
Diltiazem leg cramps

Common Questions and Answers about Diltiazem leg cramps


Avatar n tn Two weeks ago my doctor started me on Diltiazem 120 mg for racing heart. A cardiologist is doing some tests day after tomorrow. I have developed a severe rash that has now reached all of my body and itches like crazy. I am treating it with Benedry capsules and Caladryl lotion. Only tonight discovered it is a side effect of the prescription. Tomorrow I will not take the Diltiazem but meanwhile what should I do?
Avatar n tn I am currently on 30 mg of diltiazem 3x day and i was wondering how effective is this dose at bring down your blood pressure. and how much would it bring it down. a rough estimate would be great. for i am hoping to come off of this medicine.
5617263 tn?1374501466 My second atrial fib was after leg surgery and the nurses misread my dosage and were giving me 25 mg. instead of 50. I developed clots in my legs from that surgery and had to go back to have them dissolved through a catheter inserted through the groin and down my leg. I was then put on Warfarin. The third atrial fib was last Friday night. The doctor in the ER put me on Cardizem (diltiazem) and changed my simvastatin to Lipitor. They instructed me to cut back on the metropolol to 25 mg.
Avatar m tn BP is relatively normal. I take indapmide for that (From my regular doctor). In fact when my cardilolgist put me on diltiazem, he took me off indapamide. That didn't last long. The diltiazem did nothing for my BP. It went back up (Only talking +/- 140/90), so let me add bavk the indapamide. So, that is not an issue. Just the MVP/ diltazem issue.The pulse can stay n the 60's for awhile. At most during the day, in the 80's. (Of course, that is only when the rythym is normal).
1622431 tn?1299070442 I have recently been diagnosed with pacs, and my doctor put me on diltiazem. Can any one tell me from experience how effective this treatment is?
Avatar f tn The Causes Foot, leg, and ankle swelling is common with the following Being overweight, Blood clot in the leg, Increased age, Leg infection, Veins in the legs that cannot properly pump blood back to the heart. Injury or surgery involving the leg, ankle, or foot can cause swelling. Swelling may also occur after pelvic surgery, especially for cancer. Long airplane flights or car rides, as well as standing for long periods of time, often lead to some swelling in the feet and ankles.
Avatar f tn im 31 weeks today and i have really bad leg cramps at night. what can i do to relieve leg cramps?
Avatar f tn Omg I woke up to some bad leg cramps I couldn't do nothing but scream what can I do to make them go away I'm 27weeks 5days and suggestions help
Avatar f tn Lately everytime I am sleeping I am waking up with really painful leg cramps. Yesterday I had to get out of bed to stretch it out and it seemed like it was taking forever to go away. Now today I woke up with one in my other leg.....what can I do to get rid of these? Im constantly stretching my legs, wiggling my toes, and moving my ankles.
Avatar f tn Yes, I agree with you on the potassium deficiency. It is a frequent cause of leg cramps.
Avatar f tn Try eating more bananas. I think the potasium in them help w cramps.
Avatar f tn s better than waking up in pain from leg cramps.. As soon as I started drinking just a glass before bed I haven't had a single one and mine used to ce every night and were unbearable!!
10504858 tn?1423544346 I've had leg cramps here and there throughout my pregnancy, but today my right calf is hurting really bad. It feels like I worked out for hours, but I woke up this way. Is there anything I can do to ease the pain?
Avatar f tn Hey ladies, do u ever wake up with leg cramps like what do you do to stop the cramps
Avatar f tn I'm 30 weeks & 6 days & I get woke up almost every night by terrible leg cramps. They're not so much in my legs, but more up by my hips. Does anyone else experience this? Is there anything I can do to prevent them?
8924846 tn?1410572901 I also had a lot of leg cramps at work where I stood and walked around for 8 hours + daily my doctor suggested a change of shoes from my kitchen shoes to actual running shoes with support inserts, she also gave me a note for a stool but because it would cause a hazardous work environment I got my hours cut 100% I'm still technically employed but I haven't worked in 3 months
Avatar f tn I'm due Feb 19th and I'm having bad leg cramps in the back of my leg. Anyone else ??
Avatar f tn is anyone else suffering with bad leg cramps? I wake up several times a week from leg cramps and now both my legs are currently bothering me. What can I do to help them??
Avatar f tn Every night I've been getting leg cramps And they hurt really bad , it started about two weeks ago idk if it has to do with pregnancy though. .., anyone else have this happen to them ?
Avatar f tn Since I entered the third trimester I've been getting leg cramps every night. I tried wrapping them, elevating, Tylenol, bananas, etc. In the morning my legs are so sore , I eat bananas like crazy and still every night like clock work. It's bad enough I work evening, now the leg cramps keep me up. Does any one have any suggestions on what I can do to help my poor legs.
Avatar f tn Eating a banana or baked potato (with the skin on) may also help prevent leg cramps.. because of the potassium. Elevate your legs above your chest when this happens.
Avatar f tn Around 30 weeks I started having what was sort of like leg cramps. Did some research and realized it was Restless leg syndrome... They ache and you pretty much have to move them all the time. It was keeping me up at night. But like most pregnancy symptoms, they come and go. I suggest drink lots of water. I mean lots! Just doing that eased alot of my symptoms.
Avatar f tn There is a cream that is for pregnancy leg cramps. I had my husband massage my legs with it and it helped a lot. Also eat a banana before bed.
Avatar f tn I only get leg cramps when I stretch while I am sleeping. These are very painful,sometimes makes me yell out. But if I stretch while awake, nothing happens. Anyone know why this is?
Avatar f tn u need to wear more supportive shoes trusts me!