder occurs when blood vessels in the nail bed are damaged or from a nail injury. If a dark spot or streak appears on any nail, and is not the result of an injury, it must be examined by a dermatologist to rule out melanoma.
Avatar n tn A couple of questions for you are did the fingernail get bent or broken or is it coming up off the nail bed? What color is the finger? Did you injure it? If so how? And how long ago?