
Fingernail fungus yeast

Common Questions and Answers about Fingernail fungus yeast


1833444 tn?1325557062 My are brittle and cracking. One tonenail has nasty fungus and split to the bed n bleeding. I have to wear little slip ons n soft boots, it's so painful. Dr said it's jus part of treatment. Let us know what the Dr says. Missing my heels..
Avatar m tn What do the lines look like and are they colored? If you have fingernail fungus the topicals don't work. You would have to take a prescription oral drug (Lamisil) for three months then it kills the nail. I just went through this with my toe nail. The nail is usually yellowish.
Avatar m tn He prescribed a urea nail stick to aid with the fungus like matter under the fingernail. I keep it trimmed back to allow for new nail growth, but it gets to a certain point and develops this gross looking end to it. Any idea why it's taking so long for the nail to regenerate, or is this an indication of a possible underlying cause?
Avatar n tn Injury to nail due to trauma it self can cause the features described.With out a fungus test,woods lamp done, not safe to give internal antifungals.
Avatar f tn Cut off the loose nail portion close to the skin without cutting into the skin. A pair of fingernail nippers or fingernail scissors work best. Then brush on pure tea tree oil a couple of times a day.
Avatar n tn Both ringworm and yeast infection are fungus. in fact one of the very best treatments for ringworm is monostat mixed with hibiclense I am not a medical pro, but I did rescue 3 infested kittens 4 years ago and my hairless dogs got ringworm. from that i learned the ringworm spores can live many months. I bought a woods lamp, only to discover all ringworms do not florese. dry skin does florese. grr a waste of good money.
Avatar m tn You should have first discussed both of your history of std's. If you didn't, you should asap. What is even better is that you both get full std panels so you know your status's for sure. It is for her benefit as well as yours. It is not uncommon for people to have std's and not show symptoms. As for what you think is a fungus, have it checked out by a doctor so you can get the proper treatment.
Avatar n tn yeast infections in the mouth do give you a sensation of a dry mouth though usually it's very burning feeling too. If you were diagnosed as having a fungal infection in the mouth I"m sure they gave you treatment for it. If you are just wondering if perhaps this is the cause of your dry mouth - see your provider for an exam and testing. Diagnosing an oral fungal infection is pretty easy in the office.
Avatar m tn A brown or black dot or streak under a toenail or fingernail could be a blood clot, fungus infection, or possibly a skin cancer. Hence get it examined under a dermatoscope from a dermatologist. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps.
Avatar f tn Sweating and odd odor sound like a fungus or yeast. You need to keep dry. Skin is also more sensative when damp. You sure it wasn't rubbing against clothes or so.
Avatar f tn my lil dog he chews the tops of his feet it makes his breath smell horriable and his feet smell very bad i have been using a fungus shampoo on him and its not working they gave him doxicyclean
Avatar n tn A 3month old baby got diagnosed with fungus rash,on physical examination there are white flames on the face spots or mark on other part of the body.can this be classified as fungus and if so what is the short term nursing goal for this baby.
Avatar n tn I would like to know if a penile yeast/fungus infection is a symptom of early hiv infection. The information on the Internet suggest a close relationship. Very itchy and raw spot on base penis which has been there for weeks and not responding to OTC treatment with lotrimin.
Avatar m tn what it is is that in the morning you spit into a glass of water and if after some time the spit is cloudy or sits in the bottom- you are experiencing a yeast overgrowth, which can cause a yeast infection. I tried this and sure enough my spit was very cloudy- almost brown, and sank to the bottom. my question is, how reliable is this? this at home yeast test is written about all over the internet.
Avatar n tn also my right big toenail is very yellow. i mention that because it is also a fungus. ive been very tired and irratable as of late also. when i look up yeast infection photos it looks very similiar. i bought miconazole 7 vaginal anti fungal because i couldnt find anything for males and have been using it for a day. it seems to take the pain and itch away. PLEASE HELP!
Avatar m tn People who are overweight have even more trouble than slim people because of skin-on-skin contact. So if you need to lose weight, and even if you don't, sugar feeds yeast/fungus, so eat healthy with lots of veggies and lean meat and no sugar or simple carbs. Sugars like that just feed yeast.
Avatar n tn I got that yeast cleared with cinnamon bark oil. Is yeast infection the same as a fungus? Is there any oral medication I can purchase and try? Any guidance is appreciated. Thank you.
194838 tn?1303428544 Crook, he did skin tests, and put me on a yeast free/suar fee diet, with rx for nystatin ( yeast fungus killer) powder. I lost 20 lbs, but I had no backpain, stomach burning that I also had, or migraine headaches. He published several books, one The Yeast Connection about patients. This is on alternative treatment that did work for me. After 2 or 3 years I slid back into my old eating habits. I have had some nystatin powder for the mouth sores from chemo, and it did work on them too.
Avatar f tn Sounds like you have a fungus/yeast infection that you tested positive for. :>) i'm glad they cultured you so you know what this is. are you taking the pill to treat it or using creams. I really like the synthetic oral (pill) medication the doctor can prescribe myself. anyway, it just must be persistent and I would keep at treating it. Probiotics are a way to help the body establish a healthy ph of the vagina.
Avatar n tn As already stated, jock itch is caused by a fungus. Yeast is a fungus. And yes, most importantly, jock itch can have an odor similar to what you are describing.
Avatar m tn Hi I just want to know what can cause some or all of these combined symptoms, Hair thinning, lost of appetite, a few dark toenails but not all of them, 1 fingernail half light pink half light brown with vertical lines no ridges, wart on ball of both feet and lately some lost of taste (I'm thinking due to thin white film on tongue) I was a Severe smoker until recently when I stopped.
Avatar n tn A girl gave me unprotected oral sex, and afterwards I noticed my penis had some fungus on it. Can the girl contract anything? Is there such thing as getting fungus infection in one's mouth?
Avatar f tn Guys can indeed get yeast infections. Men have yeast in their bodies as well and have the potential to have yeast overgrowth. So sometimes, though not that often, if their female partner has sex with them and she has a yeast infection, he can potentially be affected by it.