
Diovan and breast cancer

Common Questions and Answers about Diovan and breast cancer


807129 tn?1245273527 Anyhow, she was recently also diagnosed with breast cancer (when it rains, it pours!), and she had a mastectomy. However, they did find some malignancy in her lymph nodes. My dad is worried about making a decision of how/whether to pursue treatment. He's worried about getting the advice from the oncologist and neurologist on the same page; whether anything with the MS will make it riskier for her to go through the treatments, etc. Does anyone have any insight/information on this?
514523 tn?1215832667 8 I have high bloodpressure and have been on Diovan for 2 months . But My Dr. is giving me Toprol and Zocor too while I wait to see the ENDO . I am kinda scared to take all these meds along with what the Endo is gonna give me. Anyone with hyperthyroidism taking any of these meds and do they have bad side effects?
Avatar m tn I am taking 160 mg Diovan for high blood pressure, as well as 20 mg Levostatin for high cholesterol. I believe that I have ed caused by the Diovan. Is it safe to take ed drugs as well?
Avatar f tn s on lipitor 80mg once daily, metoprolol 25mg (2x daily), diovan, and aspirin 81mg. any comment on this prescription mix? thanks so much for your advice.
Avatar m tn 3 months ago I was at 230lbs, and I would always get these pains in my chest and my heart would beat fast. Current weight 207lbs. Cardiologist said I have too many extra beats and put me on Atenolol on Tuesday. But he doesn't know about my history of HBP from my family doctor. My BP had always been high since last year. Untill now my Family doctor put me on Diovan 80mg plus Cardiologist put me on Atenolol 50mg. Can High Blood pressure cause PVC's?
Avatar f tn I had taken Toprolol when much younger and in normal sinus rhythm (then it too was 50mg SR) and it had no side effects that I can recall, I was still running for exercise. You might want to discuss using a calcium channel blocker to lower blood pressure. In all my comments are made with no knowledge of "diovan" and its side-effects. Good luck in finding a way to keep the BP normal, that is an important issue.
Avatar m tn s CARE) done between 1994 and 1998 showed there was no increased risk of breast cancer in current or former users of birth control pills. Two newer studies (2011) confirm that oral contraceptives are not associated with breast cancer–specific or all-cause mortality. In general, most studies have not found an overall increased risk of breast cancer due to the use of oral contraceptives.
Avatar f tn I am taking Amlodipine (Norvasc) 5mg and occasionally my legs and ankles (on both legs and never the leg itself) will swell to the point that my shoes will no longer fit, but the the swelling will go down for a while (a week, two weeks perhaps) until it happens again.
Avatar f tn Residual infiltrating lobular carcinoma of breast. fibroadenoma of breast, fibrocystic changes of breast including fibrosis and apocrine metaplasia, Estrogen and Progesterone positive and HER2/Neu positive. Predictive marker at 2+ and fluorescence in situ Hybrization fish report not amplified. Biopsy pathology said: Insitu and invasiave well differentiated carcinoma with mixed features of ductal and lobular differentiation.
Avatar f tn Two nights ago I started to get a pain down my left arm and tingles in my left hand. My mum has both breast taken off to breast cancer. I am very frightened that I have this. What do you think?
Avatar f tn Congratulations on your eight years! I hate to be the one to say this but there is no such thing as "out of the woods" with cancer, I wish there was. What you've done is reduced your risk for another estrogen positive breast cancer and ovarian cancer. But that doesn't mean you won't get a different type of breast cancer in the remaining breast tissue or another part of your body. But you know as well as I do that each year we are NED with cancer is better for our odds.
Avatar f tn I am 55 years old had recttal cancer removed 4/o8, and luckly no bag and no treatment. I have dense breast with micro calcification. Had a biopsy of right breast 2 years ago and was fine. Went for mamo and sono this past Monday and they saw microcalcification that they say is suspicious. So next friday I go to the hospital for yet anothet biopsy. My question is, for my surgery in april for the rectal cancer I had a chest cat scan and a full body pet scan. Both came up good.
Avatar f tn m really scared. If I do have breast cancer how much will the treatment cost and how long do I have to be on treatment? What is breast cancer exactly? Please help!!!
Avatar m tn Part 1: I am a 54 year old male. I have high blood pressure and have been on medication for about 2 years now. I started taking Diovan 40 mg about 3 years ago, but my doctor thought it wasn't working so he increased it to 160 mg. After a while, I started feeling dizzy or light headed and We decided to cut down diovan to 80 mg. the dizziness went away for a few monts then it came back and was getting worse. I made a big mistake of stopping the Diovan all together.
Avatar f tn What is the difference if any, between BREAST CANCER STAGES and BREAST BIOPSY GRADES I, II, III. Are Breast Cancer stages the same as Grades? Thank you all !
Avatar n tn No, she does not have breast cancer, but you should have it checked out if this continues.
Avatar n tn It has been my understanding that mets is related to cancer cells being present in the lymphatic system and that a piece of a tumor breaking off would be almost unheard of in the case of Breast Cancer. I believe the original poster was speaking of RISK rather than actual occurrence.
1346429 tn?1303874854 I can no longer take my heart meds for high blood pressure and irregular hb; topomax for migraines; metaphormin; and a few others. Which I quit taking some of my meds before pregnancy because I did a lifestyle change in which it helped enough that I could quit taking the extra meds. As far as C-section...both my boys were early but big because of the diabetes (not gestational) and I could not have them natually so this is another C-section baby.
720228 tn?1530911279 Lynch Syndrome has connection to many types of cancer ... Breast Cancer is NOT one of them. Breast pain is usually a result of hormone activity and I presume that since you had a baby just last year that you may not be over the age of 40 ..... Dense breast tissue is present in nearly half of all women of any age. This does not mean that you are at a higher risk for developing Breast Cancer.
1793863 tn?1325002184 Dear Ivankaivanova, I understand your concern, presumably after reading an article on MMTV (Mouse mammary tumor virus). However, though gene sequences of MMTV have been found in human breast and other cancers, its causality is not yet proven. The human-to-human transmission of MMTV causing breast cancer is even more hypothetical at this point. It is under research.