
Fetal development pictures week 6

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1339501 tn?1285439404 My HCG had gone from 7500 to 16000 in 48 hours and from my LMP I should have been 7 weeks 6 days, but the u/s showed just a sac, no yolk sac, no fetal pole, no heartbeat. I was online constantly researching u/s's, fetal development, and what I should have seen (the fetal pole, the yolk sac). Almost everything I read online pointed towards miscarriage, or me having my dates wrong (which is impossible because the last time I had sex was the given conception date).
Avatar f tn it is written on the ultrasound pictures. I supposed based on the fetal size, a statistic to check if they are growing normally.
Avatar f tn Brain waves are detectable; mouth and lips are present; fingernails are forming. Week 7: Eyelids, and toes form, nose distinct. The baby is kicking and swimming. Week 8: Every organ is in place, bones begin to replace cartilage, and fingerprints begin to form. By the 8th week the baby can begin to hear. Week 12: All of the baby's organs are fully functional.
Avatar f tn I also had an u/s at 6 weeks where all they saw was a gestational sac (no yolk sac or fetal pole) by around 7 weeks there was a yolk sac, fetal pole and heart beat!! I think there are even women on here that have had to wait till closer to 8 weeks to see anything. My Dr. was also on the negative side, I think they feel the need to prepare you for the worst. (((HUGS))) The fact that your levels almost tripled is great! Let us know how your next appt goes!
Avatar f tn I believe it was just the gestational sac. Then the following week at 6 weeks 1 day, my doc saw the yolk sacs as well on both babies (twins), and saw the hearts beating on the monitor. Ultrasound at 7 weeks showed their growth progress and we heard the hearts beating via ultrasound. So don't get discouraged. Every pregancy is different. So they may see the yolk sac and a heart beat next time you go for your ultra sound. Good Luck to you.
Avatar f tn Hi there Just went for another internal ultrasound today (friday) and they found a gestasional sac and yolk sac same as on Monday but still no fetal pole. They measured me at 6 weeks 1 day today.. They said the gest sac and yolk sac had grown accordingly since Monday so that was reassuring but told me to come back in a week to see if they can find fetal pole and hbeat. I've heard all sorts of variations on when they can find hbeat anything from 6 up to 8 weeks. What do you think?
Avatar f tn Hi, I'm 6 weeks pregnant at the moment and i thought everything was going find until i got a call from my hospital telling me they needed to schedule me for an earlier appointment because when reviewing my ultrasounds they saw a problem with the fetus development. does anyone have any idea what this can mean? I would really appreciate it if you can help.
Avatar n tn Usually the 5th week you will see the gestational sac but maybe no fetal pole. By week 6-7 you should see the fetal pole and if you're lucky a heartbeat. By week 8 you should get a heartbeat. So if you are only 5 weeks it sounds like your development is very good seeing both a fetal pole and hb. Did he mention what the heartrate was?? I am not sure what the "likely" fetal pole means because if there is a heartbeat then there is definitely a fetal pole there!!
Avatar n tn If you break embryonic and fetal development into thirds then when you are in your 28th week the baby begins its final third of development. (Gestation is 266 days or 38 weeks of development). So either way you look at it you are in your 3rd trimester!
Avatar m tn i went in and they said according to my last menstral cycle i was 7 wks... then i had an ultra sound and it showed me being only 5 wks and no sign on an emryo so i went back 10 days later and the ultra sound showed me being 6 wks 3 days and there was an embryo as well as my babys heartbeat! so... im guessing you are just right at 6 wks if you are even that far bc my dr said you wont see a heartbeat until atleast 6 wks 3 days and possibly not even that soon!!
Avatar n tn She said that the gestational and yolk sacs were visible but I will need to make an appointment in a week to come back to see the fetal pole and heartbeat, that it is just too soon to tell. She never mentioned what the two white dots inside the gestational sac were. Was it my baby, more than one, the beginnings of the fetal pole? Anyone know, or is it too early to know? Do the dots indicate fetal matter? Would she have been able to see anything inside this early?
Avatar f tn hello girls! this is my first time here in this forum. its my 6 week, first pregnancy and i had some on and off brown spotting since monday, i got scared and decided to see my OB. she advised me that i shud get a scan, at the transV u/s only a gestational sac was seen. though it's well-formed, i wished seeing something else other than the sac.. should i be worried? i was asked to come back in two weeks for a viability scan and see if the yolk sac, fetal pole and heartbeat are all there.
7975661 tn?1403095318 They check the brain development, heart, blood flow, oxygen flow, the stomach, fingers, toes, arms, legs, make sure the navel cord is connected to you properly. Basically a very detailed physical. They will give you pictures and tell you the sex if your little one doesn't hide it....
Avatar f tn Thank you that helps alot