
Ear and jaw pain in children

Common Questions and Answers about Ear and jaw pain in children


Avatar n tn I know many people with this and it can cause headaches, neck pain, ear pain, all kinds of pain in your head/face area. First I would talk with your regular doctor then maybe a referral, if your doctor agrees, to someone who specializes in TMJ disorders. Please remember this is just a guess, so see your family doctor first OK. Good luck and let me know how it goes. Take care.
Avatar f tn What is the cause for sudden pain and numbness in the ear and jaw joint? I am a 22 year old female and I have been experiencing these symptoms since yesterday. I was fine until the evening when I touched my right ear (towards the inside) and minced in pain. Since then I have noticed pain, pressure and partial numbness what feels like the inside of my ear, towards the middle, and about an inch around it surrounding the top of my jaw joint. I have difficulty opening my mouth too much.
5555569 tn?1369800168 Hello and hope you are doing well. Considering your symptoms of jaw tenderness and pain on chewing, your symptoms could be due to temporomandibular (TMJ) joint arthritis. This is the jaw joint and inflammation of this joint can cause pain on opening the mouth and tenderness on palpation behind the ear. The pain could also be due to an enlarged and inflamed lymph node or salivary gland enlargement. Please consult a dentist for assessment. He may ask for blood tests and an X ray.
Avatar n tn Hi everyone can anyone help,for the last 2 months i've had pain in top of my jaw by my ear lobe, the jaw is sometimes stiff and cracks , there is pain also in the gums around the back teeth on the same side of the jaw , the teeth feel tender the pain travels down to the troat and ear. Have no lumps or bumps around these areas. Booked to see my denist.
1446980 tn?1286838538 Yup, I get ear and jaw pain too. My jaw feels tight, my ears feel full, kinda like I'm 20 ft underwater. I get stabbing pains along my jawline and behind my ears. My mom is a dental hygienist. Her theory is that compression or inflammation is putting pressure on the 4th trigeminal nerve. I think it was 4th. Those stabbing, sharp, shooting pains are nerve pain. Pain meds won't touch them. Neurontin could help.
Avatar n tn ve been to an ENT and three doctors, and none saw any fluid in my ear. Every doctor I saw had a different response. The ENT said, "Oh, just air not pressurizing properly." I'm assuming (since he did not elaborate or do further tests to see why) that my Eustachian Tube is not opening and closing properly due to inflammation.
Avatar f tn ) My pain and lumps are primarily associated with my right side of my jaw ear and neck area. Often times the whole side of my neck feels tight and swollen on the inside and under my tongue as well. I feel like something is pressing on nerves causing tingling soreness and discomfort. I asked the doctor if antibiotics would be a consideration for treatment 6 months ago and I got the talk about the over use of antibiotics. I have still not taken any type of antibiotics in regard to this problem.
Avatar n tn I am having chronic pain in left side of head, ear, jaw, teeth, and hard palate. This has happened before in past years but only short time and not as bad as this time. I am in a tremendous amount of pain. Nsaids help on a tiny bit. Dentist found nothing, but made a 3 hundred dollar mouth guard. Any help will be appreciated. Pain is both constant and shooting.
3052618 tn?1344105035 which is somehow true as pain originates from c2.and then it hits in my left ear and the face from ear to eye.sometimes i feel as if somebody has beaten me up all night on the side.the most horrible pain definetly.
1759659 tn?1312975493 Two days ago I started to get this pain in my inner ear I have read up about the possibilities of which it could be ; Ear Infection, Swimmers Ear A Non-Burst Ear drum of a flight and a Burst Ear Drum since of these things I think that may have to go into way more detail. Firstly I was swimming in my pool under water when I heard water suction which went into my ear when I got out I tried to dispurse of this water.
387767 tn?1345872027 I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and thought that I had it under control. But lately I have been having ear pain that feels like pressure in my ears. My jaw has started to hurt, and there are times that my throat has started to close up. My food has actually gotten stuck in there a couple of times. The ear pain started in my right ear, but now it is in my left ear, too. I don't know what is going on but if anyone found any answers since their last post, please let me know.
387767 tn?1345872027 Is it possible to have arthritis in the jaw? I get pain in my jaw right near my ear, and I get pain in my ear, especially the left one. I also get a sharp pains in my head on that side. I am worried. Doctors are not really giving me an answer, and I visited several dentists to check my teeth and for TMJ. My jaw kind of clicks when I move it, but not really any pain in my mouth. Since I have arthritis in so many other joints, is it possible to have it here too?
389345 tn?1209322565 I went to my pcp and she told me to take ibproffen and hot and cold compresses for a week and if not better she wants to send me to another dr. to fit me for a jaw slint to were to bed at night. She said that this would allign my jaw again. My diagnoses was TMJ. Its been weeks now and still not better.hurts to open my mouth so far and can't bite down all the way. Anyways thanks for your advice.
Avatar n tn The first root canal on #30 tooth was done on May 21 and then about five days later I started getting pain in the tooth area and thoughout my jaw area and into my ear. I went back to my endodonist who said it was not the tooth and then referred me to an oral surgeon/Maxillofacial dentist who said I was having jaw spasms due to the fact that I had two root canals done just a few days apart and my mouth was open for so long.
Avatar f tn For 5 days now I have terrible pain in my jaw radiating to my ear(ear is fine teeth are fine)..I ve had it before but not for so long and not with it affecting my speech. Others say I dont talk any different but sometimes it feels funny like my teeth touch my tongue or as if my tongue is swollen. Whats going on? Is this permanent?
Avatar m tn Since that incident I have had head aches and dizziness on and off for this past yr. I have noticed increased jaw pain that extends from my jaw near my earlobe up to the front/top side of my ear. My question is what damage could have I caused in that yelling incident. I had no previous problems before it. Where do I go from here. Should I see a dentist or oral surgeon. Your comments are greatly appreciated!
Avatar f tn For about 3 weeks now I have had severe pain in my right ear, my right side of my jaw, bad headaches, and chest pains. Nothing seems to ease the pain. I am just getting scared that it is leading to a serious issue. I am currently without medical too. Can this be something serious?
Avatar f tn My dentist explained to me that I had TMJ syndrome. It causes discomfort in the jaw and the pain is right infront of the ear.
Avatar n tn For the past 3 weeks, I have had pain when chewing or biting down in my right ear and in that part of my jaw just below the temple. My dentist and orthodontist have said my jaw is disaligned in the past (I look normal though), but I have never had pain. My back molars do not touch when I bite, and my front teeth bite right together with no overbite at all. However, the pain has just now come and seems worse when I sleep on my face funny. Sometimes it is so bad that it is difficult to eat.
Avatar n tn It started about 8month ago. Now the pain inside ear is stronger and pain ander the jaw. But, it is not constant. I have a lot of stress at work now and think that it can be the stress. I went to 2 ENT, did MRI, wnet 5 times to my enternal and no one found anythihg. My entrnal prescribed me Mobic antiinflamattory drug. I will try it.Also, the area around the ear feels tender. It all drives me crazy since no one has any answer.
Avatar n tn I dont feel any pain until i open my jaw more than half way. My ear feels like theres a lot of fluid in it. I was thinking it might be an ear infection. But why would my jaw really hurt to open more than half way? It doesnt hurt when I chew either. Does anyone know what I might have?
Avatar f tn There are many cases where individuals that suffering from sinus congestion also experience pressure in the ear, with earaches and even jaw pain. The earaches you are having may be an infection in the ear due to blocked sinuses. Other causes of aw pain can be due to infection of salivary gland like parotitis, infected foci, osteoporosis related jaw disarticulation or fracture.
Avatar f tn It feels tender and sore and it is only on my right ear. The pain seems to be concentrated around my ear. I am currently in Europe for six months, without health insurance. What should I do? For years and years, I would chew on hard items, like tops of water bottles ( I know gross habit )...and I have always been known to chew gum! So I think my TMD is a direct result to me not taking care of my jaw. I also have hypothyroid and take medication every day. Please help...
Avatar n tn I have severe pain in my jaw and it is difficult to close my mouth without tension/pain. It sends stabbing pain both in my jaw and ear at night. I also have a lump on the jaw joint near my ear!!! I has been going on since begining of september.I wake up screaming. It is like some stabbed me with a long knitting needle after held over a flame!!!!!! This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/434413'>Lump on jaw?</a>.
Avatar f tn I am concerned. I have ear pain, and dizziness with some jaw pain and some tingling in my arm and fingers.. This is Making my head feel like it's swimming. I have been to see my Dr. and he has put me on Methylprednisolone tablets. A six day dose. When I first started them the dizziness seem to go away. The pain in my left ear is better than my right one. I feel great when I wake up. I go to the gym and everything is fine but as the morning goes on I begin to get symptoms.