
Diltiazem long acting

Common Questions and Answers about Diltiazem long acting


Avatar n tn I looked up calcium channel blockers and found: •Diltiazem (Cardizem LA, Tiazac), thus I conclude we are taking basically the same thing. I went to Diltiazem to get the lower cost, and also lost the slow acting, thus I have to take my mediation twice a day. I can't remember if the change also relates to the loss of swelling in my ankle, but as said I no longer have that side effect and I continue to take Diltiazem twice a day.
Avatar n tn Experienced breakthrough arrhythmias and eventual return to tachycardia 170bpm that lasted 8 hours before heading to the ER again. Given fast-acting diltiazem 60mg, which seems to be working so far, although I'm still experiencing arrhythmias. Cardiologist preliminarily diagnosed AVNRT and recommended ablation asap. But now I, in addition to having this happen again, I am incredibly anxious about whether Medicaid covers this procedure. I can't find ANY information anywhere.
Avatar f tn IF labile blood pressure is an issue, I would take enalapril twice a day (even though commonly it is a once a day med, some people metabolize it faster). Also, adding another long-acting BP medication such as amlodipine might be helpful if HR is ideal but BP still too high. Lastly, have your doctors tried long-acting metoprolol and/or diltiazem for more stable HR/BP effect?
Avatar m tn BP is relatively normal. I take indapmide for that (From my regular doctor). In fact when my cardilolgist put me on diltiazem, he took me off indapamide. That didn't last long. The diltiazem did nothing for my BP. It went back up (Only talking +/- 140/90), so let me add bavk the indapamide. So, that is not an issue. Just the MVP/ diltazem issue.The pulse can stay n the 60's for awhile. At most during the day, in the 80's. (Of course, that is only when the rythym is normal).
Avatar f tn My Cardiologist wants to change my Rythmol (for PVCs) to Diltiazem due to long QTS from the Rythmol. Can anyone tell me how they did with either of these medications. Thank you, for any information.
Avatar n tn I am currently on 30 mg of diltiazem 3x day and i was wondering how effective is this dose at bring down your blood pressure. and how much would it bring it down. a rough estimate would be great. for i am hoping to come off of this medicine.
Avatar n tn He also put me on Diltiazem ER, with instructions to take three 30mg diltiazem fast acting, 30 minutes apart for an episode (which I just had this evening).........I add a 7.5 mg Tranxene, and that seems to help end it.......I'm nort an anxious person, but it's my opinion that my brain just automatically goes into that state when my heart is beating that fast and erratic.........
1622431 tn?1299070442 I have recently been diagnosed with pacs, and my doctor put me on diltiazem. Can any one tell me from experience how effective this treatment is?
Avatar f tn ve decided (and sent an email) to talk to the NP at the pain clinic about switching me over to a long-acting medication for my pain. I'm thinking it will give me better relief. Even though I'm on a high dose now (45 mg. every 4 hours of oxycodone,) my pain seems to return after 2 to 3 hours. And I did have a bad flare-up this weekend; most likely due to the fact I ran low on medication due to my script not coming in the mail. Now it's a question of which medication???
Avatar f tn Hi, I'm a 33 year old male, not overweight, not diabetic, I've been dealing with tachycardia for some time now. It comes and goes. I found that 50mg of Metoprolol twice a day would mostly control it, but as a 33 year old man, I began to notice major erection issues since being on it. Talked to my doctor, they want me to start 120mg a day of Diltiazem. I'm a little nervous about it, but they assured me it's no more potent a medication.
672586 tn?1280933658 At my request, my family physician has agreed to change my medication from daily metoprolol extended release 100 mg to daily diltiazem 120 mg. Can I simply switch without fear of withdrawal symptoms from the metoprolol? His instructions were to stop taking the metoprolol when I start the new diltiazem. I was not aware that I might face withdrawal from metoprolol.
Avatar f tn Two weeks ago my Cardio doctor changed my medication from Cardizem LA to Diltiazem CD. I know it's the generic brand of Cardizem. Anyway he raised my dosage from 240 mg. to 300 mg. For a whole week I had some terrible side effects. I blacked out once while sitting at my computer and then I came close to blacking out on a daily basis. I also felt off balance. I ended up going to my primary doctor, not for this, but for something else. I guess it was a follow up appointment.
Avatar f tn ) Afterwards, my cardiologist took me off my Flecainide and Diltiazem and put me on 10mg of Nadolol which I can increase to 20mg after a week if I feel like doing so. I was still feeling good from the sedation at the time, so I didn't question it but Nadolol is used to lower blood pressure and my blood pressure already runs low, so that's unnecessary. I wasn't prescribed anything else, no blood thinners, nothing. The only other medication I take is Clonazepam .
Avatar n tn The episodes are getting more frequent in recent years, a couple of times each year. The episodes are long and I have to go ER to terminate it by IV medicine each time. My heart rate is also very fast, around 200 b per min, even more. The situation is getting worse this year. I had four episodes already this year even I took medicine Diltiazem (180 mg) everyday. The good thing is I can terminate it by taking extra Diltiazem (250 mg) and lay down for 30 mins.
Avatar f tn I am taking 25mg metoprolol and 60mg diltiazem daily. I was up to 50mg metoprolol and 120mg diltiazem daily at one point but have cut back recently. Since cutting back I have been less fatigued and seem to have less difficulty breathing although I still have the annoying headaches. I am trying to find the best way to deal with the SVTs and palpitations but maintain a decent quality of life. I don't believe these particular meds are going to do it for me.
Avatar f tn i am 24 and am now on diltiazem lowest dose. i am very symptomatic to meds. i was on metoprolol and i had bad asthma with it. so recently i was switched. well i am a nursing student ready to graduate and am pretty fond of the heart and conduction, so i am affraid of things like clot formations and the fact that the medicine isnt stopping the flutters. if i up my dose i get very dizzy and feel like i have motion sickness like the floor is moving from under me. its really odd, anywho...
996946 tn?1503249112 s on Vetmedin, 5mg...Enalapril, 10mg...furosemide (lasix) 40 mg, and Diltiazem 40mg. His coughing has not improved. I'm wondering if he really needs the Vetmedin or the Diltiazem? I know his HR seems normal now but because of having heartworms a few yrs ago, he has the residual side effect of CHF. I just hate giving him so many meds and he's not getting better! Any quick suggestions?
Avatar f tn If one never had swollen gums after taking Diltiazem Hydrochloride Extended-release Capsules USP for years and then suddenly has swollen gums (no redness or infection) could the Diltiazem suddenly cause this after getting a "deep cleaning" of the teeth, or 'probing for pocket depths' at a dentist?
182884 tn?1259312906 I can share my own experience with Diltiazem. Back in February I was put on Diltiazem 120 ER (extended release) and only had to take it once a day. Compared to the Verapamil (also a CCB) that I had to try years ago and I ended up in the ER, the Diltiazem was a dream to take. I had some fatigue, was a bit slow mentally. The hardest part was the nasty headaches I got during the first week or so. They would hit a couple hours after I took the pill then go away.
Avatar m tn I take Metoprolol for a thick heart muscel & pvc, which it doesn't help much with the pvc's, Diltiazem was just added 120mg once a day. My doctor seemed somewhat reluctant to add the Diltiazem but said lets try it. My Blood pressure has been around 155/95. His reluctance just seems to scare me. Should I try it or should I not? If I do start taking it should I take it with the metoprolol or at different times?
Avatar n tn Hi Guys...Currently I take 360mg DR of Diltiazem once daily...I worry that since sometimes I forget as to whether I have taken my pill or not due to a fast paced life / career. My question is...If I were to accidentally take a double dose of the stuff would I end up kicking the bucket?
Avatar n tn Here are possible side effects....