
Duloxetine and weight

Common Questions and Answers about Duloxetine and weight


Avatar n tn I would not have recommend you to go onto duloxetine, in some, duloxetine can cause kidney and liver problems, drinking alcohol while taking this drug will unfortunately increase that risk and even more so with someone with your condition.
Avatar n tn First thing to note, Unfortunately smoking does affects the amount of duloxetine in your system and blood stream meaning that you will loose between 40 - 50% of the duloxetine dose you take. It is not uncommon for people to have their duloxetine prescription increased if they smoke.
5055866 tn?1362951481 Unfortunately smoking does affects the amount of duloxetine in your system and blood stream meaning that you will loose between 40 - 50% of the duloxetine dose you take. It is not uncommon for people to have their duloxetine prescription increased if they smoke. Unfortunately it is not uncommon if you miss a dose to be experiencing these problems if your on a high dose, my patients even at a dose of 30mg do experience brain zaps, nausea and vomiting even with just one day missed.
Avatar f tn Well done on the weight-loss. I gained 32lb on sertraline (zoloft) and havent managed to shift much at all.
1218873 tn?1300091216 First thing to note, Unfortunately smoking does affects the amount of duloxetine in your system and blood stream meaning that you will loose between 40 - 50% of the duloxetine dose you take. It is not uncommon for people to have their duloxetine prescription increased if they smoke.
Avatar f tn I was on that for several years and did better than anything else but my neuro wanted me off it, so I agreed to go with the Duloxetine. There are options.
1580828 tn?1322128022 Unfortunately smoking does affects the amount of duloxetine in your system and blood stream meaning that you will loose between 40 - 50% of the duloxetine dose you take. It is not uncommon for people to have their duloxetine prescription increased if they smoke.
Avatar f tn I am taking DULOXETINE 60MG.
Avatar f tn I did take Duloxetine previously for pain (adjunct to the Celebrex) and it did help, but my GP is skeptical that Gabapentin would help even if combined with Duloxetine. Does anyone else have Osteoarthritis and is unable to take NSAIDS and have you found a medication that works? Thanks in advance for your replies.
Avatar f tn I think my anxiety attacks are pretty much under control since I take the duloxetine, and I really think with me taking Duloxetine and me completely stopping the vyvanse was why I didn't have a harder time coming off the medication.
Avatar f tn There is a risk from duloxetine in general can cause kidney and liver trouble in some, drinking alcohol while on this drug increases this likely hood and if your a alcoholic then my advice is to have 6 month blood tests of your kidney and liver functions.
713582 tn?1298262321 you can learn to deal with and cope with life without using food to shut off your feelings, and shut down your mind....I have a book on the subject and website to help you start working on learning a new way..its a 12 week www. it the comments of members..
Avatar m tn It is effective for major depressive disorder and it is as effective as venlafaxine in generalised anxiety disorder. It is well tolerated and is considered a first line treatment strategy. Duloxetine failed the US approval for stress urinary incontinence amidst the concerns about liver toxicity and suicidal events; however, it was approved for this indication in Europe and Canada.
Avatar m tn My heart was racing, I felt like I the room was closing in on me, sweats, and gained about 30 lbs in the last yr. I thought maybe my dosage was off on the Cymbalta so my doctor increased it which I stopped as soon as I started...I felt it was not that. Fortunately, I have not suffered major side effects from the Cymbalta which I know can be awful. Then recently on top of those feelings I started getting horrible pain in my wrists which I thought might be carpal tunnel or tendonitis...
446049 tn?1649005835 I am starting on a very low dose of the cymbalta, so that I can transition off the first one, and onto this one. Both my new gyne and my psych want me to give this a try. Since I have at least another month or two wait before I can go to the pain clinic, I'm willing to give everything I can a try! Some people do get wonderful results from the reviews I've read on line, so I am crossing my fingers I get the same results! My next step would be Neurontin.
20003388 tn?1515166040 I was recently switched from Paroxetine to Fluoxetine. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. When on Paroxetine and I was tired ALL the time. I was literally falling asleep at my desk. It was hard to stay awake. I do have obstructive sleep apnea however I use a CPAP every night. According to the readout on the machine I usually stay between 2 and 4 events an hour.
649848 tn?1534633700 Hi Athena I'm so glad to hear that you have the "too small" clothes from your sister-in-law that now fit. I know how exciting it is to fit into smaller clothes. Do you mind telling us how much weight you've lost altogether? You don't have tell us your weight - just how much you've lost, if you don't mind.
Avatar f tn Due to the money crunch we have had to look to the canadian drug companys for my husbands meds that he takes, and when I ordered the cymbalta that is what they sent, and when I questioned it they said it was the same... So a little feed back would be great. thanks.
Avatar m tn For 8 years I have been getting a number of symptoms that have grown both in number and severity. I get an extremely sharp pain shooting down my left arm from the armpit to the end of my thumb and forefinger which could last up to about 10 secs (I call it the stinger) I still get this but less frequently. To this day, I have an increasing number of all sorts of shooting, stabbing, gnawing & aching pains all over my body along with stiff painful joints.
Avatar m tn I'm on Day 3 of Duloxetine and I've started having numbness/tingling in my arms, legs, hands and face. Is this normal and will it go away with time? I'm used to certain side effects from SSRI/SSNRI medications but never had this one before. It isn't super bad but it is kind of annoying. Any answers would be much appreciated.
Avatar n tn Hi, drugs like phenytoin, carbamazepine, gabapentin, and pregabalin, tricyclic antidepressants like amitryptline and duloxetine are some of the alternatives. But every drug has got side effects, so it is more of hit and trial to find out the right medicine for right candidate. Individual’s body respond differently to different drugs depending upon their genetic make up and metabolism.
Avatar f tn s different. By the way, if you find a drug that works really well and it does have sexual and weight side effects, combining it with a little wellbutrin can be helpful and doesn't have the same highly stimulating effects wellbutrin has when used as the main drug.