
Fingernail fungus dermatologist

Common Questions and Answers about Fingernail fungus dermatologist


1833444 tn?1325557062 Last year, when he was on his second therapy for Hep C, his hepatologist referred him to a dermatologist, who thought he might have cryoglobulinemia, which is a blood disorder that many people with hepatitis have. It was ruled out. I would suggest asking your doctor about it, since nail color can be an indicator of health problems.
Avatar m tn A brown or black dot or streak under a toenail or fingernail could be a blood clot, fungus infection, or possibly a skin cancer. Hence get it examined under a dermatoscope from a dermatologist. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps.
Avatar m tn It has yellowing underneath the nail, like a fungus which the dermatologist tested for and was negative, and whiteness on top where the nail looks dead, and you can see the new nail underneath. The doctor didn't think I had damaged the nail bed because it was growing out straight, but is funny looking. He prescribed a urea nail stick to aid with the fungus like matter under the fingernail.
Avatar n tn So about 2 weeks ago (after putting a cuticle out) the base of my fingernail got infected its red and swollen doesnt hurt much but when i touch it, then about a week ago i began to have these little white bumps on my finger tips they very in size but none bigger than 1/16in, they have now sped to some of my palm, they have no liquid in them they are only white and they open easly when scrached but they do not itch or hurt, my guess is i touched something im aleric to but i have never really been
Avatar m tn What do the lines look like and are they colored? If you have fingernail fungus the topicals don't work. You would have to take a prescription oral drug (Lamisil) for three months then it kills the nail. I just went through this with my toe nail. The nail is usually yellowish.
Avatar n tn Injury to nail due to trauma it self can cause the features described.With out a fungus test,woods lamp done, not safe to give internal antifungals.
Avatar m tn If I need part of my fingernail removed due to ingrown fingernai, will a doctor use novacaine. The podiatrist did do that when I needed an ingrown toenail removed. Will a dermatologist do the same?
565779 tn?1216513164 five years ago, now I have a foot fungus and toe/fingernail fungus. I have also been finding these tiny black things, the size of a pinhead all over my skin, some are even going into my fingernails, as well as my skin. Is this another type of fungus, or do I have some strange bug inside of me? Also does anyone notice a gross odor from the nail fungus? Are people with Hep. C prone to fungi infections?
Avatar f tn Cut off the loose nail portion close to the skin without cutting into the skin. A pair of fingernail nippers or fingernail scissors work best. Then brush on pure tea tree oil a couple of times a day.
1430129 tn?1283281475 I have a nail fungus that I've dealt with for nearly two years. I have had my doctor prescribe cream, I also took Lamisil (spelling?) I went to the dermatologist with my son yesterday, and he told me to file the side of my nail with the fungus all the way down, he said in order to get rid of the fungus that's in my nail, I have to get rid of that part of my nail. Is this true? I also think I have a fungus on one of my toenails.
Avatar m tn At the top of the fingernail, where it grows out fron the finger, is a small semi-circle of white then the rest of the finger nail is pinkish. Prior to moving to where I now live my nails all had this little area now 3 years later only my thumbs do. Can anyone tell me if this is something to be concerned about? Thanks for any help!!
Avatar f tn Hello! I have a fungus on the front of my calf. This is the secnd time I have had it. It's a dark circle that is somtimes itchy and flaky. The first time it ever appeared I had it on both legs and it was bad so i went to the dermatologist and they prescribed me a cream and told me to put the cream on at night and wrap it with saran wrap. Now, I don't have insurance so I tried lotramin and at first it started to work, but it stopped working.
Avatar f tn It is obvious to me if lamisal at worked it must be fungus but my dermatologist says there something in lamisal at that is taking the burning away. IS IT POSSIBLE THIS IS FUNGUS BECAUSE THERE IS NO DRYNESS, NO SCALING,NO ERUPTIONS it is FLAT LIKE IT IS PART OF YOUR SKIN, NO SIGNS OF ITCHING ONLY tingling & burning? I know u cant comment to much without observation.My problem i look at ringworm and athletes feet pictures they do not look anything like i have. confused HELP?
Avatar f tn The doctor didn't mention fungus. How can you tell if it is that? I always thought a fungus would smell bad wouldn't it? The nail isn't raised, hasn't been damaged and doesn't smell. I don't know exactly when it appeared because I only noticed it when I removed my nail varnish, which wasn't chipped or damaged as I guess it would have been if it had been knocked. I am hoping I am just paranoid now....
Avatar f tn Is there any home remedies I can use to help my toddler for this fungus or does he need another type of treatment or see a dermatologist. He is almost 3 yrs old and intact.
Avatar n tn Hello, For fungal infection of the penis, most cases of fungal infection respond to over-the-counter products, which contain any of several basic ingredients: miconazole, tolnaftate, terbinafine,ketaconazole and clotrimazole.You can consult a pharmacist and get any cream or lotion containing these ingredients. Some of them are Lamisil, Monistat derm, Mycelex, and Nizoral.
Avatar m tn appearance, with no lunula (the crescent-shaped whitish area of the bed of a fingernail). It is thought to be due to a decrease in vascularity. Hence there appears a red or brown distal transverse band on the tip of fingernail. It is found in severe liver disease like cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, congestive heart failure, hyperthyroidism, and/or malnutrition. Since your liver enzymes are normal, chances are less likely that you have terry nails.
Avatar m tn m going to make an appointment with my dermatologist tomorrow and ask for a biopsy to figure out once and for all if this is a yeast infection or some kind of dermatitis or... whatever else.
Avatar m tn Is it true hat if a diagnosed mole under your fingernail that does not involve cuticle means itis NOT melanoma? Should all lines, diagnoses of a mole line in your fingernail be biopsied?
Avatar f tn He has been treating it with tamilsil, and he develpoed a rash which he was told was an allergic reaction to the ringworm fungus. Th chemist put him on micreme (part antifungal, part hydrocortisone) which improved the rash considerably which had become very red, inflamed and itching madly. She said to use it and it should be cleared in about a week. It has been 2 weeks and is not gone. Although it has improved.
Avatar n tn And you can go to a dermatologist for a skin test to see if it is a fungus. if it is a fungus it may be possible to spread it to other areas of your body.
Avatar n tn and more lately my forehead is not shedding my skin and that area the size of my small fingernail are becoming crusty and and remain attached to my head. After a couple/few weeks it tends to come away with a bit of help from my fingernail but then the same process starts again .. it is bad enough having it on my scalp but I am very unhappy about it on my forhead.
Avatar f tn I have a green fungus in my ears. I went to a ENT doctor and he cleaned them out but it is still in there. They will hurt. I know it came from my basement in Michigan. I lived in what is know as tornado alley and there was all this greenish gray dust everywhere. After ear drops he has me putting alcohol down them. What is the next step.
Avatar m tn Hi I just want to know what can cause some or all of these combined symptoms, Hair thinning, lost of appetite, a few dark toenails but not all of them, 1 fingernail half light pink half light brown with vertical lines no ridges, wart on ball of both feet and lately some lost of taste (I'm thinking due to thin white film on tongue) I was a Severe smoker until recently when I stopped.