
Diltiazem gingival hyperplasia

Common Questions and Answers about Diltiazem gingival hyperplasia


672586 tn?1280933658 Same thing happened to me after taking Diltiazem for 3 years. Developed Gingival Hyperplasia, lost two molars and now have to have expensive implants. Periodontist recommended talking to cardiologist about replacing Diltiazem, he has seen dramatic swelling of gums go down. Started Metoprolol Succiante by request of cardiologist, now it is just fine tuning dosage and a talk re ablation.
1090984 tn?1463769850 It is usually done in periodontitis where huge pockets are present, but for a RCT. Not sure, unless there is gingival hyperplasia present or something along those lines. Removing gingiva just for the sake of crown, seems like it may rise issues with biologic width. Mean_KItty was the need for the gingivectomy explained to you? By law they should tell you the procedure and why they are doing that.
1808278 tn?1338484942 Hi, you are right .Dilantin does cause gingival overgrowth and enlargement. These effects usually start appearing after 1-3 months of its usage. The excess gum tissue interferes with cleaning and tooth decay and periodontal disease becomes more prevelant.I will advise you to regularly schedule your appointments with the dentist for removal of plaque in the inaccessible areas of your teeth. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with chlorhexidine.Eliminate unnecessary sugars from your daily diet.
Avatar n tn There are gingival (gum) graft procedures that are successful. The tissue is often taken from the palate.It is possible in the future that this type of tissue can be genetically grown(for a better word).
Avatar n tn I am currently on 30 mg of diltiazem 3x day and i was wondering how effective is this dose at bring down your blood pressure. and how much would it bring it down. a rough estimate would be great. for i am hoping to come off of this medicine.
Avatar n tn What are some treatment options for gingival embrasures? They have become more prominent since I did deep cleaning last year.
Avatar m tn BP is relatively normal. I take indapmide for that (From my regular doctor). In fact when my cardilolgist put me on diltiazem, he took me off indapamide. That didn't last long. The diltiazem did nothing for my BP. It went back up (Only talking +/- 140/90), so let me add bavk the indapamide. So, that is not an issue. Just the MVP/ diltazem issue.The pulse can stay n the 60's for awhile. At most during the day, in the 80's. (Of course, that is only when the rythym is normal).
1622431 tn?1299070442 I have recently been diagnosed with pacs, and my doctor put me on diltiazem. Can any one tell me from experience how effective this treatment is?
Avatar m tn but when i was brushing my teeth, i had a gingival bleeding. my teeth blood was out. if my chopsticks really touch the hiv’ blood or other body fluid and then i had a gingivai bleeding. will i get hiv? i am afraid. my English is poor. can you understand my words? i am really afraid now.
Avatar f tn Two weeks ago my Cardio doctor changed my medication from Cardizem LA to Diltiazem CD. I know it's the generic brand of Cardizem. Anyway he raised my dosage from 240 mg. to 300 mg. For a whole week I had some terrible side effects. I blacked out once while sitting at my computer and then I came close to blacking out on a daily basis. I also felt off balance. I ended up going to my primary doctor, not for this, but for something else. I guess it was a follow up appointment.
Avatar n tn Sudden onset of generalized gingival swelling in young children is commonly associated with primary herpes infection. Seeing a pediatrician or oral medicine specialist is advised.
Avatar n tn First time, adenosine failed twice to bring down 180+ pulse. Diltiazem given, and worked. Sent home with extended-release 120mg diltiazem. Experienced breakthrough arrhythmias and eventual return to tachycardia 170bpm that lasted 8 hours before heading to the ER again. Given fast-acting diltiazem 60mg, which seems to be working so far, although I'm still experiencing arrhythmias. Cardiologist preliminarily diagnosed AVNRT and recommended ablation asap.
Avatar f tn I have been diagnosed with sick sinus syndrome. I was on diltiazem xt 120mg. I stopped taking the medicine 12 days ago could it still be in my system and be causing slow heart rate 40-45 during th day.
Avatar f tn Dear Madge - I am scheduled to see a breast surgeon tomorrow and hopefully will finally learn how we are going to proceed. Although I have taken histology, I could not give you a good answer to your question after all these years. I felt it was a term that I needed to relearn in case I see this on my pathology report. I retrieved this from the cancer.
Avatar f tn Hi, I'm a 33 year old male, not overweight, not diabetic, I've been dealing with tachycardia for some time now. It comes and goes. I found that 50mg of Metoprolol twice a day would mostly control it, but as a 33 year old man, I began to notice major erection issues since being on it. Talked to my doctor, they want me to start 120mg a day of Diltiazem. I'm a little nervous about it, but they assured me it's no more potent a medication.
996946 tn?1503249112 s on Vetmedin, 5mg...Enalapril, 10mg...furosemide (lasix) 40 mg, and Diltiazem 40mg. His coughing has not improved. I'm wondering if he really needs the Vetmedin or the Diltiazem? I know his HR seems normal now but because of having heartworms a few yrs ago, he has the residual side effect of CHF. I just hate giving him so many meds and he's not getting better! Any quick suggestions?
Avatar m tn I take Metoprolol for a thick heart muscel & pvc, which it doesn't help much with the pvc's, Diltiazem was just added 120mg once a day. My doctor seemed somewhat reluctant to add the Diltiazem but said lets try it. My Blood pressure has been around 155/95. His reluctance just seems to scare me. Should I try it or should I not? If I do start taking it should I take it with the metoprolol or at different times?
Avatar f tn Atypical hyperplasia is a precancerous condition that affects cells in the breast. Atypical hyperplasia describes an accumulation of abnormal cells in a breast duct (atypical ductal hyperplasia) or lobule (atypical lobular hyperplasia). Atypical hyperplasia isn't cancer, but it can be a forerunner to the development of breast cancer.
Avatar m tn I had a brief bout of A-Fib, and the ER put me on 15mg Diltiazem every 6 hrs. My physician a couple of days later bumped that up to 30mg/6hrs. Around a week into taking the drug, I lost most of the sense of taste; sweet, sour, salt. Initially I just had a tiny sense of "savory" as the only thing I could taste. I began to not be able to eat, because everything made me sick to my stomach. I read in the Diltiazem side-effects that this is called "taste perversion".
Avatar n tn Hi Guys...Currently I take 360mg DR of Diltiazem once daily...I worry that since sometimes I forget as to whether I have taken my pill or not due to a fast paced life / career. My question is...If I were to accidentally take a double dose of the stuff would I end up kicking the bucket?
Avatar f tn Do not use mouth wash right away wait about a week and stick with warm salt water rinse. The warm salt water rinse the salt water promotes healing of the gingival tissue. Mouth wash can be to harsh. And yes you should still brush you want to keep your mouth as free from bacteria as you can during healing. Food in between teeth, flossing. Always floss.
1445110 tn?1388209711 I was dx. with hyperplasia. I am currently on provera for 7days trying to stop bleeding. I have been bleeding now for 15days pretty heavy with clots. I just had a uterine biopsy in nov of 2010 that was negative and now this one is showing hyperplasia. I am 49yrs old and the hormone profile shows perimenopause. My question is what is the next recommended options. Of course I am having some anxiety since she said the hyperplasia was precancerous.