
Exenatide weekly

Common Questions and Answers about Exenatide weekly


Avatar f tn When do I start my weekly appointments Im 31+5 already going every 2 weeks.
Avatar f tn Has anyone been already scheduled for weekly visits or knows when those will begin? I am due Nov.10 and I see my dr every 2 weeks now but I am wondering if weekly visits will begin late September or October.. Just curious.
Avatar f tn After they put you weekly appointments do they keep checking to see if your dilating???
Avatar f tn I Start My Weekly Appointments On December 2nd(: Yay Me!!! When Did You Start Yours?
Avatar f tn Anyone taking weekly pics? I want to make a shutterfly book with weekly pics but I tried tonight and turned out like crap. Im not creative enough for chalkboard but tried with a poster board. Any ideas?
Avatar f tn When did you start seeing your doc weekly?
120574 tn?1240767840 Has anyone had Taxol weekly? What was it like? What type of symtoms did you have?
Avatar f tn Im 30w4d and my doctor has me going for weekly ultrasounds. That does seem normal and none of family or friends understand it ether. They said the baby was at a health weight.amd length.
Avatar f tn I go weekly to the doctor now i'm 37 Weeks they checked me last week for dialation and there was none just the cervix softening. My question is are they going to check weekly? Or everyother week? I know every doctor is different but just wondering.
Avatar f tn as for the checks some docs start cervical checks weekly around 36 weeks while ive heard others dont do them until your due. They will check your utuerus measurements every time though to make sure everything is looking fine.
120574 tn?1240767840 Started on Weekly Taxol. I feel ok, very little on the symtom side. Do not understand it? My ascites did go down, but numbers went up on the gemzar.
1285110 tn?1420147378 Is anyone up for having a group weekly exercise challenge - like we did in the old days....? examples of challenges would be: 30 sit ups a day every day this week 15 mins walking every day extra to normal every day this week. Anyone up for a bit of combined effort and team work? We would post on here our progress - highs and lows. So we can support and help eachother to go that little further towards reaching our goals.
649848 tn?1534633700 Hope everyone is doing well & making progress on their weekly challenge.
796506 tn?1370188305 So I figured since we are all either in our last trimester or are really really close that we should keep each other updated weekly on what is going on in our lives and with our rapidly growing babies! As for me still haven't started the nursery... I keep thinking about colors and it is so hard for me to decide. I don't know if I should go pink (the room is creme right now), teal, green and brown or what... It is going to be something that is matched with the colors in the bedding...
748902 tn?1286034758 Weekly Challenge: 7/4 to 7/11 Elaine 1961 = 197.8 to 198.
1042487 tn?1275279899 I just want to let you know that i will add a weekly informative post each weak talking about various alternative therapies. I won't be talking about subjects with no scientific values like astrology and homeopathy but i will do my best to provide you all with valuable knowledge about various subject we expect to be talked here. My next informative post is gonna be on Biofeedback and the impact of beliefs on your biology.
1333875 tn?1316797244 well just thought i would open up a post where we can put down our weekly updates... i am 20 weeks today my next doctor appointment is 11/19th i also get another ultrasound to finish the anatomy my little princess was not cooperating to show her face to well... i have been feeling the baby move a lot the past couple of days she kicks down though ? LOL so it feels a little weird... i have gained about 9 or 10 pounds so far... not sure if thats a lot or not??? i feel like it is a lot!!!
114870 tn?1210298346 Im curious to know if anyone here has received weekly taxol for platinum resistance and how it worked for you. Starting next week my Mom will begin weekly taxol. Her oncologist said in some cases doing weekly taxol may overcome the platinum drug resistance. She last received taxotere 2 years ago, so we are hopping she responds to it. Her disease has progressed a lot in developing ascites, other then that all her organs are untouched.
114870 tn?1210298346 Goodman My Mom is obviously platinum resistant and her doctor recommended to try weekly taxol. She last received platinum drug two years ago of taxotere. Or our other option is Alimta. She has recurrent ascites that is not responding to any drugs. Our other option is waiting 3 more weeks for our consultation at memorial sloan in NYC possibly enroll into a clinical trial.