
Fetal development facts information

Common Questions and Answers about Fetal development facts information


1434024 tn?1329812840 It can be caused by structural defects in the brain and spinal cord that occur during fetal development, whether caused by genetic mutations or lack of proper vitamins or nutrients in the maternal diet." Unquote.. AND.. Quote "It can also be caused later in life if spinal fluid is drained excessively from the lumbar or thoracic areas of the spine either due to injury, exposure to harmful substances, or infection. Unquote..
Avatar n tn I had an anti abortion activist explain the theory of the breast cancer link, and I was wondering if you could give me some insight into these claims. They explained the types of lobules and their development. That throughout the first trimester, the number of Type 1 and Type 2 lobules rapidly increase, resulting in the breast having more sites for cancer to start. In the second trimester, the lobules start maturing into Type 4 lobules, which are cancer resistant.
Avatar n tn Choroid plexus cyst From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Choroid plexus cyst Classification and external resources ICD-10 G93.0 ICD-9 348.0 Choroid plexus cysts (CPCs) are cysts that occur within choroid plexus of the brain. The brain contains pockets or spaces called ventricles with a spongy layer of cells and blood vessels called the choroid plexus. This is in the middle of the fetal brain.
Avatar f tn http://www.cpfamilynetwork.
Avatar f tn Hello, Doxycycline, like other tetracycline-class antibiotics, can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. The use of drugs of the tetracycline-class during tooth development (last half of pregnancy, infancy, and childhood up to the age of 8 years) may cause permanent discoloration of the teeth (yellow-gray-brown).
Avatar f tn **not and **Development lol phone doesn't let me edit sorry :)
Avatar f tn The fetal heart undergoes a considerable amount of growth very early in pregnancy. The most critical period of its development is between three and seven weeks after fertilization, when a simple heart tube assumes the shape of a four-chambered heart. In fact, the heart actually begins beating by the 22nd day of life.
Avatar f tn s IQ (intelligence) by about 10 points, so it is most likely negatively affects fetal brain development. I do hope that you are eating right and exercising but you also want to stay away from all unneeded drugs and alcohol while you are pregnant and nursing or mothering young children. Please take good care of yourself and that way you can be sure you are taking the best care of your child.
Avatar f tn m 6 weeks pregnant at the moment and i thought everything was going find until i got a call from my hospital telling me they needed to schedule me for an earlier appointment because when reviewing my ultrasounds they saw a problem with the fetus development. does anyone have any idea what this can mean? I would really appreciate it if you can help.
Avatar f tn Sounds like the growth of baby is progressing normally, the only thing I hadnt heard of either was the "tail". Below is a complicated quote that mentions the growth and then regression of the "tail" during early fetal development. Do you have a follow-up US to monitor things? Your HCG levels and observation of HB are very encouraging. "the rostral neuropore closes and develops into the forebrain prominence and then the head.
Avatar m tn My daughter's ultra sound shows appropriate constant brain development but always with a 10 day lag. This 10 day lag has been consistent with each ultra sound. Will the brain eventually "catch up" or does this indicate a significant delay or the potential for a developmental disability. Each doctor reading the ultra sound continues to assure her that the brain is in the "average range" and there is nothing to worry about. Ventricules are proper size.
Avatar f tn s IQ (intelligence) by about 10 points, so it is most likely negatively affects fetal brain development. I do hope that you are eating right and exercising but you also want to stay away from all unneeded drugs and alcohol while you are pregnant and nursing or mothering young children. Please take good care of yourself and that way you can be sure you are taking the best care of your child.
7366593 tn?1400009626 So, let me give you the facts that you probably already know, but they are important to repeat. Smoking while pregnant will: Lower the amount of oxygen and nutrient available your growing baby. Increase your baby's heart rate. Increase the chances of miscarriage and stillbirth. Increase the risk that your baby is born prematurely and/or born with low birth weight. Increase your baby's risk of developing respiratory (lung) problems. Second hand smoke has been shown to be just as harmful.
Avatar n tn I have HSV-1 (no visible outbreak prior to or at time of incident) with an uninfected girlfriend of four months. Ours was a committed relationship, but I did not tell her that I had HSV-1 which was wrong. We kissed, had oral to genital sex, and protected intercourse until the incident, when we had oral to genital sex, and we had first-time unprotected intercourse. So, recent sexual history occurred on: Incident Day -12 or 13, and Incident Day.